Page 37 - iNetreprenuer.magazine.winter2020
P. 37

PRS Band, my son’s band Silence  Most  of  us  have  no  idea  that  With over 19 years of professional
        the Requiem, multiple politicians  we  have  this  brilliance  just  photography  experience,  Terry
        (local,  statewide  and  national),  behind  our  public  persona.  It  is  Brennan brings out the very best in
        fashion models, and folks like you.  actually not very surprising given  his clients from families to corporate
        I have worked with corporations  the many and  varied roles  we  clients. His photographed subjects
        and mom and pops, schools and  have in life. It starts at a young  range from the very famous to the
        churches,  sparkling gala events  age.  There  are  very  different  friendly neighbor down the street.
        and  solemn  funerals,  national  messages depending on  your  Whether you  want  to  capture
        championship  sporting  events  gender, family, culture, country  memorable  moments,  the beauty
        and  high  school  field  hockey  and economic status.  We learn  of nature,  pictures of homes for
        (among other sports).                to  quickly  shift  between  child,  sale,  or  the  perfect  head  shot,
                                             friend, and student personas to  we  are your one call for stunning
        I cited these names not to brag,  the  point  that  we  don’t  notice  results.
        but  just  to  get your  attention.  I  the  change.   This    dynamic
        am proud of the photos I have of  continues  into  adulthood  and  Reach  out  to  Terry  anytime  to
        them  but  not  more  so  than  the  our businesses.                      schedule  a  consultation  or  photo
        cherished photograph I took for                                           session.
        a  neighbor  of  her  mother,  the  But, what if there was a way to
        90-year-old family matriarch, on  drop the role masks? Imagine the  Terry Brennan
        her birthday. I treat everyone the  growth in your business when you  Life Scenes Photography
        same—looking  for that  unique  have undeniable visual evidence  (240) 606-7246
        spark  that is theirs and theirs  that unequivocally speaks the
        alone! It is the stuff of emotions  truth  of  who  you  choose  to  be  terrybrennanphotography@gmail.
        that  speaks the  song of their  in the world! Customers want to  com
        greatness. It’s a song we all have,  work  with  businesses  that  they
        but  one  that  society  asks  us  to  know, like, and trust. You are that
        tone  down  or  mute  because  person and it’s time for everyone  TBGr8Pix
        we’re supposed to “fit in!” I don’t  to learn about the secret you’ve
        want  subjects who  “fit  in.”  I  am  unwittingly been keeping.          TBLSPhotoBiz
        after that substance in you that                                
        reveals your  passion,  your  joy,  At Life Scenes Photography  iamterrybrennan
        makes  your heart sing! I  want  we  capture  beauty  by  evoking,  #terrybrennanaz on Instagram
        to meet who you really are, that  affirming  and  validating  your
        genuine  human  being  who  is  greatness!    Need  a  better  IamTBrennan
        there when we drop all our public  photograph? I can help!
        masks. I find that there is nothing
        more beautiful than that!

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