Page 39 - iNetreprenuer.magazine.winter2020
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Questions to answer to create your Journey and the following questions For us, we were frustrated by
WHAT story. help create your HOW story. what we saw at several speaking
Who is your hero and what Who is your hero and what academies. We saw people paying
was life like for them? was life like for them? thousands of dollars, yet not getting
What did they want? What did they want? results. We decided to come up
How did they struggle? How were they feeling? with a better way. That’s WHY we
What did they discover? What did you do to make created Speakers Pathway Coalition,
What actions did they take? their life better? and now we offer affordable training
What success did they get? What actions did they take? with ongoing coaching and support
What did they feel? to help people finally make progress
An example of a WHAT story would in their speaking business.
be a client of mine named Tasha. An example of a HOW story is Now you know the three stories you
Tasha is a videographer who has one of our clients named Angel. need to tell for your business, and
been behind the camera for more Angel came to us for help in getting you have tools to help you create
than a decade capturing video of focused on growing her speaking them. So, get busy and tell your
some of the best speakers on the business. She had been trying to get stories. End of story!
planet. After years of being behind traction for several years and had
the camera, Tasha decided to speak sought the help of other coaching Don McGrath, Ph.D. is an award-
from the stage herself and offer her programs to help her do so. She winning author and speaker, having
services to the audience from the was tired and frustrated because written 50 Athletes Over 50, Vertical
stage. When I first met Tasha, she she has problems with reading Mind: Psychological Approaches
had spoken on the stage at an event and writing, and in the past, other for Optimal Rock Climbing, and The
I attended. When I spoke to her after coaches had gotten frustrated by Climb: A Leadership Fable About
her talk, she told me that she wasn’t this and abandoned her. When she Navigating Challenging Change. As
having much success with her sales. joined Speakers Pathway, what she Co-Founder of Speakers Pathway
I sat with her and gave her some found is that our team doesn’t get Coalition he now shows others how
suggestions on how she might frustrated, but instead takes the to grow their business by writing
rearrange her talk for better results. time to try and explain things in their book, speaking, and establishing
She took my suggestions and different ways or provide examples themselves as an undisputed expert.
implemented them, and the next that helped Angel get results. Angel You can contact Don via email at
time I saw her she told me she had has now booked paid speaking gigs
sold over $20,000 of her program and is taking her business to a whole
from the stage using the talk that new level. Jim Grant founded and owned a
I helped her redesign. Now, in manufacturing business that earned
addition to being behind the camera, You can have a good business with a ‘preferred vendor’ status with
which she loves, she has a new a WHAT and HOW story only. many Fortune 500 Companies.
income stream that has enabled her To make your business GREAT, After 31 years, (3 Active Duty and
to grow her company and have the however, you also need a strong 28 Reserves), he is a retired US
lifestyle she desires. WHY story. Unlike your WHAT Army Master Sergeant and Vietnam
and HOW stories which are about Veteran. During his military career,
If the only story you can tell about customers, your WHY story is about Jim became a US Army Certified
your business is your WHAT story, you. It is WHY you do what you do Instructor, Regional Area Manager
you are in a precarious position. You the way you do it. (RAM) and Course Manager. He is a
have what is called a commodity Lifetime Member of the famed 95th
business, where others can easily Your WHY story follows the Hero’s Training Division, VFW and a founding
supply a solution to your customer Journey and the following questions sponsor of Army Historical Foundation
at a lower cost or that is more help create your WHY story. and Museum. He is the co-founder of
convenient for them. When this Speakers Pathway Coalition and in
happens, your customers are likely What was life like for you? addition to wearing many hats, he is
to jump ship. What problem did you the host of a “LIVE” weekly radio show
discover? “Your Future Is Now” that is available
The next story you need to be How were you feeling? on podcasts and iTunes. The show
able to tell for your business is What did you discover? receives thousands of downloads a
your HOW story. Your HOW story What actions did you take? day. Jim has over 25 years of speaking
demonstrates what makes what you What has this meant to you experience.
do special. How do you make life and those you serve?
easier or better for your customers?
Your HOW story follows the Hero’s