Page 53 - PoemsNeathTheWesternSky
P. 53
Someone once ask me if I've ever heard the "call of the wild"; I said "no, I've never been to college."
Put a cowboy hat on a mule and it looks like a mule wearing a cowboy hat; put a cowboy hat on a city slicker and
the mule looks better.
You can tell how lonely a wolf is by their howling late at night; what bothers me is the fact that they were just
answering me back.
A fella once asked me how I spelled my name; so I mispelled it on purpose just to see how smart he was.
The older I get, the longer it takes to do something fast.
A fella cowpoke once apologized for the way he smelled after eating a boisterious plate of chill. I told him no
apologies necessary, he smelled like that most of the time anyway.
Someone once asked me that since I lived on a big ranch what is the strangest sight i could expect to see. I said I
couldn't say, I didn't get into town very often.
Someone asked me what's the worst thing ii could expect to see on a cattle drive, I said the trail boss if you wern’t
doing what you were hired to do.
Someone asked me how to tell a good guy from a bad guy, I said have one of them stand next to a mule; if you see
two Jackasses you'll have the answer.
A cowpoke wanted to know what we would do if we were ever chased by a bunch of wild indians, I said the
answer depends on whether they were squaws or braves.
Someone wanted to know that if I was sick and gonna die, would i go to the town doctor or a Indian medicine
man. I said it depended on which one was the better liar.
A fella wanted to know what kind of retirement plan we had. I said it's A pretty good one, when you get your
work done, you can bed down for the Night.
Later in life I found out many things that are extremely important, I Just can't remember what they