Page 52 - PoemsNeathTheWesternSky
P. 52
Bunkhouse V i e w s
by Ron Brinegar
A rodeo is where your well paid for a days work you do the rest of the year for practically nothing.
A spitoon is a brass object located near the area where you are allowed to spit on the floor.
Somebody ask me why the barn smelled so bad, I said probably because it's too close to the bunkhouse.
A fella wanted to know if I could outrun his horse, I said it all depended on what was chasing the horse.
A fella wanted to know what to do after a horse bucks you off, I said if anybody is looking, you get right back on,
If no one is looking you find another horse.
A plate of beans on a cattle drive taste better than a steak at a wedding.
A fella asked if I was the one kissing the horse at the dance last night, I said I didn't know, it was dark.
Singing is not necessarily part of a cowboys job, it could be tho depending on whether the cows stay or leave.
A cactus is a flower with an attitude.
Someone once asked me which made a better horse; a fat one or a trim one, I said it depends on whether you
want to hide behind something or go somewhere.
If Sears and Robuck knew what their catalog was used for, they might have done better by just selling toilet
paper in the first place.
A fella asked me why we didn't have enough sense to come in out of the rain, I said ordinarly we would, but it
sets a bad example for the cows.
Someone asked what's the wildest thing I've ever been around, I said the
Answer depends on whether it was something I roped or paid for.