Page 5 - January 23 2023
P. 5

                                                       Robert W. Jones, Founder & Chairman

                                                                                           Networking far too often gets a bad rap. It's not
                                                                                             that networking is bad, but rather that the quality of
                                                                                           the networking that is bad. For this very reason, I
                                                                                          am often asked, "What makes the iNETrepreneur
                                                                                          Network different?" The better question is, "Why
                                                                                           does the iNETrepreneur Network matter and why

                                                          does it work?"

             The iNETrepreneur Network matters because it's guided by 5 principles to help entrepreneurs
             become ULTRApreneuers. ULTRApreneurs are entrepreneurs who seek to speak from stage, get
             published,  scale  their  business  and  create  legacy.  The  five  principles  are  public  speaking  and
             publishing, professional development, business networking, community outreach, and service to
             our youth.

             Public Speaking and Getting Published

             Entrepreneurs who pursue the first principle create awareness and exposure for themselves and
             their business through the power of their own voice from stage to print.

             Professional Development

             The iNETrepreneur Network offers a variety of curricula through online and in person formats.
              Much of the education taught is actionable and timely, forming the idea that the community is a
             “place to earn, leaner, and learn how to earn”.

             Business Networking

             A safe place to connect and create relationships. The community is both heart-centered and like-
             minded. Relationships are put first.

             Community Outreach

             Entrepreneurs and business owners are an integral part of the community, not separate from the
             community.  All relationships must be mutually beneficial.

             Service to Youth

             First and foremost, the iNETrepreneur Network is a "business family". As entrepreneurs, we seek
             to serve clients, community, family and youth. Interestingly, iNETrepreneur Network has created
             a  place  for  teens,  the  entrepreneur  for  the  next  generation.    A  place  where  they  can  go  to
             observe, take part, and evolve.

             Does the iNETrepreneur Network matter? For our members, it does!

                                                                           iNETrepreneur Magazine | Page 5
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