Page 9 - January 23 2023
P. 9

By Abigail Tiefenthaler

             Client-getting is the lifeblood of every successful
             business. You’d think it would be easier, right?

             Here’s the secret. While it’s not easy, it’s simpler than
             most business owners make it.

             As an expert in client-getting and company-building I
             promise you that every business owner who struggles with
             consistent client-getting has two basic problems.

             The first is confidence around their role as a business owner. When a businessowner can’t sell
             they start to believe the problem is with them as the expert. It’s never this!

             Most  business  owners  don’t  spend  time  on  the  foundational  pillars  to  understand  what  their
             clients  need.  Clarity  creates  confidence  and  courage.  Add  that  female  business  owners  may
             bring fear, shame and invisibility challenges to their business wasting time, energy and money as
             they struggle with self-doubt, perfectionism and procrastination.

             The  second  thing  that  contributes  to  inconsistent  client-getting  is  a  broken  connection
             somewhere  in  their  marketing.  I’m  not  talking  about  tech.  I’m  talking  about  a  connection  that
             creates an irresistible reason to choose you.

             These broken connections could be in strategy including audience, messaging, positioning and
             offer. Or, in tactical execution which includes lead generation, lead nurturing and lead conversion.
             A  broken  strategy  may  create  a  lead  magnet  that  doesn’t  solve  a  problem,  so  it  doesn’t  get
             leads. If the messaging is off, it never reaches your ideal prospect. A confused mind always says
             Broken tactical campaigns can also confuse prospects. And if they don’t understand they can’t
             believe it. Two common tactical errors which create broken connections are the call to action
             (CTA) and follow up.

             Most business owners today fear sales so they rarely include a CTA in their marketing. A savvy
             business woman I know couldn’t figure out why she wasn’t getting strategy sessions from her
             email marketing. I commented that it was because she didn’t ask for one. After thinking about it,
             she agreed. Don’t fear telling your prospect what to do next. They’re looking for you to be the

             Here’s the thing, a CTA will differ depending on where a prospect is in their decision-making path.
             Where are they in believing the business owner's promise of results? While the know, like and
             trust  factor  is  important,  ultimately  a  prospect  chooses  to  work  with  someone  because  they
             believe they will get results.
             The second broken connection is a follow up. Almost every business owner fights the frequency
             of follow-up. Most business owners still stop after 3 touches yet 80% of sales happen after 5
             touches! Experts will tell you it takes 18-20 reach outs. So what is the aversion to following up?
             Only  3%  of  buyers  know  their  problem,  how  they  want  it  solved  and  are  actively  looking  for  a
             solution. This leaves 97% of the market in a different stage of problem solving. Not decision-
             making but problem solving.

             Simpler client-getting is possible. Accepting that you can’t see what you can’t see, and you don’t
             know what you don’t know is the first step. What’s the missing piece of your client-getting, let’s
             find out together. To your success!

             Abigail Tiefenthaler, Savvy Sales Strategy
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