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I  had  a burgeoning  internet  Director of  the  Chamber  of  Robert:    The  first  pillar  of
        marketing  company  back  in  Commerce also did  what  network together is  gaining
        the early to mid 2000’s. I had  I did, and they would not  confidence                   through      the
        four  employees  underneath  let  me join.  So  I  asked  him,  power of public speaking.
        me, and I was living life really  “How  about  if  I  do  graphic  As members grow, we allow
        great. In 2006, I was investing  design?”  And  he  said,  “Well,  pathways  for  members  to
        in real estate. I wanted to  we  do  graphic  design  here  gain  confidence  from  local
        diversify  a  little  bit.  I  had  as  well”.  Then  I  asked  about  chapter meetings to what we
        some  property  in  San  Diego,  web         development         and  call Mashups, to what we call
        so I could leverage and start  e-commerce? And he said they  our big stage events called the
        buying  some  property  in  had  those  covered  as  well.  Netmobs. And  as members
        Arizona.  We  probably  know  And  finally  I  said,  “It  doesn’t  gain confidence, they have the
        what  happened  in  Arizona  sound  like  there’s  a  place  in  ability  to be able to leverage
        between  2006  and  2008.    I  this organization for me”. And  themselves up to the point to
        had three properties and then  he said, “No, there’s not”.              speak in front of hundreds of
        I lost all of them. I had to eat a                                      people.
        lot of crow.                        And  I  was dumbfounded.
                                            I  didn’t  know  what  to  do.  I  For me, there’s no  greater
        My  son  almost  passed  away  struggled hard for a year, and  feeling  of enjoyment than
        because he was born in a tent  at 40 years old, I moved back  seeing someone grow in their
        and had to be resuscitated for  to my parents for a little bit to  personal confidence that they
        the first month of his life.        try to get back. I sold part of  tell  the  world  who  they  are
                                            my business, and I purchased  and  what  they  do  because  it
        And     then     about     three    a  place  in  Queen  Creek  and  conveys into every marketing
        months  later, he  had  an  tried  to  get  my  life  back  channel.
        intussusception,  and  that’s  together.
        where  the  small intestine                                             Brian:    The    second      one
        starts getting  devoured  by  A really good  friend  of mine  is  offering  personal and
        the large intestine. They had  from San Diego said, “Why  business                       development
        to  cut  him  open,  and  we’re  don’t  you  go  to this  leads  workshops.
        talking     thousands       upon  group?  It’s  going  to  be  a
        thousands of dollars. In a 24  great  place  for  you  to  meet  Robert:   We have over
        month  period,  I  went  from  some  people  and  gain  some  25  personal  and  business
        living  on  top  of  the  world  to  business.”                         development workshops with
        really feeling like I was at the                                        Network Together. They range
        bottom of the world. I went  I went to the leads group and I  from how  to leverage and
        from having been the person  walked through the door of the  utilize  LinkedIn,  to utilizing
        that had a lot of something to  coffee shop, and the moment  Facebook for business, to
        being  the  person  that  really  I looked into the coffee shop,  how  to create your own
        had a lot of nothing.               I  saw  the  same  person  that  professional  bio.  We  also
                                            was running the Chamber of  have  vendor  partners  that
        I  found  myself  in  a  place  Commerce. We locked  eyes,  come into  Network  Together
        called San Tan Valley, Arizona.  and I knew at that moment I  that put on other workshops,
        At that time, there wasn’t a lot  had to do something different  like  how  to  create greater
        of infrastructure to get in and  because that was not a place  sales  performance.  What  we
        out, and I was also starting to  for me.                                do here is we believe that the
        lose clients. I decided  to do                                          people  in  our  organization
        the sensible  thing,  and that  The        initial   moments       of   ourselves     are    the    best
        was to go join a Chamber of  Network Together started  advocates for other members
        Commerce.                           right there.                        of the organizations.

        And at that time I attempted  Brian:   Wow,  that’s  crazy.   And  by  doing  so, they  can
        to join them, but the problem  Let’s talk about the five pillars  complete a set of content and
        was that I was an internet  upon which your organization  standards  for  members to
        marketer  and the Executive  is built.                                  learn from.
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