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What is

           Straight pool (14.1)

        According to Wikipedia  - Straight pool (also          The idea of straight pool is derived from an earlier
        known as 14.1 continuous or 14.1 rack), is a game  game called continuous pool. In continuous pool,
        that features two players competing on a 9 foot        points are earned for every ball that is pocketed.
        billiard table attempting to pocket as many balls      When all balls are pocketed, a new rack begins,
        as possible without committing a foul - one point      with the player who pocketed the final ball playing
        is scored for each object ball pocketed where no       the break. As players became skilled in scoring
        foul is made.                                          many points in a single turn, they would often
                                                               employ defensive shots on the break to avoid their
        Straight pool was the primary version of pool in       opponent running the 15 balls on the table.
        professional competition until it was superseded
        in the 1970s by faster-playing games like 9-ball       In 1910 Jerome Keogh, who was a winner of
        and 8-ball.                                            numerous continuous pool tournaments, wanted
                                                               to increase the attacking nature from the break
        In straight pool, the player may attempt to pocket     off shot. This new game became known as “14.1
        any object ball on the table regardless of color       continuous” or “14.1 rack” and would a few years
        or number, until just one object ball and the cue      later be called straight pool in 1912. The 14.1
        ball remain, at this point the other fourteen balls    refers to the 14 balls that make up the rack, when
        are replaced into the rack. Play then resumes with     one ball remains. The game quickly overtook
        the objective being that the cue ball caroms from      continuous pool and was the primary version of
        the final remaining ball into the rack, opening        pool until eight-ball became popular.
        the balls and allowing the player to continue
        the run. The goal is to reach a set number of
        points determined by agreement before the
        game. One point is scored for each object ball
        pocketed where no foul is made. In professional
        competition, straight pool is usually played to
        125 or 150 points, with longer matches becoming
        more prevalent. Straight pool is played with every
        shot requiring a designation for both the ball and
        pocket chosen.

        Straight Pool (14.1) was a very popular pool game
        in the United States, and was shown in the 1961
        film The Hustler, starring Paul Newman & Jackie
        Gleason, a movie based on Walter Tevis’s 1959
        novel of the same name.

        A World Straight Pool Championship was held
        from 1912 until 1990. A current event that is
        now run by Dragon Promotions, the World
        Tournament, was first held in 2006 and was won
        by Thorsten Hohmann, with events at the U.S
        Open and European Pool Championships.

                                                                      Jerome Keogh invented the game in 1910
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