Page 11 - OnTheSnapMagazineFlip
P. 11

A Mother’s Love

          More than a mother,
          Always a friend.
          Eternal in my heart,
          A mother’s love will never end.

          You lived your whole life being late
          Why so early this one time?
          Though I think you’d find it funny
          That you lived to 69.

          I remember lots of times
          You rushed to heal a stranger,
          Keeping them alive,
          Even when they’d caused the danger.

          So many times we chatted                    AN INTERESTING HOBBY    T-Shirts, Tanktops,
          About so many thoughts.                                              Hoodies, Sports
          I’ll miss your kindred spirit                                       Shirts, Sweatshirts,
          And the comfort that you brought.                                   Koozies, Hats, etc.
          You’re with your Ma & Daddy now,                                    please text or email for more info.
                                                                              please text or email for more info.
          Auntie Kimmie, too.
          You can catch up on events missed,          419-569-2549 • 419-709-6463
          Since the times they last saw you.

          And Babe will be there waiting,                      U  B W     A  H   S  R   G   B  F   L  U   N   M  K
                                                          Some Famous Pool Players
          Beside the Rainbow Bridge                            N   T  A   U  R   E   T  O   N  E   E  O   F   O  K
          With other pets you’ve loved and lost
          Throughout the life you’ve lived.                    F   A  E   L  N   E  E   R   G  U   T  N   I   S  O
                                                               F  R   V   R  U   N   L  I   I  E   O   A  S   C  L
          The room would glow so brightly,                     H  E   A   I   I  K  S   L   L  C W     Y  H   O  L
          When a smile lit your face,                          B  V   I   N  L   T   A  P   I  A   K   A  E   N  O
          Without your kind and generous soul,                 U   L  G   J  N   L   P  S   N  F   E   L  R   I  C
          The worlds a dimmer place.
                                                               S  H   A   K  E   A  U   D   A  N   E  U   A W R
          Through the uncertainties of life,                   T  O   H   S  A   N  E   S   C  U   L  G   Y   N  O
          In darkness when I couldn’t see,                     A  H   A   P  S   R W O      O  D W     A  R   D  D
          The one thing I never doubted,                       M M    L   E  O   I  E   Z   H  O   P   P  E   O  N
          I’ve always known you loved me.
                                                               A   A  L   N  J   Q   T  Z   N  E   N  O M M       I
          That mother’s love, It doesn’t end,                  N  N   E   C  R   A  N   E   I  R   E  H   C   R  A
          Though you’ve left this mortal plane.                T  N   A   H  C   S  U   O   R  M   S  E   Y   E  R
          I’ll keep it warm within my heart,                   E  S   O   U  Q   U  E   T   H  O   P  K   I   N  S
          Until we meet again.
                                                             APPLETON      FISHER         LEE           SHAW
          I’ll soldier through the years ahead,
          We’ll reunite when my time’s due.                  ARCHER        GREENLEAF      MIZERAK       SIGEL
          Two times over you gave me life,                   BALUKAS       HALL           MOSCONI       SOUQUET
          So I’ll live that life for you.                    BOENING       HOHMANN        ORCOLLO       STRICKLAND
                                                             BUSTAMANTE  HOPKINS          OSULLIVAN     VARNER
                   by Karen Schuman                          CRANE         HOPPE          OUSCHAN       WANDERONE
           Memorial for Sandra Jo Schuman                    FEIJEN        IMMONEN        PAGULAYAN     WOODWARD
                                                             FILLER        LASSITER       REYES         YOUNG
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