Page 13 - OnTheSnapMagazineFlip
P. 13

A Matter of                                                                       Written by: Denny Stewart

                                                               balls, and for all else you can erase with some
                                                               focus on your breathing. It will keep you in a
                                                               lot more games.

                                                               Next time when you’re getting ready to

        Concentration is not something that you                practice try this.
        can force, or control. Matter of fact if you’re        Set up a straight in shot to the side pocket.
        even trying to concentrate that means your             You’re going to stop the cue ball when you
        not concentrating! Fighting the mind does not          shoot it. Now once you have decided on what
        work, you can’t will a state of mind, or we’d          tip position and speed you’re going to shoot
        all be willing dead stroke every time. It just         it at, close your eyes and I want you to feel it,
        doesn’t work that way. What you can do is              hear it then listen for it to go in the pocket. Try
        FOCUS the mind. It works like this, as you             it and see and feel the effects of it.
        achieve focus, the mind quiets automatically.
        A quiet mind only picks up what is relevant            Previously published in Inside English for
        in the here and now. You get into a state of           Sandy Schuman in 2008
        relaxed concentration.

        When your at the table and going into your
        PreShot routine, or planning a shot, then
        executing it, it is relatively easy to focus
        because your actively engrossed in what you
        are doing moment by moment. But you are
        vulnerable between shots, or in the chair.

        Something that might benefit you for when
        you have those stray thoughts of winning,
        losing, who’s there, what if I miss etc.
        (basically all chatter) is to focus the mind on
        your breathing. Nothing is more “here and
        now” than your breath. It also has a beneficial
        calming effect. So now you have some tools to
        keep your head in the game. Focus on the here
        and now while you’re at the table and running

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