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Cue Care For my carbon fiber shafts I will use a alcohol
wipe or a small amount of rubbing alcohol on a
paper towel. If I am at the pool room I will use
Hello, my name is Randy Dininger. I have a small amount of hand sanitizer on a napkin to
clean the carbon fiber shaft.
been doing cue repair for twelve years, along with
playing, buying and selling pool cues for about For wood shafts do not use any of the above
twenty years. In this article, I am going to give mentioned methods for carbon fiber shafts. Any
you some pool cue tips and tricks about cue care, moisture on a wooden shaft will soak right in and
tip care and shaft care. make your shaft feel like an orange peel. Using a
dry paper towel will pull quite of bit of dirt and
Starting with your cue, it is a good habit to have grime off your wooden shaft. In a pinch I have
a durable case to store your cue in. Leaning used PB-Blaster (dry lube with teflon) to make a
cues against the wall causes them to warp dirty shaft slick, just until I could get to my lathe
and adds un-needed pressure to the joint. to clean and reseal the shaft. If all else fails you
-never lean your cue. Whether you play at could always wear a glove.
home or in a pool room it is always good to
take your cue apart when you’re done and That is all for this issue may the rolls be in favor
store it in a case. and shoot straight.
TIP CARE Until next time ~ Randy
Mushrooming and tip diameter are
crucial. Tips are made of leather, On The Snap Magazine is and mostly
over use that leather will harden will be an online magazine that will be
up and compress. When the tip available for download from
compresses it gets a little flatter in
shape and little wider. Anytime The magazine will however be available
you trim a mushroomed tip you for subscription in print version for $21
should reshape it also. Note- a (6 Issues) a year.
mushroomed tip is normal. A tip
that is a little more round about a Also, if you know of a company that could
dime radius will produce more spin/english. benefit from advertising with the magazine,
please tell them about it. The pricing is
It is a lot easier to pocket balls with a nickel reasonable.
radius tip rather than a dime radius tip.
SHAFT CARE Rates & Deadlines for Advertising
Some people like to have a clean and slick
shaft while a few like to have a dirty shaft. Size Price Issue Deadline
Very few like to have the shaft of their cue Directory Ad $25 Jan-Feb Dec 21
dirty. Clean slick shafts will glide right Business Card Ad $55 Mar-Apr Feb 21
through your bridge, a dirty shaft will 1/6 Page Ad $110 May-June April 21
produce a small amount of friction. To each 1/4 Page Ad $190 July-Aug June 21
their own, this is all personal preference. 1/3 Page Ad $250 Sept-Oct Aug 21
When I am done playing I wipe the chalk 1/2 Page Ad $300 Nov-Dec Oct 21
from my tips and I wipe the shaft down with Full Page Ad $385 Size Specifications will
a towel. This helps keep my shafts clean Inside Back Cover $425 be listed on the website
longer as well as keeping the inside of my Back Cover $500
case clean.