Page 12 - OnTheSnapMagazineFlip
P. 12
• For Love of the Game •
We often think that the reason we play pool is for When you do
the competition and the camaraderie. The fun of something for
showing off our skills, going head to head with the love of the
our friends, and challenging ourselves to see how thing you are
good we can become. We don’t often contemplate doing, it becomes
the deeper aspects of what playing pool really more than a
means or provides to each one of us. hobby, a chore,
or something that
you have to do.
There is a need, a
hunger that cannot
be totally filled. You keep going back to it time
after time, like a moth to a flame.
This is the way that I feel about pool. Don’t get
me wrong, I can take a couple of days off from
For many, playing pool turns into the pursuit playing, but I will catch myself watching it on
of some sense of completion. A pathway for the internet, watching a random match so that
those who are looking for the feeling of being I can see how they play. How they stroke, spin
good enough. It becomes an outlet for a number and address the cue ball and what their strategy
of people searching for the ultimate sense of and layout is so that I can make my game better.
acceptance. We see this with both amateurs and
professionals. And of course, pool tends to be
a great escape and release from the stresses of
everyday life. It’s a way to focus, to connect with
others, and get one’s mind, for at least a moment,
off of any of life’s troubles and chaos.
Sooo... if you know me personally, you know I do
a lot of things related to Pool/Billiards. Just cannot
seem to get it out of my mind. Yep, now here I go
trying to do a small pool magazine. Hopefully this
will keep me busy for a while :) - Rosanna