Page 21 - William Ferris Portfolio
P. 21

I joined Target in 1995 and in 2000 I assumed responsibility for managing Target’s Store Design Prototype program and leading a large Architecture support team. In 2002 the com- pany undertook a major effort to update and redefine Target’s store design image to better align with a new marketing strat- egy at the time.
As a part of this project, I led a large Store Design Prototype team and coordinated with the other Store Design and Con- struction partners to collaborate on this repositioning proj- ect. The development of the 2004 prototype design was truly a collaborative effort that involved my team, Store Planning, the Design team, Construction, and Real Estate among other groups within Target. We also sought various levels of input from several of Target’s external architectural consultants.
The following pages illustrate a high level view of the process for repositioning the Target store design entailed in this effort.

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