Page 6 - Living Benefits
P. 6

Rider Availability/Limitations                     Death Benefit Eligible for

            The chronic and critical illness versions may not be   Acceleration
            added to policies rated higher than table 4 or with   •  Primary Insured Riders are included in the Total
            a flat extra rating greater than $5.00 per thousand.   Death Benefit to be accelerated on the Base

              •  Accelerated benefits will not be paid for         Insured.
               conditions resulting from self-inflicted injury or   •  Paid Up Additions Rider (Form Series:
               attempted suicide. 5                                PUAR16. Forms may vary by state)

              •  No accelerated benefit will be paid for any     •  ANICO Signature Term Rider – The ANICO
               qualifying event that occurs on or before the       Signature Term Rider also covers other insured
               date of issue of the base policy.                   parties (Form Series: ARTR18; ARTR18(NY);
            Policies with death benefits exceeding the             Forms may vary by state)
            maximum amount available for acceleration            •  The Other Insured Party death benefits are
            will still contain the Accelerated Benefit Riders;     available for acceleration only if the Other
            however, the owner will only be able to accelerate     Insured experiences a qualifying condition.
            up to the maximum amount available for
            acceleration. For example, on a $4,000,000 policy   Please note that the death benefit provided
            (where eligible), the owner will only be able to   by a Children’s Term Rider is not eligible for
            accelerate $2,000,000 for an insured 65 and under.  acceleration.

            Additional New York Resident                       Accelerated Benefit Amount
            Availability/Limitations                           The accelerated benefit amount is computed using
                                                               the following formula where the actuarial discount
              •  The Critical Illness Rider is not available.
                                                               reflects the cost of paying a death benefit prior to
              •  A supplemental application is required to     the actual death of the Insured. The accelerated
               determine eligibility for the Chronic Illness   benefit amount will never be less than the cash
               Rider.                                          value associated with the eligible death benefit.

              •  For Chronic Illness, New York requires          Eligible Death Benefit
               a Licensed Health Care Practitioner’s           -  Actuarial Discount
               certification that the condition requires       -  Administrative Fee (not to exceed $500) 6
               continuous care for the remainder of the        -  Pro-rata percentage of Outstanding Policy Debt 7
               insured’s life.
                                                               =  Accelerated Benefit Amount
              •  The maximum benefit that may be paid to you   Please note the owner must submit supporting
               in a calendar year under the Chronic Illness    documentation and medical records including
               Rider may not exceed the annualized per diem    certification from the appropriate health care
               amount that is in effect for long term care     practitioner that insured has one of the qualifying
               services.  Please see 26 USC 7702B(d)(4) to     conditions. If a partial benefit is requested such as
               determine the amount currently in effect for    25% and there is outstanding policy debt, 25% of
               the current year.
                                                               the debt would be deducted from the Accelerated
                                                               Benefit Amount.

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