Page 9 - Living Benefits
P. 9

Living Benefits

            Changing Real Lives

                                                                      Robert Sanchez

            Bill later said that when the check came in               Robert Sanchez had worked his way through
            it was like Christmas in July. They were able             undergraduate school working during the
            to get current in all their bills which reduced           day and going to school at night.  When he
            the massive stress Bonnie was feeling.  Their             married Peggy in 1972, he was able to quit
            children had suffered through this with them              working and go to school full time until he
            so they were able to buy each of the kids                 received his PhD in Management and began
            some special treats to raise their spirits and            to teach at the University.  He also began
            they began planning a family trip to Disney               doing Management Consulting on the side
            World. Bill was able to fly-in Bonnie’s mom               and over several years built his consulting
            and brother who she had not seen in years.                business up to the point he needed to give up
            They laughed, they cried and, in a ten day                teaching and consult full time.
            visit, made memories that would last forever.
                                                                      Fast forward to early 2014 and now Robert
            Bonnie went downhill over the next four                   was 62 years old and needed to increase his
            months and never made it to Disney World                  life insurance coverage for his family while
            but Bill took the kids six months after Bonnie            at the same time begin putting more money
            passed. The Accelerated Benefit Rider funds               away for retirement.  Robert purchased
            allowed the family to concentrate on making               an Indexed Universal Life Insurance policy
            memories with the family rather than having               from American National.  The policy was for
            to stress over money. Bill later said that he             $882,680.  Robert paid a monthly premium
            would not trade the ability to make Bonnie’s              of $1,251.15.
            last days positive and happy for any amount
            of money.                                                 Robert had suffered from heartburn and
                                                                      acid reflux for many years and would keep
            In their case, the acceleration of the                    a roll of antacids with him at all times
            life insurance death benefit was more                     to try to sooth his stomach.  In January
            meaningful to the family than a death                     of 2015 Robert began having trouble
            benefit would have been. Bill had enough                  swallowing, which then led to difficult pain
            money left over to create a college fund                  while swallowing and finally Robert began
            for the kids and pay for childcare. Losing a              coughing up blood which sent him to his
            spouse and a mother is never going to be                  Doctor.  After multiple tests and a biopsy
            anything but tragic but there is no price that            it was determined Robert had Invasive
            can be placed on being able to make that                  Esophageal cancer.  Robert could no longer
            loved one comfortable in their final days.                work, as he gave lectures as part of his work,

                                                                                           Continued on next page.

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