Page 10 - cn - Belvoir- Studio en plein air curated June 2023
P. 10
The Terrace Garden is one of three original Medieval Terrace Gardens. The original planting schemes and
layout were created by Elizabeth 5th Duchess when the new fourth castle was under construction.
The south west facing Lower Terrace has a distinctively timeless and Italianate atmosphere, with far reaching
views over the surrounding lower gardens and woodland. Albeit a narrow and enclosed garden, vantage views
connect the space with the expanse of outstretching woodland and parkland.
In the spring afternoon the sun’s direction of light coincides with and accentuates the axis of the terrace with
intense backlight. The delicacy of individual and massing of Magnolia flowers contrasts with the developing
‘Magnolia -the Lower Terrace’
‘En plein air’,
Oil on Panel: 20x 24 inches
Selling price £ 8,700 plus vat
Less 40% studio price £ 5,220 plus vat