Page 23 - North Cedar Road
P. 23


                  5.  The warm and beautifully adorned fireplaces. Whether we wanted to take a quick nip out of

                      the air and fire up the gas-lit logs or have that ski lodge feel with both fireplaces aglow in full

                      form! We will miss the weekend and holiday mornings, still in our pajamas at eleven o’clock

                      but, who cares. The fireplaces always helped us to relax and forget about what time it was. A

                      special time to be with each other sometimes only with the flickering lights from the hearth

                      dancing on the walls.

                  6.  We will miss every ‘first’ that was done in this home. Watching our children move from their

                      crib to a ‘big’ bed. Teaching them how to ride a bicycle down the long flat North Cedar road.

                      Marking their new height each year on the inside of the pantry door. The countless memories

                      that this home’s walls have seen are beyond measure and truly something we cherish.

                  7.  Who doesn’t like to unwind in a hot tub?? Whether it was a cool Summer night or a much

                      colder one in Winter, we will absolutely miss the hot tub! It always had just the right

                      temperature and feel to let the day’s craze drip off our shoulders. The appeal was so strong

                      that shoveled paths in high snow were always a must for year-round enjoyment!

                  8.   And on the rare occasion we didn’t want to jump in the hot tub, a ten-minute steam shower in

                      the main bedroom (that inevitably would last at least twenty). When the opulence of a steam

                      shower is typically only found in multi-million dollar homes or at the spa…and yet to have it

                      right at our fingertips is something that will be truly missed.

                  9.   All that we have done! We will deeply miss all that we have poured into this beautiful home.

                      We hit the ground running from the day of our closing and have never looked back. Having

                      said that, it is amazing what our home has given back to us ten-fold. The memories are


                  10.  This stately manor. The curb appeal on our home is undeniable. You drive past as you work

                      your way down North Cedar and almost forget how long your head has been turned staring.

                      From the first day we walked through, we have never lost that feeling…this is the place we

                      wanted to own. This is the home we fell in love with. How blessed are we to have called 208

                      North Cedar, home.
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