Page 12 - Vera Marketing presentation
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Vanderblue Team Top 10
1. Experience C. Technology & Internet:
We combine traditional marketing strategies
Over 1 Billion in sales and 100 Million in new with the ever expanding Internet/digital
Construction sold. Having built, partnered with marketing strategies to provide a 360°
and sold new construction for 20 years, we know approach. As premier agents on EVERY site,
how to “sell” the product. Being AT the showings we dominate the on-line market with our
with a strategic approach planned...knowing the exposure
buyer, understanding their needs, listening vs
talking, creating emotion, all of these skill sets
become stronger and improved with experience. 3. Negotiations
It’s not just about opening the doors and turning The importance of a seasoned negotiator is often
off alarms. It’s about SELLING your product with overlooked and is one of the most important
experience. aspects of any transaction. Range and reach,
while clearly significant, does not mean much
if the negotiator does not have the experiential
2. Marketing knowledge to extract the highest and best
A. Advertising: outcome. With over $1 Billion negotiated sales,
Promotion, merchandising, targeting, our skills have evolved to work on your behalf.
presentation, on-line interactive property
brochures, web-sites, text blue riders, virtual 4. Influence and Credibility
tour, upgraded yard signage, cross marketing,
Out of area advertising, just to name a few. As president of the Higgins Group, a 15 office
Christie’s affiliate, Julie brings a high level of
B. Merchandising: credibility to the entire team and our sellers. With
Staging is not enough anymore. We offer a testimonials and past clients including : CEO of
strategic plan to create an emotional buyer CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, Editor
through our in-house designer. With a retail of Metropolitan Magazine, CEO of Maplewoods,
store to create even more exposure to the CEO of Subway, CEO of Jarden, chief of staff
property, we have not only created a Show for Bloomberg, A variety of Entertainers and
Room within our new construction homes, we celebrities...the influence, range & reach of the
entire team grows daily
have a designer work directly with potential
buyers to help them make it their own. Offering
advice on furniture choices, light fixtures, use of 5. Combined Spheres of Influence
space, color...all create enthusiasm within the
buyer and differentiates our new construction While all other teams compete within (basically
homes from all others. The designer comes to small companies within a larger company), our
the 2nd showing (it is also a way to get them consumer centric team is NON COMPETING.
back)...and works directly with the potential By sharing information, our team brings more
buyer getting them attached to the property knowledge, influence and opportunity to ALL of
by allowing them to visualize their life, their our clients. Through creating specific divisions,
style their family living in the home. Our each agent is able to share more skill and
designer also passes on significant savings experiential knowledge with each other and our
from furniture on to the buyer if they purchase clients.
a Vanderblue team property.