Page 3 - Top 15 Things We Love About Black Rock
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     Since 1982, Captain’s Cove Seaport   PorchFests are the next big thing in
     has grown from a vacant lot and a    summer festivals. Across the country,
     handful of slips to one of Connecticut’s   fun-loving communities are hosting
     premier tourist attractions and seaport   PorchFests, grassroots music festivals
     complexes. Captain’s Cove is a family   in which residents host performers
     owned and operated business located on   on their front porches for a fun-filled
     historic Black Rock Harbor. They are a   afternoon of music. Walk around the
     family friendly establishment featuring a   neighborhood and enjoy the sound of
     restaurant, bar, boardwalk, and marina.   music! Black Rock PorchFest takes place
     Enjoy casual outdoor dining, grab a   on the last Saturday in August, featuring
     craft beer at their tugboat bar, hop on a   live music on porches throughout the
     harbor cruise, and                   neighborhood. This is a wholesome, free,
     stroll down the Boardwalk. Their marina   and family-friendly event.
     is home to charter fishing.
                                          10. AWARD WINNING RESTAURANTS
     7. LONG ISLAND SOUND                 Black Rock restaurants offer some of the
     Living in Black Rock, you have the luxury   best dining options in Bridgeport and
     of viewing the stunning and serene Long   Southwestern Connecticut. Seafood on
     Island Sound! With plentiful access to   a waterfront patio, upscale Italian, or go
     take kayaks, paddleboards, boats and   for a unique Southern dining experience.
     more for a spectacular time on the   Area dining establishments provide for
     water! Be sure to walk along St. Mary’s-  every taste, and are recognized as some
     by-the-Sea for jaw-dropping views and a   of the best in Fairfield County.
     saltwater breeze.

     Known as “The Best Small Parade in
     America”, this festival includes live music,
     food from local Black Rock restaurants,
     The Run for the Rock 5K, bed races and
     plenty of activities for the kids. Visitors
     come from far and wide to partake in this
     annual waterfront parade!

                            203-259-8326   |   VANDERBLUE.COM
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