Page 4 - Top 15 Things We Love About Black Rock
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Commute anywhere in the area with 15. ASH CREEK
ease. Access to I-95, Merritt Parkway, Witness some of the northeast’s most
Metro North, Amtrak, and even the beautiful wildlife here at Ash Creek!
Bridgeport & Port Jefferson Ferry all Bordering Fairfield and Bridgeport, Ash
within reach! Creek offers some of the best views of
St. Mary’s-by-the-Sea, Jennings Beach,
12. RUN FOR THE ROCK and the Marina! Showcasing some of the
Partnered with the annual Black Rock best sunsets and sunrises in the state,
day, Run for the Rock 5K is a fun filled this is definitely a sight you don’t want
event fit for all ages. Cruise through this to miss!
waterfront neighborhood and enjoy a day
of activities after your
big accomplishment!
Bring your own chairs, blankets, and
games for a great summer full of live
concerts on St. Ann Field! Enjoy a great
variety of music and a new featured food
truck each week!
Ellsworth Park provides open space in
the heart of Black Rock. In addition to
being the home of the Black Rock Little
League, the park features new tennis
courts and a children’s playground.
Bring the little one to splash around in
the splash pad, or the furry one to run
around in 6+ acres of greenery! A great
place just to have FUN!
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