Page 12 - 63 Bear Mountain Brochure PDF
P. 12

Q&A An Interview with the Homeowner at 63 Bear Mountain Road

          Q:                               Q  Why are you moving?           A:  The stone walls all around and along
           What made you fall in love with  63
           Bear Mountain Road                                                   the terraces  have been a labor of love

                                           A:                                   over the years. Also the wooden
                                               Ass I’m retired, I no longer have a
          A:                                 need for a large yard or three     fences I built  myself.
            I immediately fell in love with the
           privacy all around the property, and   Bedrooms.. It’s time for a new owner

           being situated above the road     to enjoy this  serene lifestyle  I have   Having a relatively flat back yard
           allowed us to see occasional traffic    had the good fortune to live. for many   featuring a  huge patio  has been
           while still feeling secluded.     years.                             great for entertaining.

           Living so close to Candlewood Lake
           has been a dream come true….we                                       Having lots of friends and family visit
           had a boat which was perfect.                                        is not a problem as there is plenty of
                                             Will you miss the neighbors?       parking along the right side  of the

                                          A:    Yes...very nice neighbors that are
           Describe the renovation process.   helpful if necessary. This  enclave of
                                             three other homes up the hill from   Tell me about the grounds.
         A:  Have done lots of updates over the   my driveway has always been very

           past several years, many windows   well maintained….has been a  very   A:  Living so close to Candlewood Lake...I
           were replaced and screens installed.   pleasant neighborhood.        have felt that it was part of my back
                                                                                yard.!  Having access to a boat

           Replaced the front steps leading up                                  launch, plus  swimming,  fishing ,
           from the driveway and have done   Q:  What makes your property so    kayaking, all year long…
           extensive landscaping.            special?                           It has been an idyllic lifestyle.

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