Page 12 - Sellers guide 2021
P. 12
Closing Checklist
Prior to Closing:
☐ Gas or Oil (request measurement of remainder in tank as this is your personal property and the buyer
will compensate you for it at the closing)
☐ Sanitation Service (arrange for final pickup of moving debris)
☐ Remember to set up these same basic services at your new home!
☐ Electric
☐ Water/Sewage
☐ Telephone
☐ Cable company
☐ Homeowners Insurance
☐ Flood Insurance
Bring to Closing:
☐ All keys to property
☐ All warranties and instruction booklets for items staying with property (or leave them in the home for the
new home owner)
☐ Oil tank reading from oil company (if applicable) for fuel adjustment at closing (your attorney may
arrange this)
Change of Address Notification:
☐ Relatives ☐ Friends ☐ Post Office
☐ Accountant ☐ Banks ☐ Newspapers
☐ IRS ☐ Lawyer ☐ Magazines
☐ Homeowners Ins. ☐ Broker ☐ Catalogs
☐ Health Insurance ☐ Creditors ☐ Clubs
☐ Auto Insurance ☐ Credit Cards ☐ Organizations
☐ Life Insurance ☐ Doctor/Dentist ☐ Motor Vehicle Dept.
Notify Utility Companies, have meters read and service
canceled as of possession day. The Hydraulic Company
can approximate a water bill.
Seller’s Guide
Seller’s Guide | 203.259.8326 | 203.259.8326