Page 8 - Old Dam Road_263
P. 8

We are relocating to CA
because of a job
opportunity. We are very
sad to leave our waterfront
home and our floating guest
house that our friends & Yes, we did plan to build
families have enjoyed an extra garage with an
throughout the years. office over it, but decided
against it as there was
more than enough space
in the house for our
needs. Plus our girls loved
playing lacrosse and
soccer on their own

No, we never had a drop of private field. They have
water. Water has never even had so many parties
come over the berm, even hosting sporting events as
during Sandy or other harsh it is truly a real sports field!
storms. We did not even
remove the dock or our boat
during Sandy and there was
no damage whatsoever.

The boat is always safe at
the dock and it is easy to
get in and out of the
It is wonderful thing! All we do creek. There is a three
is kayak or take the dingy to hour window on either
the private dock and then use side of high tide. We
a key to gain access to have never had an issue
Fairfield Beach… this is shared and there is a mooring we
with a select few families. can dock to if needed.
Amazing having a private
beach. My kids have had a
fantastic time on these

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