Page 13 - 40 Robin Flipbook
P. 13

Q&A An Interview with the Homeowners at 40 Robin Lane

            P R O U D

            H O M E O W N E R S

            O N   R O B I N   L A N E

          Q:  What made you fall in love with  Q:   Why are you moving?       Q:  Tell us about the garage
            40 Robin Lane?                                                       conversion and addition?
                                            A:  We are moving because all our
          A:  I saw it had a lot of potential, the   children are older, the home is   A:  Years ago we converted our super
            schools were great and the         too big for two people and most   small one car 1950’s garage into a
            neighborhood had sidewalks for     rooms sit idle most of the        bedroom to make more room for
            our kids to walk and ride their    year.  Though we love this house,   our growing children. It worked
            bikes on.  I loved the yard and    and it is hard to leave after all the   out really well and became a
            thought Fairfield would be a great   hard work we have put into      separate apartment for our
            place to raise children.  My vision   renovating it,  it is time to   college age son when he was
            enabled me to transform the        downsize and move on to the       living at home. Could be a great
            house to what it is today .        next stage of our lives and let a   option for an In-Law or an au-pair
                                               new family enjoy the house and    suite. Later we added the single
         Q:  Tell me about your beautiful      all that Fairfield has to offer.   car garage for even more storage
            grounds.                                                             and a place for the car in the
                                            Q:  Describe the renovation process.   winter.
         A:  We love our large yard and all its
            fragrant lilacs, beautiful blue   A:  Over the years, many different
            hydrangeas, orange                 renovation phases have taken   Q:
            rhododendron and other lush        place, no room has been           What makes your property so
            plantings.  This year we planted a   untouched!  Moving the kitchen   special?
            vegetable garden that is           from one side of the main floor to
            producing tomatoes, broccoli,      another and adding a floor for the  A:  The property is special to us
            eggplants, herbs and several leafy   master bedroom suite were the 2   because over the years we have
            lettuce varieties.                 biggest projects. One of my       put a lot of love, thought and
                                               favorite renovations was adding   upgrades into our home.  The
          Q:  Will you miss the neighbors?     additional windows and sliders to   layout of our home has allowed
                                               the main floor because of the     everyone in our large family to
          A:  We will miss the neighbor, the   natural light they bring in.      each have their own space and
                                                                                 privacy yet still be near each
            warm community, its proximity to                                     other.  We hope that what we’ve
            the beach, terrific restaurants,                                     created for our family will work
            and accessibility to a wide variety                                  and be appreciated by the next
            of shopping and entertainment                                        family that moves in.
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