Page 5 - High Street Flipbook
P. 5

890 High Street

               The expansive backyard

               is perfect for play, lawn

              games, and entertaining.

                  A full deck spans the

             width of the entire home,

             leaving plenty of room for

               a BBQ, table, and plenty

                              of chairs.

             G E N E R A L   P R O P E R T Y   I N F O R M A T I O N

                    •  1,584 square ft. of living space                •  3 Bedrooms; 2 full Bathrooms
                    •  Large backyard with full deck                  •  Move right in, or easily expand!
               •  Side Expansion with open floor plan and           •  Walkable neighborhood full of side
                               vaulted ceilings                                   walked streets

                     F O R   M O R E   D E T A I L S   C O N T A C T

                           Julie Vanderblue                                      Brandy Hall
                               203-257-6994                                      203-685-9379
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