Page 22 - 145 Old Stonewall Flipbook
P. 22
Interview with the Homeowner
Q: What made you fall in love with this home?
A: We were looking for a home in Fairfield County, and when we learned about Easton, a town with
more than 1/3 of its land forever preserved, we loved the idea of living in such a uniquely beautiful
and protected place, yet close to everything we need. A private setting is important to us, and
Old Stonewall Road is a very quiet and gorgeous cul-de-sac, with beautifully maintained homes
and mature trees. When we saw the house at 145 Old Stonewall Road, with its serene setting and
expansive front lawn, we looked at each other and said “This is the one!” The pretty light-colored
brick house and the grove of large trees on the front lawn conveyed a sense of comfortable elegance
and captivated us immediately. We were delighted by the spacious, bright interior with wonderful
light and flow.
Q: Why are you moving?
A: We love Easton, our neighborhood, and our house, and had planned to stay here for many more
years, but we recently received a fantastic job opportunity in another state. We will miss the serenity
and comfort of our house, and we feel fortunate to have enjoyed living in such a lovely place.
Q: Did you ever consider putting in a pool? Tell me about the grounds.
A: We envisioned a landscape of connected gardens behind our house, with a patio, statuary garden
and varied plantings to contrast with and complement the open feel of the front yard. We built a
wood-chip walking trail on the forested portion of our property, with entrances at the back yard and
near the street. We added a pergola and redesigned the original stone patio, creating a peaceful,
secluded outdoor space to enjoy views of the forest just outside the separate basement entrance to
our home.
We planned to connect the patio area to the forest via an extended garden, embraced by the
beautiful stone wall that runs the entire length of our property. We placed five large boulders across
the back yard as a way to visually connect future garden spaces. We love the the natural features of
the Connecticut countryside, so we added a loose stone wall boundary near the street entrance to
the trail. Inspired by the harmony of colors of the stone wall, we painted our deck and chose stone
garden statues and dark aluminum fencing and decorative gates. We expanded our deck steps to
better integrate the house and grounds.
Our trail, about an 8-minute walk on a winding wood-chip path, is one of our favorite features of the
property. We absolutely love it and use it every day to take walks with our dog, enjoying the beauty
of Connecticut’s four seasons, all on private property. It is a wonderful luxury to be able to step
outside our door and enjoy a quick, fun hike or quiet walk to recharge and reflect, any time we wish.
We invested in replanting grass on a large section of our front lawn to showcase the beautiful grove
of tall trees. We also extended the front lawn, clearing the entrance to the woods trail to highlight a
majestic tree on our property near the street. We added six plum trees to add sparkle to the driveway
sight lines. We redesigned the semi-circular section of stone wall landscape as a perennial garden,
professionally planted with New England flowers, pink muhly grass, and sawgrasses, all chosen
to harmonize with the colors of the plum trees and brick. The deep lilac color of the plum trees is
jewel-like in the morning sun. In the evening light, the view and colors of the sky seen from the office
and living room are breathtaking year-round.
We love that our house is set back from the road, just beyond the grove of trees, adding to the
feeling of serenity and privacy. We feel so fortunate to have a classic Connecticut stone wall visible
along the length of our property. We have enjoyed enhancing our grounds with the respect for the
natural landscape.