Page 21 - Merwins Lane_917
P. 21

                                            "We live on Horseshoe Lane and have two children who attend RLMS
                                      (Dwight Elementary alumni). The neighborhood hosts casual cul-de-sac
                                   parties, an annual Halloween "boo bash", and are there in a pinch if someone
                                can't get home to let their dog out or get a child off the bus.
                               We are very inclusive, and always invite the neighbors whose children are grown
                           and out of the house. Many times I have been saved by the "can I borrow xxx" so
                         I don't have to run out to the store. With that said, we are also very respective of
                        each others privacy. We have lived here for 5 years, moving from the Stratfield area of
                       Fairfield. We have been very happy."
                       "I live directly across the street from 917 Merwins Lane. We do have great neighbors and
                    it is a lovely neighborhood to live in. I have three children; The two oldest attend Saint
                    Thomas in Fairfield. My youngest attends Hunt Ridge Montessori on Brookside Drive. All
                    three of the my children attended this school.
                       There are a few families on the street that attend Saint Thomas but it does seem like
                     most young families are drawn to the neighborhood for the public school. We love the
                     large space of the area and quiet and friendly neighbors.
                        I used to commute to the city regularly, and the commute is very doable from this
                      neighborhood. But currently I work remotely."
                          "My husband and I live on Merwins Lane, just a few houses down from this home.
                        We've been here for 4 years now and moved here from a Boston suburb because at the
                         time, my husband had to work in both Boston and New York. We have four children
                         ages ranging 10 - 4 1/2 and our girls attend Dwight, the public elementary school,
                         which we have had a very good experience with.
                           The best part about this neighborhood is the people! Our Riders Lane neighborhood
                         has a book club, winter bowling league, and block party as well as a fantastic
                         Halloween "float" where all the kids get pulled through the neighborhood on a
                         decorated wagon behind a tractor. But other cul de sacs have been so welcoming and
                        inclusive in their block parties, Halloween parties, summer parties.
                         Since houses are more spread out here and I've found many people aren't close to
                      immediate family, neighbors become your family. Neighbors ask neighbors for help
                     with pets, kids, bus stop pick ups when they are in a pinch, carpools, etc. We've done
                    neighborhood meal deliveries when someone has had a hardship or illness. Doors are
                  ALWAYS open for a stop in, glass of wine, or for the kids to play in someone else's yard for
                change of scenery. And, it's a wide age range, but from 80 year old widows, 50 year old empty
               nesters, and 30 -somethings with little kids EVERYONE looks out for one another.
            This area has several kids of babysitting age, many kids in elementary and middle school, and an
       endless supply of joggers, dog walkers, bike riders, and passers- by. Although a good distance from
   town and absolutely beautiful and private, Merwins Lane in NO WAY feels isolated. On the contrary, this
little section of Greenfield Hill is extremely warm and friendly and welcoming."
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