Page 4 - Chrissie Rodriguez: Buyer's Packet
P. 4

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                HOME                                 INSPECTION                           HOME
                INSPECTION                           AGREEMENT                            WARRANTY

                 The immediate step                  This form will be used               A home warranty can

                 after making an offer               after the home                       be purchased to

                 and having it accepted              inspection if there are              cover repairs and

                 is to complete any                  any counter-offers to                replacements on
                 inspections that the                the seller, asking that              systems and

                 offer was contingent                items considered                     appliances in your

                 upon. If one of the                 defective or problems                home, usually for a

                 contingencies was a                 relating to the safety               period of a year. This
                 home inspection, you'll             of the home are                      may include coverage

                 have a certain number               corrected prior to                   of your home's

                 of days to complete                 closing.                             electrical, plumbing,
                 this after the offer is                                                  heating, and air

                 accepted.                                                                conditioning systems

                                                                                          as well as other home

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