Page 6 - Chrissie Rodriguez: Buyer's Packet
P. 6

tips for:

                           USING AN ATTORNEY

                                           FOR BUYING REAL ESTATE


           Buyers may wonder why to use an attorney if they already have a contract with the seller. An
             attorney who practices real estate law will provide the buyer with experienced insight and
                          expertise, giving them peace of mind during the closing process.

                                      An attorney may  provide the following:

          DOCUMENT  REVIEW                  CLOSING FIGURES REVIEW                          LEGAL ADVICE

        Contacts the Seller's attorney         Verifies closing figures from the        Provides legal advice in any
              to ensure the Title              Seller's attorney. These figures         negotiations post contract,
       Commitment (which discloses            include all expenses concerning           including inspection issues.
        all liens and titles existing on      the sale and satisfaction of  liens
          the property) is reviewed.             and encumbrances on the

           Reviews all documents              Contacts  applicable sewer  tax          Remains available through the
        prepared by Seller's attorney            entity to obtain a proration         closing process and attends the
          for closing, including the             through the closing date.            closing to review all documents
        Deed (which conveys the title                                                     presented to the buyer.
                to the Buyer.)                  Obtains the most recent tax
                                              information and tax assessment
                                             for the property to prepare closing
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