Page 1 - Neighbors Know Best Trifold
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   With Connecticut’s 169 distinct municipalities,
  boasting hundreds of smaller enclaves, hamlets,                   When do you want to
   neighborhoods, and authentic communities,                               start your story?                         Neighbors
      there is little wonder why the unlimited
      excellent choices can become daunting.

  Consumers place the highest degree of trust and                                                                   Know Best
   value in the ratings, reviews, and personalized
  reports of those already experiencing the home
  buying process. Accordingly, we are asking you,
    as a member of your respective community,
   to share your unique insight with prospective

    Buyers are determined to learn the lifestyle
  nuances of the community they are considering.
    To be clear, we are not suggesting that any
   buyer will make their decision based upon the
    highly subjective comments of community
  residents alone, but such experiential input can
           make a significant difference.
   Few buyers are comfortable with ringing local
   door bells in order to ask the many questions
       they naturally have of local residents.
      To help potential buyers, we created the
         Neighbors Know Best Program.

    The knowledge of local residents versus on-
   line data for buyers can become a true tipping
  point in their lifestyle decision. You can provide
  your impressions and insights of your particular
    neighborhood or town either by remaining
     anonymous or through a public display of
   neighborhood pride. Thank you for providing
   this valuable insight into where you call home!

            1499 Post Road                                                                                               203-259-8326

        Fairfield, CT • 06824                                                                               
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