Page 2 - Neighbors Know Best Trifold
P. 2

Please complete and return the following survey - or visit to fill out online

     Name:                                                                   6. If you have children, how would   10. How friendly are your neighbors?
                                                           you rate your community for                        Are there social activities in the
                                                           children?                                          neighborhood?
     Address or Area:

     1. What do you like most about living in
     your particular local community?                      7. How would you rate your                         11. Do your neighbors respect one
                                                                                                         neighborhood for pets?  another’s privacy?

     2. How long have you lived here?
                                                                                                         8. Knowing what you know now,   12. How convenient are you to shopping
                                                           would you still move here?                         and other important services? Walk-
     3. Why did you move here?

                                                           9. List the 3-5 best features of living
                                                           where you do.                                      13. How convenient are parks,
     4. Is the neighborhood community-                                                                                                                         recreational & outdoor activities?

                                                                                                              14. How convenient are you to medical
     5. If you have children, what do they                                                                    care, transportation, and highway
     like most and least about living here?                                                                   systems?
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