Page 22 - Meamcon_2017_Magazine2
P. 22
Why social media?
This is not a difficult
question to answer as every
business in the world is
dependent on it to a great
extent for a number of purposes
such as business development,
customer service etc.
John Stevens, Managing
Director, Asteco Property
Management, says the
prevalence of social media,
particularly in this region,
cannot be underestimated.
SOCIALLY East are using social media
“Research has shown 88% of
the population in the Middle
sites daily. The UAE mobile
penetration rate is over 220%
and the country is currently
number one worldwide for
smart phone penetration at
78%. We require real time
updates and this is exactly
ACTIVE what social media and instant “Research has feedback, which makes living Today, 35% of all those 65 and
messaging provides,” he adds.
shown 88% of
in my community much more
older report using social media,
How do residents benefit?
the population in
compared with just 2% in 2005.
peaceful and happier than
Some of the recent reports
the Middle East
This further underscores the
ever before,” he says. Indian
suggest that residents are
are using social
validity of using social media
expat Rathi S, a resident of
happy with the improvement in
media sites daily.
as a means for communication.
an apartment community,
service provided by community
The UAE mobile
Whereas five years ago an older
says she can now contact the
management companies
thanks to the increased and
is over 220% and
fait with social media, it is now
by visiting their social media
effective use of social media.
common practice, therefore
the country is
handle and posting a complaint
Alex A, a resident of a gated penetration rate maintenance provider directly demographic may not be as au
currently number
for a community or owners’
community in Dubai says he one worldwide and the response time is quick. association manager to use it
gets regular updates from for smart phone “It is definitely a great relief as a means of communicating
his community management penetration at to see social media making our makes complete sense as they
oday, social media platforms for faster and effective company about the community 78%.” lives better and I am happy can speak with a vast number
is very much part communication with the and now it is much easier for that our service providers are of people at one time,” says
of all our lives and residents and industry members him to share his feedback with taking proper steps to make John, quickly adding that
T it has become an unanimously say it has made the community manager. “All the exchange of information the traditional methods of
unavoidable part of our personal their job much easier than I have to do now is take my faster and more effective. communication cannot be ruled
Social media has taken the and professional life. Social ever before since most of the mobile and post my feedback out completely as it is wrong
world by storm and the media is gradually taking over residents are active to various which goes directly to the Social media: a game to assume that each and every
the world of communication
social media platforms such as
community manager. I am
community management with the number of users Facebook, Twitter, Instagram an engineer and have a busy According to research resident is active on social
media. “We should however
industry is effectively growing rapidly every second, etc. Most of the community schedule so it is not always from US-based Pew Research be mindful that not everyone
using its benefits to making it imperative for management companies and FM possible for me to visit the Center, age demographics have uses social media so traditional
companies have adapted to the
community managers as well
community management office
little impact either. “Young
maximize communications to embrace this trend and use trends and have set up accounts to meet and share my concerns adults (ages 18 to 29) are the methods of communicating
should also be implemented,
with the residents. to their advantage. Community in these social media portals to with the concerned officials. most likely to use social media face-to-face communication
managers are making more ensure they are not left behind What is more helpful is the and 90% do. However, usage for many people still remains
use of various social media in the competition. fact that community managers John Stevens among those 65 and older has of paramount importance,”
Managing Director,
respond quickly to our Asteco more than tripled since 2010. he concludes.
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