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Chairman's Message

                                 We are the fragment of a society that is constantly evolving
                                 and strategically working towards illumination. It is crucial

                                 that we take a step back and introspect on how much we

                                 have really achieved and how effectively have we tackled

                                 the obstacles on the way. Supporting this, William

                                 Frederick Halsey Jr. once enlightened the masses thus,
  “There are no great people in the world, only great challenges which

  ordinary people rise to meet.” These words are a lesson, especially, in                                         the

  times that we live in.

  It  is  completely  on  us  and  how  we  choose  to  respond.  The  message  that  we
  need  to  imbibe  is  that  it  is  important  that  we  accept  change  and  act

  accordingly.  I  am  humbled to have a staff that stands united in lending their

  unstinted support. They continue to learn, unlearn and empower our young

  children to overcome the challenges that lie ahead.

  Apart  from  adapting,  one  must  remember  the  ideals  that  are  of  utmost
  importance  in the development of a better human being. It is rightly said

  “Values become your destiny”. Life’s deepest joy and a sense of

  contentment come only with selfless service. The act of radiating love and

  unconditional care is therapeutic and  restorative  for  all  humankind.  Strive

  always to lend a healing touch to those in need.

  Since  imparting  education  not  only  formulates  the  human  capital,  but  the

  process  and  its  projected  outcome  gives  us  a  glimpse  into  the  future,  we

  endeavor to do our part wholeheartedly.

  Mr Surjit Singh
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