Page 15 - SubTerra Engineering Corporate Profile - 2021 v2
P. 15

2.0  Key Personnel

               2.1  President & CEO - Dustin Kinch, P.Eng

               Academic History                            Bachelor of Science, Petroleum Engineering (Honors)
                                                           Montana Tech University, USA (2007)

                                                           Graduated Petroleum Engineering Technology (Honors)
                                                           Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (2005)

               Summary of Experience

               An engineer with 17 years of varied drilling operational and engineering experience including the
                          Various experience with; horizontal; stac frac horizontal wells; HTHP / ERD drilling
                          technology, under balance operations; cavern storage; deviated wells; off shore drilling &
                          CBM wells.
                          Foreign experience in Gulf of Mexico; Equatorial Guinea; Egypt (North Red Sea) drillship as
                          a Drilling Engineer and Drilling Supervisor.
                          Night Drilling Supervisor Gulf Mexico 6000 m HTHP wells.  Multiple casing strings, liners,
                          expandable liners, fishing and side track operations.
                          Drilling supervisor looking after field operations in Canada with wells ranging from 500 -
                          1600 meters. Including CBM, Heavy oil & gas wells
                          Specializing in Salt Cavern Drilling & Completions Engineering Design and
                          Started in industry on drilling rigs for two years, prior to school.

               Summary of Past Positions

               SubTerra Group of Companies
               March 2018 – Current                        President & CEO

               CBW Resource Consultants
               2011 – April 2019                           Engineering & Operations / Partner

               Hess, Egypt North Red Sea
               2010 - 2011                                 Offshore Deepwater Drilling Engineer

               Hess, Equatorial Guinea
               2009 - 2010                                 Offshore Night Drilling Supervisor

               Husky Energy, Canada
               2008 – 2009                                 Drilling Consultant

               Chevron, USA working in the Gulf of Mexico
               2007 - 2008                                 Offshore Night Drilling Supervisor

               Apache Corporation, Canada
               2005 – 2006                                 Drilling Consultant


                          CSA 625 Well Integrity Voting Member
                          CSA Z341 Technical Committee as an Associate Member
                          Member of The Association of Professional Engineers, and Geoscientists of Alberta
                          Solution Mining Research Institute (SMRI)

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