Page 20 - SubTerra Engineering Corporate Profile - 2021 v2
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2.6  Sr. Solution Mining Specialist- Piotr Kukialka, P. Geo., M.Sc.

               Academic History                    Postgraduate-Petroleum Geophysics diploma

                                                   Master of Science and Engineering, Mining and Geology –
                                                   Major in Geology of Saline Deposits and Chemical raw mat.
               Summary of Experience

               A geologist with 25 years as a leader in the study and application of solution mining, both domestically
               and internationally:
                      Private consultancy providing technical and geological supports in solution mining field.
                      Project services specialize in geological evaluation for salt cavern localization and mining.
                      Creation of coring programs.
                      Monitoring of onsite drilling and coring processes.
                      Design wireline logging program and logs evaluation.
                      Salt core evaluation and salt leaching rate testing.
                      Cavern design relevant to local geology, clients’ specifications with application to cavern geo-
                       mechanical stability (with special focus on roof stability) and safety regulations.
                      Creation  of  cavern  mining  program  accordant  to  client’s  requirements,  water  and  disposal
                       ability, time frame, and safety regulations using software supported 3D leaching simulation.
                      Cavern mining process monitoring and its modifications while the actual leaching operations are
                      Waste storage cavern design and monitoring with coincident storage operation in the bottom
                       section and mining in the upper part.
                      Setup and tracking of time schedules between work overs, sonar survey and roof protection
                      Planning and supervising laboratory testing related to cavern washing and scaling in pipeline
                       and its prevention.

               Summary of Past Positions

               SubTerra Engineering
               March 2019 - present                                             Vice President, Mining

               CBW Resource Consultants
               2015 - March 2019                                                Mining Engineer (Consultant)

               DEEP Underground Engineering GmbH (Germany)                      Solution Mining Engineer

               Polish Petroleum Mining and Gas Engineering Company              Wellsite Geologist (Consultant)


                      Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta
                      Solution Mining Research Institute (SMRI)
                      Polish Salt Mining Association
                      Certified Junior Operation Officer specializing in wellsite geology

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