Page 20 - SubTerra Engineering Corporate Profile - 2021 v2
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2.6 Sr. Solution Mining Specialist- Piotr Kukialka, P. Geo., M.Sc.
Academic History Postgraduate-Petroleum Geophysics diploma
Master of Science and Engineering, Mining and Geology –
Major in Geology of Saline Deposits and Chemical raw mat.
Summary of Experience
A geologist with 25 years as a leader in the study and application of solution mining, both domestically
and internationally:
Private consultancy providing technical and geological supports in solution mining field.
Project services specialize in geological evaluation for salt cavern localization and mining.
Creation of coring programs.
Monitoring of onsite drilling and coring processes.
Design wireline logging program and logs evaluation.
Salt core evaluation and salt leaching rate testing.
Cavern design relevant to local geology, clients’ specifications with application to cavern geo-
mechanical stability (with special focus on roof stability) and safety regulations.
Creation of cavern mining program accordant to client’s requirements, water and disposal
ability, time frame, and safety regulations using software supported 3D leaching simulation.
Cavern mining process monitoring and its modifications while the actual leaching operations are
Waste storage cavern design and monitoring with coincident storage operation in the bottom
section and mining in the upper part.
Setup and tracking of time schedules between work overs, sonar survey and roof protection
Planning and supervising laboratory testing related to cavern washing and scaling in pipeline
and its prevention.
Summary of Past Positions
SubTerra Engineering
March 2019 - present Vice President, Mining
CBW Resource Consultants
2015 - March 2019 Mining Engineer (Consultant)
DEEP Underground Engineering GmbH (Germany) Solution Mining Engineer
Polish Petroleum Mining and Gas Engineering Company Wellsite Geologist (Consultant)
Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta
Solution Mining Research Institute (SMRI)
Polish Salt Mining Association
Certified Junior Operation Officer specializing in wellsite geology