Page 23 - SubTerra Engineering Corporate Profile - 2021 v2
P. 23
2.9 Completions Engineer– Nathan Christensen, P.Eng
Academic History
Bachelor of Science,
Major: Computer Engineering
Minor: Biomedical Engineering,
University of Calgary, Canada, 2010
Bachelor of Science,
Summary of Experience
An engineer with 12+ years of office and field completions experience:
Cavern Completions & Workover engineering and design and field execution
MIT design and support
Completions and Workover wellsite supervision with a perfect safety record
Cost control, vendor management and efficiency implementation
Supervised frac crews out of Grande Prairie, and Red Deer districts.
9 years of hydraulic fracturing field experience spanning from Brooks AB to Fort Nelson BC.
Design execution and evaluation of hydraulic fracturing operations.
Familiarity with all common and many specialty fracturing fluids. Energized systems (N2 and
CO2 operations)
Experience in horizontal multi-stage completions as well as vertical conventional completions
Excellent leadership and safety record with an industry leading service company
Extensive Project management experience both onsite managing details of day to day
operation and high-level project planning
Mentorship and training of other engineers
Summary of Past Positions
SubTerra Engineering
April 2019 – Current Completions Engineer
Schlumberger Canada
March 2017 – April 2019 Frac Field Supervisor
Schlumberger Canada
October 2014 – March 2017 Service Coordinator
Schlumberger Canada
June 2010 – October 2014 Frac Field Engineer
Member of The Association of Professional Engineers, and Geoscientists of Alberta