Page 21 - SubTerra Engineering Corporate Profile - 2021 v2
P. 21
2.7 Sr. Drilling Engineer – Brandt Tracey, P. Eng
Academic History Bachelor of Science, Oil & Gas Engineering
University of Calgary (2006)
Summary of Experience
An engineer with 15+ years of varied drilling and completions experience in both operations and
engineering including the following:
Various experience with directional wells, multi-lateral horizontal wells, multi-stage
fracturing completions, extended-reach-drilling (ERD), HPHT deep gas, off-shore drilling
operations, delineation wells, SAGD, project management
Foreign experience in Saudi Arabia – South Ghawar 6,100m HPHT gas wells and Offshore
Arabian Gulf 5,000m ERD oil wells as a Drilling Engineer
Drilling Superintendent looking after field operations in Canada with wells ranging from
500m to 5,000m including heavy oil, SAGD, and gas wells
Experience with large well bores, multiple casing strings, multiple liner strings, expandable
liner hangers, multi-stage fracturing equipment, fishing operations, sidetracks, coiled
tubing, abandonments, hole stability, hole cleaning, cementing design, drill string design,
casing design
Experienced in the evaluation of disposal assets including feasibility and economic analysis
Summary of Past Positions
CBW/SubTerra Engineering
2018 - Present Consulting Engineer
Saudi Aramco, Saudi Arabia
2014 - 2018 Senior Drilling Engineer
Devon Energy, Canada
2007 - 2014 Drilling Superintendent / Drilling Engineer
McDaniel & Associates, Canada
2006 – 2007 Evaluation Engineer
Schlumberger, Canada
2004 - 2005 Wireline Intern
Member of The Association of Professional Engineers, and Geoscientists of Alberta
Member of The Society of Petroleum Engineers