Page 21 - SubTerra Engineering Corporate Profile - 2021 v2
P. 21

2.7  Sr. Drilling Engineer – Brandt Tracey, P. Eng

               Academic History                            Bachelor of Science, Oil & Gas Engineering
                                                           University of Calgary (2006)

               Summary of Experience

               An engineer with 15+ years of varied drilling and completions experience in both operations and
               engineering including the following:
                          Various experience with directional wells, multi-lateral horizontal wells, multi-stage
                          fracturing completions, extended-reach-drilling (ERD), HPHT deep gas, off-shore drilling
                          operations, delineation wells, SAGD, project management
                          Foreign experience in Saudi Arabia – South Ghawar 6,100m HPHT gas wells and Offshore
                          Arabian Gulf 5,000m ERD oil wells as a Drilling Engineer
                          Drilling Superintendent looking after field operations in Canada with wells ranging from
                          500m to 5,000m including heavy oil, SAGD, and gas wells
                          Experience with large well bores, multiple casing strings, multiple liner strings, expandable
                          liner hangers, multi-stage fracturing equipment, fishing operations, sidetracks, coiled
                          tubing, abandonments, hole stability, hole cleaning, cementing design, drill string design,
                          casing design
                          Experienced in the evaluation of disposal assets including feasibility and economic analysis

               Summary of Past Positions

               CBW/SubTerra Engineering
               2018 - Present                              Consulting Engineer

               Saudi Aramco, Saudi Arabia
               2014 - 2018                                 Senior Drilling Engineer

               Devon Energy, Canada
               2007 - 2014                                 Drilling Superintendent / Drilling Engineer

               McDaniel & Associates, Canada
               2006 – 2007                                 Evaluation Engineer

               Schlumberger, Canada
               2004 - 2005                                 Wireline Intern


                      Member of The Association of Professional Engineers, and Geoscientists of Alberta
                      Member of The Society of Petroleum Engineers

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