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2                            NEW BRUNSWICK PROOF SHEET:  CANADA COLLECTION 1853-1973:                             CARTON OF USED CANADA:
                                     7. Û 7P, Cpl Plate Proof sheet of 100 on card  17. ÚÛ Jarrett album with an extensive coll in  43. Ú Carton with an accum of used Canada
          Miscellaneous               of the 2¢ QV in issued colour. Has 14 Plate  black mounts on printed pages. Older issues  from the 19th Century up to 2021. Incl 15¢
                                      Imprints in the selvedge. XF. Scarce ......
                                                                  are mainly used, later mostly mint. Has 3
                                                                                                                           Quebec (Cat $175); VF 50¢ Bluenose (Cat
                                      ......................... Cat 5,000.00  Pence Beaver; 1859 Rose 1¢ & 5¢ Beaver;      $100); three binders with a coll on Scott
              1. CANADA,             NEW BRUNSWICK PROOF SHEET:   various Sm Queens; Jubilees 1¢-5¢; QV Leaf               pages from the 1870’s up to 2004; various
                                     8. Û 6P, Cpl Plate Proof sheet of 100 on card  / Numerals to 8¢; various Admirals, Scroll set  stockcards; duplicates in envelopes & bag-
          PROVINCES, AND              of the 1¢ Locomotive in dark violet. Has 8  to 50¢ Bluenose & $1 Parliament; useful  gies; & more. Generally VG-VF (1,000’s) ...
                                      Plate Imprints in the selvedge. XF. ONLY A  1930’s commems & values to $1; then a solid  .......................... Est 250.00+
           UNITED STATES:             FEW SHEETS EXIST LIKE THIS ........  run of later issues with commems, defins,      CANADA CHINESE LUNAR NEW YEAR
                                      ........................ Cat 12,500.00  Xmas, coils, etc. VG-VF (100’s) Est 300.00+  SPECIALTY COLLECTION:
        UNITED STATES IN STOCKBOOK:  NEW BRUNSWICK PROOF SHEET:                                                           44. ÚÛ 1630/3055, Two gold imprinted bind-
        1. ÚÛ Uni-Safe 16-page stockbook with an  9. Û 8P, Cpl Plate Proof sheet of 100 on card                            ers with a beautiful Chinese Lunar New
         accum of primarily used from 19th Century up  of the 5¢ QV in issued colour. Shows the                            Year specialty coll 1997-2018, on black
         to later. Has lots of older issues with defins &  “ELONGATED EARRING” variety at Position                         plastic stockcards. Has singles, souvenir
         commems. Plus a coll of slogan cancels on  60. XF. Scarce ............. Cat 6,000.00   CANADA 1970 CHRISTMAS ISSUES:  sheets, cpl sheets, Plate Blocks, FDC’s,
         piece mainly from 1920’s; interesting asst of  NEW BRUNSWICK PROOF SHEET:            29. Ú 522i, 522pi, 525i, 525pi, Christmas  souvenir cards, souvenir packs incl Hong
         revenues incl some old cancelled checks,  10. Û 11P, Cpl Plate Proof sheet of 100 on  CENTRE BLOCKS tagged & untagged. Also  Kong & People’s Republic of China issues.
         labels depicting American Presidents, &  card of the 17¢ Prince of Wales in issued col-  accompanied by identical horiz pairs of the  VF, NH. Face value alone $743, plus Hong
         more. Some mixed condition but most VG-VF  our. Has Plate Imprint at bottom. XF. Scarce  other issues. All with lovely neat Winnipeg  Kong & PRC Cat $180 (100’s). Est 750.00+
         (100’s) .................... Est 175.00+  ......................... Cat 7,000.00      CDS’s. A nice specialty lot! VF . Cat 486.00
                                                                                             USA MINT WINE REVENUE SHEET:  MINT COLLECTION 1980-2001 FACE $425:
                                                                    CANADA FIRST FLIGHT COVERS:  30. Û RE201, COMPLETE MINT SHEET of  45. Û 847/1918, Pristine mint NH coll neatly
                                                                 18. Ö Coll of cach FFC’s from 1936-9. Nice  50 the $4.08 Wine Revenue issue. VF, NH.  arranged on black stockcards. Has lovely
                                                                  variety of flights, cachets, cancels from  2024 Scott $2,500 ........... Est 450.00+  topical singles, sets, se-tenant multiples,
                                                                  across Canada (strength in Western Can-  USA MINT WINE REVENUE SHEET:  souvenir sheets & panes, plus a few booklets.
                                                                  ada). F-VF (96) ............ Est 250.00+  31. Û RE198, COMPLETE MINT SHEET of  VF, NH ................... Face 425.00
                                                                 AIR CANADA                   50 of the $1.60 Type II Wine Revenue issue.
                                                                 50TH ANNIVERSARY COVERS 1986:  VF, NH. 2024 Scott $1,750 .... Est 350.00+
                                                                 19. Ö 1078, 1092, Cpl souvenir coll of 50 diff  USA MINT $3 WINE REVENUE SHEET:
                                                                  covers marking Air Canada’s 50th Anniver-  32. Û RE154, Cpl mint sheet of 50 of the 1942
                                                                  sary. The set has postmarks from 50 diff stops  Wine Revenue $3 issue. VF, NH. 2024 Scott
                                                                  across Canada en route to Expo ‘86 in Van-  $1,750 .................... Est 325.00+
                                                                  couver BC. VF............... Est 50.00+
                                                                 MINT CANADA FACE $705:       DOCUMENT SIGNED
                                                                                              BY USA PRESIDENT MCKINLEY:
                                                                 20. Û Nice accum of mints mainly 1990’s-  33. Ú Attractive large document illustrated
                                                                  2000’s. Most are commems & mainly 45¢ &  with eagle, star & stripes, signed by Presi-
                                                                  higher. Has singles, self adhesives, booklets,  dent WILLIAM McKINLEY 26 Dec 1899.
                                                                  part booklets, etc. F-VF, NH . . . Face 705.00
                                                                                               Also signed by Secretary of War Elihu Root.
                                                                 USA FIRST FLIGHT COVERS 1935-1940:  The document is a Commission for the pro-
                                                                 21. Ö Attractive coll of 73 diff cach FFC’s,  motion of an officer to the rank of First Lieu-
                                                                  from 1935-40’s. F-VF, most have light centre  tenant. Has attractive blue seal. Measures
                                                                  fold ...................... Est 100.00+  15 x 19 inches. President McKinley was
                                                                                               assassinated (3 years later in Buffalo New
                                                                                               York) during the Pan American Exposition.
                                                                                               F. Historic item. Frameable. . Est 1,200.00+
                                                                                             USA USED DEALER’S STOCK 1991-1998:
                                                                                             34. Ú 2451/3252, Used dealer’s stock neatly ar-
                                                                                              ranged & identified on stockcards. Has defins
                                                                                              incl High Values, many diff commems, coils,
                                                                                              booklet singles, multiples, etc. Great source  CANADA
                                                                                              for varieties, thematics, topicals, etc. Duplica-  RECALLED HANUKKAH BOOKLET:
                                                                                              tion ranges from a few to 100+ of each. Major-  46. Û BK686, Scarce RECALLED
                                                                                              ity F-VF (1,000’s)............ Est 350.00+
                                                                                                                           HANUKKAH BOOKLET from 2017. This
                                                                    CANADA FIRST FLIGHT COVERS:  CARTON FULL OF            Booklet was recalled by Canada Post
                                                                 22. Ö Coll of cach FFC’s from 1932-3 with  USED CANADA WHOLESALE:  the day before it was supposed to go on
                                                                  flights from across Canada. Has a nice  35. Ú A mass of used Canadian stamps identi-  sale due to a ‘design issue’. VF, NH ......
                                                                  variety of postmarks & cachets with many  fied in glassines, many by the 100. Mainly  .......................... Est 75.00+
             USA PRESIDENTIAL SILVER MEDALLION COLLECTION OF 40 DIFFERENT:  Western Canada & some NWT (incl one  1970’s-80’s & majority are commems. A large
         2. Û Special album from the National Historical Society containing a coll of 40 diff Sterling Silver  Reg’d). Incl one cover with #C4 which is a  quantity of stamps here. F-VF (We estimate  CANADA SELECTION OF MINT NH STAMPS:
          medallions honouring 200 years of American Presidents from George Washington to George  joint FDC / FFC. F (51) ...... Est 150.00+  close to 30,000 stamps here) . . Est 225.00+  47. Û 141/271, C1-3, Attractive range of 20
          H.W. Bush. Each medallion is close to the size of a Silver Dollar. All are encapsulated except  CANADA CAPEX ‘78 SOUVENIR SHEETS:  stamps from 1927-46. We noted 203 ($120),
          for one. VF. Current retail is $1,295 US................................... Est 800.00+  23. Ö 756a, Wholesale lot of 100 Capex ‘78 SS’s  227 ($120), C2 ($140), etc. F-VF, NH. Cat
                                                                  neatly tied on cach FDC’s. VF . . Face 169.00            $524...................... Est 135.00+
         CANADA KGV MINT ADMIRALS:                               STOCKCARD WITH USA & UN:                                 CANADA SEMI-OFFICIAL AIRMAILS:
         3. Û 104/120, 137-9, MR1-4, Stockcard full              24. ÚÛ Double-sided stockcard with one side              48. Ö CL51, Canadian Airways affixed on
          of mint Admirals from 1¢-50¢ with a dupli-              having USA & the other United Nations. The               Edmonton to Fort McMurray & RETURN cach
          cated accum. Has a good range of shades.                USA is by far the best incl used sets of Pil-            30 Dec 1932-33, Jan 1933 FFC’s. VF (2 diff
          A great lot for the specialist. Mostly F-VF.            grim, Huguenot, Norse, Lexington, C4-6,                  covers).................... Est 150.00+
          Cat $3,400 (80) ............ Est 500.00+                50¢ Zeppelin, etc. The UN has used & mint               CANADA QV-KE COLLECTION:
                                                                  1950’s-60’s with duplicated sets. F-VF (Few             49. ÚÛ 50/92, Attractive QV Jubilees to
                                                                  100) ...................... Est 135.00+                  KE issues neatly arranged on a stockcard,
                                                                 CANADA MINT ACCUMULATION                                  from 1897-1903. Some highlights are mint
                                                                 FACE $402:                    CANADA OFFICIAL FDC’s 1971-2006:  52-3 (NH $210), 60 ($500), 66-7 ($200), 71
                                                                 25. Û Many diff stamps on stockcards & loose  36. Ö 535/2141, B1-12, Beautiful coll of offi-  (NH $110), 87-8 (NH $95); plus used 54-7
                                                                  in a sleeve, from 1970’s to 2000’s (mainly  cial cach FDC’s. All diff as to issue, franking,  ($290), 60 ($250), etc. Majority VG-VF. Cat
                                               CANADA             1980’s). Appear to be mostly commems incl  & Plate Block position (many franked by  $2,765 (41)................ Est 700.00+
                                       EXPO ‘70 SPECIALTY COLLECTION:  panes & souvenir sheets, plus Plate Blocks,  Plate Blocks). Has commem singles & sets,
                                     11. ÚÛ 508-11, Specialty coll of the Expo ‘  coils, etc. VF, NH (Many 100’s) Face 402.00  booklet panes, coils, se-tenant multiples,  MINT CANADA FACE VALUE $425:
                                      70 commem se-tenant issue, in a Bileski                  defins to $8 Grizzly, Xmas, etc. Topicals  50. Û Accum of mints from the 1960’s-90’s,
                                      Album. Has regular & tagged blocks, Plate                & themes abound. VF, unaddr (812)......  primarily commems. Has singles, blocks,
                                      Blocks, identical pairs, identical triplets, etc.        ......................... Est 375.00+  multiples, Plate Blocks & sheets. F-VF,
                                      Has both mint & used. Has 88 se-tenant                                               appears NH................ Face 425.00
           TORONTO ADVERTISING COVERS:  blocks alone. VF, NH. Cat approx $1,600              RECENT CANADA COVERS:        CANADA
         4. Ö Interesting coll of all diff Toronto adver-  (420 stamps) .............. Est 400.00+  37. Ö Box filled with an accum of covers all  SPECIAL DELIVERIES COMPLETE:
          tising covers / cards from 1873-1950, with                                          with diff single frankings from the 1990’s up to  51. Û E1-11, EO1-2, Cpl coll of 13 diff mint
          many being illustrated. Incl companies deal-  CANADA QUEBEC TERCENTENARY:           2012. Has many nice commems, “P” stamps,  Special Deliveries, fresh, F-VF, NH. Cat
          ing in Floor Wax, Dictaphone, Candy, Grow-  12. Û 96-103, Cpl mint set. For better appear-  some defins, etc. Great lot to trim off all the  $1,360 .................... Est 450.00+
          ers, Nurseries, Publishers, Order of  ances but all are “seconds” with flts. Cat    nice modern stamps! Generally F-VF (Approx
          Forresters, Binder Twine, Hand Cleaner,  $530+ ..................... Est 60.00+     800 covers) ................. Est 90.00+  CANADA
          etc. VG-VF (27) ............ Est 225.00+  CANADA SWOLLEN BREAST VARIETY:           CANADA                       MINT ACCUMULATION FACE $424:
                                     13. Ö C1i, SWOLLEN BREAST variety neatly  USA 50¢ ZEPPELIN COVER:                    53. Û Pristine mint accum loose in a sleeve,
        CANADA MINT COLLECTION 1981-1993:  tied on cach FFC Toronto to Detroit 15 July,  26. Ö C18, Block of the 50¢ Zeppelin tied by  C-E SLOGAN CANCELS ON COVER:  mainly 1970’s-80’s. Hundreds of diff stamps
        5. Û Attractive mint coll in mounts on printed  1929. VF .................. Est 150.00+  Varick St NY 4 Oct, 1933 cancel on cach  38. Ö Shoebox full with interesting duplicated  with singles, sets, blocks, plate blocks, se-
         pages. Has a wide array of commems, defins               GRAF ZEPPELIN FLIGHT COVER to South  coll / accum of Slogan Cancels starting with  tenant multiples, etc. VF, NH . . Face 424.00
         to $5, Xmas, se-tenants, etc. The total mint             America & then to Chicago for Century of  letters ‘C’-"E", from 1910’s-80’s. Have a variety
         face is $293 which incl a few Duck Stamps,               Progress Expo, then back to Germany. F,  of commercial covers, postcards & postal  WWII ERA CORRESPONDENCE
         however, this lot has a few used which were              corner creases affect one stamp, slight  stationery with diff frankings, rates, corner  RE AMERICAN SAILOR:
         not counted & are a bonus. F-VF, NH......                soiling.................... Est 300.00+  cards & slogans. We saw Cartier Centenary  54. Ú Interesting correspondence of a young
         .......................... Est 200.00+                                               1914; Central Exhibition Ottawa 1918, 1920-1  man who became a WWII sailor. Begins with
                                                                 PRINCE EDWARD IS SPECIALIZED  & 1923; Commonwealth Mining Conference  personal letters to him from 1940-2. Joined
                                                                 COLLECTION OF CENTS ISSUES:  1957; WWII Patriotic QE Coronation; etc. Most  the Navy in 1942, went into training, then
                                                                 27. Ú 11-16, Specialized coll of QV Cents issues  VG-VF, some flts (Approx 650) . Est 225.00+  served in a Water Transport unit at Norfolk,
                                                                  from 1872, neatly displayed in black mounts  CANADA OFFICIAL CACHETED FDC’s:  Va from 1943; shuttling men to/from warships.
                                                                  on pages with Cat numbers & descriptions.  39. Ö 535/2496, Attractive coll of official cach  Died in an accident at Norfolk early 1944. Se-
                                                                  Incl all kinds of shades, papers, perfs, dies,  FDC’s, from 1971 up to 2012. Many franked  ries of sad letters & cards to the family there-
                                                                  varieties (many unlisted in Unitrade). Nice lot.  by Plate Blocks, some by souvenir sheets.  after incl official letters & telegrams from
                                     COMPLETE CANADA KGV ADMIRAL SET:                                                      Washington (some are photocopies). We
                                     14. Û 104-22, Cpl Admiral set from 1¢ to $1,  Mostly F-VF. Cat $900 (35).... Est 375.00+  All diff as to issue, cachet, franking & plate  noted Patriotic Sympathy card from the
                                      fresh colours, F-VF. Cat $1,176 Est 325.00+  NEWFOUNDLAND SPECIALTY LOT:  position. Gorgeous topical commems, defins  Daughters of Union Veterans & notice of
                                                                 28. ÚÛ Coll of various stamps depicting the  to $5, etc. VF, unaddr (359).... Est 200.00+
                                     USA SOUVENIR CARDS 1971-1980:  Royal Family plus some from the Caribou                award of American Campaign Medal 1948.
                                     15. Û SC11/SC68, NSC4, NSC6, Attractive                  WHOLESALE USED LOT OF KGV    VG-VF (29 items) ............ Est 75.00+
            CANADA INDIAN HEAD ESSAY:  coll of 18 diff Philatelic & numismatic souvenir  issue mounted on pages. However the main  CANADA COILS CAT $8,300:
         6. Û Scarce imperforate margin pair of the  cards. VF.............. 2024 Scott 78.00  value is in 4 British Royalty postcards which  40. Ú 161/230, Used wholesale lot of KGV  NEWFOUNDLAND
          4¢ INDIAN HEAD ESSAY. This was an                       depict the 1902 Coronation of KE; mourning  coils in glassines, from 1929-35. Has 11 diff  LAND GRANT DOCUMENT:
          unadopted design from the 1950’s. VF, NH  CANADA 1986 DUCK SHEET:  postcard of KE 1911; portrait of KGV circa  from 136 to 2,250 of each. Some in pairs or  55. Ú NFR6, QV $1 Revenue tied on KE era
                                     16. Û FWH2, Cpl sheet of 16 of the $4 Canvas-
          ......................... Est 200.00+                   1912; & 1930’s portrait of Princess Elizabeth.  strips. Majority VG-VF. Cat $8,300 (8,895)  1907 Crest illustrated Official 4-page land
                                      backs Wildlife Habitat. VF, NH . . . Cat 375.00  F-VF (27 stamps, 4 postcards) . Est 150.00+  grant document. Has attractive large em-
                                                                                               ......................... Est 500.00+
                                                                                                                           bossed seal of Newf’d, colour drawing of
                                                                                             WWI CORRESPONDENCE            map of grant & is signed by the Colonial
                                           TERMS OF SALE                                     TO A CANADIAN NURSE 1916-1919:  Secretary & Minister of Agriculture & Mines.
              Bids will be accepted by mail, phone, fax and e-mail until midnight EST on the closing date. Lots are sold to the highest   41. Ö Box with a fascinating accum of covers  F, some soiling, small repair. Frameable ...
            bidder at a slight advance over the underbidder. We reserve the right to withdraw any lot at our discretion on which bidding  with enclosures, etc. to a Canadian nurse who  .......................... Est 125.00+
            fails to reach a reasonable level.                                                served at Perkins-Bull Hospital, in Putney,  CANADA MINT BOOKLET
              Successful bidders will be notified of lots allocated to them and must remit before the lots are sent. Persons known to us   London. All neatly sorted into sleeves. Mostly  ACCUMULATION:
                                                                                              addr to London from Gr. Britain; 10 from Can-
            may, at our discretion, have lots forwarded immediately. Payment must be made within five days after receipt of notification.  ada, 1 Mourning cover from Hong Kong, 1917.  56. Û BK32d/BK265, Fresh coll / accum of
            Postage, registration, insurance, etc. extra.                                     Has a broad range of Military cancels, censor  90 cpl Booklets (66 diff) neatly arranged &
              Lots may be held to allow for clearance of uncertified personal cheques.        marks, war time slogans, 2 cablegrams, cover  identified in plastic sheets, from 1942 up
                                                                                                                           to 2003. We noted BK33a English ($67),
              All bidding and billing are conducted in Canadian funds.                        with Red Cross Birmingham corner card, illus-  BK34d French (3 - $337), BK39a English (3
                                                                                              trated hotel lettersheets incl Queen’s Hydro
              Every effort is made to describe lots accurately. However, if a lot is incorrectly described, the buyer has the option of returning it.  Hotel, Blackpool, etc. F, most roughly opened.  - $198), BK39a French (2 - $144), BK106-9
            These lots must be returned intact within five days of receipt.                                                ($142), BK111A ($50), BK265 (2 - $180),
                                                                                              The previous owner has some notes which
              Canadian bidders will be charged the prevailing rate of GST or HST.             gives insight into the nurse, cancels, etc. (130  etc. VF, NH. Cat $2,035...... Est 600.00+
              Numbers and prices are from the Scott Catalogues in US Dollars unless otherwise noted. All Canada and Provinces have  covers with enclosures, plus a few postcards)
            been priced by the current Unitrade Catalogue in Canadian Dollars unless otherwise noted.  .......................... Est 250.00+
              The placing of a bid shall constitute acceptance of the foregoing conditions of sale.
                                     SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS
                      Please consider all mint lots in our auctions to be hinged unless marked NH (Never Hinged).
           Û  Mint       LH  Lightly Hinged  SE  Straight Edge  CTO  Cancelled to Order
           Ú  Used       HH Heavily Hinged  FDC  First Day Cover  STC  Stated to Catalogue
           Õ  Block      NH Never Hinged  FFC  First Flight Cover
           Ö  Cover or Postcard  NG No Gum  M/S  Matched Set   A (-) indicates a complete set or
           SS  Souvenir or  DG Disturbed Gum  m/s  manuscript      range of stamps.                  CANADA AIRMAIL
              Miniature Sheet  RG Regummed  h/s  handstamp     A (/) indicates a broken range of stamps.  POSTAL HISTORY STOCK RETAIL $1,900:  UNITED STATES DUCK STAMPS:
           VG  Very Good  OG Original Gum  b/s  backstamp      An 'Est' before the price indicates an estimated  42. Ö Diverse modern dealer’s stock of over  57. Ú RW4/RW57, Coll of over 50 diff Duck
           F  Fine       TS  Tropical Stain  BOB  Back of the Book  cash value of the lot in Canadian funds.  450 FFC’s & related covers to/from Canada  Stamps from 1937-90, mainly used. A few
                                                                                               in sleeves, 1951 up to 2006. We noted 370
           VF  Very Fine  Flt  Fault, thin, tear, etc.  SON Socked on the nose cancel                                      flts but mostly F-VF. 2025 Scott $1,100 ...
                                                                                               FFC’s from 1970’s-2006, a few Space re-  ......................... Est 500.00+
           XF  Extremely Fine  OC Off Centre  CDS  Circular Dated Cancel                       lated & Balloon, Helicopter & Military Flights.
                                                                                               Also some Flight Anniversary covers. We  WINNIPEG GAME & FISH ASSOCIATION:
                                                                                               saw a number of Pilot Signed covers. Minor  58. Û Van Dam MW1, Winnipeg Wildlife Con-
                                                                                               duplication incl 2 sets of 50 Air Canada 50th  servation Revenue, 1967 turquoise Canada
                                                                                               Anniv flights. F-VF. Mainly $2-$10 retail items.  Goose cpl mint sheet of 100. Contains perfs
                                                                                               Previous owner’s realistic retail totals $1,900.  12À (rows 3, 6 & 9), & 11Á at bottom. F-VF,
                                                                                               A ready-to-go dealer’s stock . . . Est 600.00+  NH, folded once. Cat $750 ..... Est 100.00
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7