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UNITED STATES AMERICAN RED CROSS:                                                                                 CANADA                   5
        132. Ú WWI AMERICAN RED CROSS                                                                                     QV COLLECTION / ACCUMULATION:
         “Recognition of Service” Certificate (9.25 x 7                                                                   193. Ú 51/88, Interesting coll / accum of QV
         in). Has printed signature of PRESIDENT                                                                           Jubilee (has 38 stamps of 1¢ & 3¢) Leaf &
         WOODROW WILSON & Chairman of the War                                                                              Numeral issues in ‘102’ cards & on stockcards
         Council. F-VF. A nice Red Cross topical item!                                                                     & pages. Contains a variety cancel types incl
         ........................... Est 90.00+                                                                            precancels, roller cancels, squared circles,
        USA INAUGURATION COVERS:                                                                                           duplex, CDS’s, flags, etc. Majority VG-VF
        133. Ö Attractive coll of cach USA Presidential                                                                    (134) ..................... Est 125.00+
         Inauguration special event covers, from 1953                                                                     YUKON AIRWAYS FIRST FLIGHTS:
         up to 2009. Incl items from Presidents Eisen-                                                                    194. Ö CL42, Yukon Airways tied on 3 diff
         hower to Obama; also some Vice-Presidents                                                                         cach FFC’s. Has White Horse to Carcross &
         & First Ladies. All diff in some way as to                                                                        return; & Atlin to Carcross 13 Apr 1928. F-VF
         event, cach design & cancel. Nine have                                                                            (3) ....................... Est 150.00+
         printed signatures. VF, most unaddr (27) ...                                                                     CANADA
         .......................... Est 175.00+                                                                           MINT ACCUMULATION FACE $332:
        CANADA KGV WHOLESALE:                                                                                             195. Û Duplicated accum of many diff, primar-
        134. Ú 141-8, Useful wholesale used lot of 100                                                                     ily commems loose in a sleeve, from 1970’s-
         sets of the KGV Confederation & Historical is-                                                                    90’s. Many are in blocks & Plate Blocks. VF,
         sues. Mainly F-VF. Cat $3,620 . Est 400.00+                                                                       NH....................... Face 332.00
        CANADA KGVI BOOKLETS 1942-1950:                                                                                   CANADA 2¢ MAP STAMPS:
        135. Û BK32d/BK40b, Nice coll of 12 diff                                                                          196. Ú 85-6, Used accum of 125 stamps of
         cpl mint Booklets. F-VF, NH. Cat $429.....                                                                        the 2¢ Map. Has a wide range of shades.
         .......................... Est 140.00+                                                                            Unchecked by us for plates, extra islands,
        EXPRESS CO. PASSES                                                                                                 re-entries, etc. Most F or better. Est 325.00+
        FOR PARCELS:                                                                                                      USA 1936 HINDENBURG ZEPPELIN:
        136. Ú Interesting group of 5 diff Express Co.                                                                    197. Ö Multi-franked HINDENBURG
         Passes for free delivery of parcels issued to                                                                     ZEPPELIN FIRST FLIGHT #10 size cover
         a Canadian agent for American Express Co.,                                                                        from New York 11 May, 1936. Has Zeppelin
         from 1910-9. Incl US Express Co., American                                                                        cachets. F .................. Est 65.00+
         Express Co., Dominion Express Co. & Cdn                                                                          CANADA CONFEDERATION
                                                            CANADA MISSING HOLOGRAM IMPRINT BLOCK ON COVER:
         Northern Express Co. F-VF..... Est 50.00+  158. Ö 1442b, UR Plate Block of the 42¢ Canada In Space with MISSING HOLOGRAM on the left two stamps (and missing tagging). Neatly  & HISTORICAL SETS USED:
        ROYAL CANADIAN                cancelled on cover by large Canada Post Corporation Winnipeg 19 Nov 1992 CDS. VF. Has 2011 Greene Foundation Certificate. THIS IS THE  198. Ú 141-8, Wholesale lot of 100 used sets.
        MOUNTED POLICE COVERS:        ONLY ONE WE HAVE SEEN ON COVER (Cat $4,200 as mint) .....................................................Est 3,000.00+  A few flaws but mostly F-VF. Cat $3,600 ...
        137. Ö O43, O44 (21), Tied by various New-                                                                         .......................... Est 350.00+
         foundland cancels & incl 4 from other Cana-             CANADA MINT BOOKLET COLLECTION:  CANADA BOOKLETS FACE $513:  CANADA OLDER USED COLLECTION:
         dian cities & “HMCS Acadian”, from 1961-2;              164. Û BK34a/BK242, Attractive coll of 39 diff  179. Û Duplicated accum of over 100 Booklets  199. ÚÛ 24/302, BOB, Attractive coll /
         on #10 Official RCMP covers to the Com-                  cpl mint Booklets, from 1942-2001. VF, NH .  with a wide variety of types, from the 1990’s-  accum of primarily used, neatly arranged on
         manding Officer, “B” Division, St. John’s,                .......................... Cat 238.00  2000’s. Has both defins, commems & Xmas.  stockcards, from 1868 up to 1951. Some
         Newf’d. F-VF (22) ........... Est 100.00+               CANADA 1983 STIC ‘N’ TIC LABELS:  VF, NH ................... Face 513.00  highlights are used 50 ($60), 55 ($250), 57
        CANADA 1973 YOUTH GAMES COVERS:                          165. Û 1-ST, Mint wholesale lot of 5 packs of  CANADA PROVINCES:  ($165), 123-4 ($80), 159 ($120), 162-77
        138. Ö 612, Set of 15 Youth Games Covers                  the 1st Experimental Christmas 1983 Label  180. ÚÛ All diff coll of 1860’s issues from New  ($87), MR2B ($100), O1-10 ($233), O16-25
         with attractive MAP cachets; each with a diff            issue in original packs of 25. F-VF. Cat $750  Brunswick, Nova Scotia & Prince Edward Is.  ($115); plus mint 56 ($60), 136-7 ($100), E8
         cancel from across Canada, St. Johns to                  (125) ..................... Est 100.00+  VG-VF. Cat $297............ Est 100.00+  ($50), OX4 NH ($100), etc. Majority VG-VF.
         Yellowknife. F-VF, addressed . . . Est 35.00+           CANADA PICTURE POSTAGE PANES:                             Cat approx $2,820 (259) ..... Est 700.00+
                                                                 166. Û 2063-4, Picture Postage self-adhesive
                                                                  panes of 21 ea, from 2004. VF, NHCat 90.00              CARTON OF
                                                                 MINT CANADA COLLECTION KGV-KGVI:                         CANADA QE CENTENNIAL COVERS:
                                                                 167. Û 149/262, Attractive coll on pages. Incl           200. Ö Carton with a large accum of approx
                                                                  KGV Scroll to 20¢; 50¢ Grand Pre; $1 Cavell;             2,300 covers / cards from the 1960’s-70’s.
                                                                  Medallion set; cpl War set to $1 Destroyer;              Has values from 1¢-15¢, singles & 2 stamp
                                                                  etc. Also E5, J11-14. F-VF, some NH. Cat                 frankings, town cancels, slogans, corner
                                                                                                                           cards, some coils, Reg’d, Canada Post
                                                                  $1,500 (58) ................ Est 375.00+
                                               CANADA                                                                      Postage Due cards, & more. A great lot for
                                       ANNUAL COLLECTIONS 1972-2015:  CANADA 1970 CHRISTMAS                                the Centennial collector & rarely offered in
                                     152. Û Incredible cpl run of P.O. Annual Colls  CENTRE BLOCKS:                        this quantity. VG-VF......... Est 600.00+
                                      from 1974-2015. All in excellent condition  168. ÕÛ 522i, 522pi, 525i, 525pi, Centre  CANADA AIRMAIL COVERS 1928-2002:
                                      (later years still in wrappers). Also the Millen-  Blocks of the 1970 Christmas issue normal  181. Ö Diverse coll of all diff cach FFC’s, plus  LARGE CARTON FULL OF USA MIXTURE:
                                                                                                                          201. Ú Large carton with approx 24 pounds
                                      nium set. VF, NH (45 diff sets). Cat 3,794.00  & tagged. VF, NH ............ Cat 480.00  Flight Anniversary covers, etc. Tremendous  of stamps on paper (plus some off paper).
                                                                 CANADA 1967 CENTENNIAL LABELS:  range of destinations, rates incl 14 Reg’d,
                                     BASEBALL TOPICALS:                                                                    Primarily 1950’s-2000’s but have some older.
                                     153. Ú Box with an interesting unsorted coll of  169. Û Se-tenant sheet of 26 stamps depicting  frankings, etc. We noted 1933 Havre St.  Incl defins, commems, coils, Xmas, etc
                                                                  14 diff Prime Ministers & 12 diff Provincial
                                                                                               Pierre-Sept Isles flight addr to Australia;
                                      approx 140 promotional cards / postcards /  Flowers printed for the 1967 Centennial cele-  cpl set of 50 Air Canada 1986 Anniversary  (10,000’s).................. Est 250.00+
                                      covers of professional Baseball players from                                        CANADA BOOKLET WHOLESALE LOT:
                                      1960’s-90’s, most with printed autographs.  brations. VF, NH (26 labels) .... Est 35.00+  covers; 5 diff signed Hot Air Balloon Flight  202. Û BK74, Wholesale lot of 33 cpl sets of
                                                                                               covers; etc. VG-VF (131)..... Est 275.00+
                                      Also some showing famous stadiums, some  CANADA 7¢ CARICATURE SHEET                  10. VF, NH, opened. Cat $660 . Est 100.00+
                                      Baseball cards, some souvenir sheets /  WITH ONE BAR TAGGING ERROR:  CANADA’S REPEATING 10’s VARIETY:  SHOEBOX OF UNITED STATES:
                                      stamps. We saw players like Don Drysdale,  170. Û 592, Full sheet of 100 with the scarce  182. Û BK76c, Cpl coll of 10 Booklets (each  203. Ú Shoebox with a huge board of loose
                                      Joe Torre, Roger Maris, Nolan Ryan, Ken  ONE BAR TAGGING error. VF, NH .......  with a diff cover design) all with the repeating  used USA from older to recent. Completely
                                      Griffey, Ferguson Jenkins, Babe Ruth, etc.  ....................... Rose 4,000.00  10’s variety. VF, NH. Cat $300 . Est 100.00+  unsorted & loaded with a wide variety of
           CANADA COLLECTION 1859-1963:  F-VF (Over 170 items)........ Est 125.00+  CANADA 3¢ POSTAL SCRIP SHEET:  CANADA AUTOGRAPHED COVERS:  commems, defins, BOB, & more. An enor-
         139. ÚÛ 14/411, BOB, Beautiful coll of pri-  CANADA     171. Û FPS43, Cpl mint sheet of 100 of the  183. Ö 903-6, Nice lot of 15 Aircraft FDC’s  mous quantity of stamps here! Generally
          marily mint neatly arranged on stockcards.  SEMI-POSTAL USED WHOLESALE:  third issue of the 3¢ Postal Scrip Revenue.  with singles, pairs, sets & M/S Plate Blocks.  VG-VF (1,000’s) ............ Est 250.00+
          Some highlights are mint 36($70), 47  154. Ú B1/B11, Used wholesale lot in glassines  VF, NH, slight separation in selvedge, 7  All on SENATE OF CANADA cach FDC’s 24  USA USED OFF PAPER MIXTURE:
          ($200), 69 ($125), 94 ($300), 104-18 & 120  & bundles, from 1974-6. Has 9 diff issues,  stamps at top with light DG. Cat $1,250 ....  Nov 1981. Each cover is signed by aviation  204. Ú Shoebox crammed full of primarily
          ($1,167), 145 & 148 NH ($160), 174-5 NH  from 7 to 738 of each. Most F-VF. Cat $798  .......................... Est 275.00+  artist ROBERT BRADFORD whose paintings
          ($240), 195-201 ($154), 209 (NH block -  (1,520) ..................... Est 40.00+   were used for these stamps. VF . Est 75.00+  commems; loose off paper mix from 1940’s-
                                                                                                                           90’s. Tremendous range of topics & themes.
          $220), E3 ($60), O25 NH ($120); plus used                                          CANADA KGVI MINT COLLECTION:  Most F-VF (Many 1,000’s)..... Est 250.00+
          45 ($60), 59 ($250), 84 ($80), 158-9 ($135),  BOX WITH CANADA ACCUMULATION:        184. Û 231-45, Cpl range of KGVI issues with
                                     155. ÚÛ Diverse accum of 100’s diff loose
          etc. F-VF. Cat $6,175 (158) . Est 1,500.00+
                                      in a box. Has stamps in sleeves; on pages               singles, coil pairs, blocks of 1¢-8¢ & Booklet
        CANADA PRIME MINISTER COVERS:  & stockcards; in ‘102’ cards; a few covers;            panes. VF. Cat $360 (52) ..... Est 110.00+
        140. Ö Two stampless “FREE” franked covers.  balances; etc. We saw Sm Queens to 10¢;  USA PRESIDENTIAL USED PLATE BLOCKS:
         Incl 1930 cover with rubber stamped initials  Admirals; better early commems; KGVI mint  185. ÕÚ 816/832, Coll of 15 diff Prexie issues
         of WILLIAM LYON MACKENZIE KING, PM  coil pairs; wide range of back of book; mint $1  in used Pl Blocks. All diff as to issue, plate &
         with red Prime Minister’s Office & crest on  Champlain set ($136); mint NH 405bq ($55);  position. F-VF (58 diff incl 10 M/S). Est 125.00+
         flap. Other cover from 1948 with bilingual  mint NH 458b ($40); etc. VG-VF (Many 100’s)  USA IMPERF PARKS PLATE BLOCKS:
         House of Commons cancel & rubber stamped  .......................... Est 400.00+    186. ÕÛ 756-65, Cpl set of imperforate Na-
         initials of Louis St Laurent, External Affairs  CANADA CACHETED FDC’s:               tional Parks all in Plate Blocks of 6. Neatly
         (later Prime Minister) with matching imprint &  156. Ö 535/2495, BOB, Attractive coll of 229  USA $1.30 ZEPPELIN COVER:  displayed in a special album. VF, ungummed
         crest on flap. VF (2).......... Est 100.00+  Official cach FDC’s, from 1971 up to 2012  172. Ö C14, VF $1.30 Zeppelin tied by New  (10 diff Plate Blocks) .... 2025 Scott 251.00
                                                                  York 2 June, 1930 duplex cancels on GRAF
        CANADA OFFICIAL PLATE BLOCKS:  (mainly 1970’s-80’s). All diff as to issue, ca-  ZEPPELIN FLIGHT COVER with 2 diff        UNITED STATES
        141. ÕÛ O19/O39, Fresh mint coll of Official  chet & franking. Lovely topical singles, sets &  cachets. Has been addr to Switzerland  GOLD STAMP REPLICAS 1985-1991:
         Plate Blocks from 1950-5. Incl 4 M/S’s (35  souvenir sheets. We noted #640 cover Signed  (with rec b/s). VF ........... Est 500.00+  205. Ö Extensive coll of stamp proof replicas
         Plate Blocks) ................ Cat 193.00  by Postmaster General ANDRE OUELLET.                                   with 24Kt surface gold. All are encapsulated
        CANADA FLIGHT COVERS 1928-1949:  VF, almost all unaddr......... Est 135.00+  CANADA AIRMAIL                        into the design of cach FDC’s from 1985-
        142. Ö Selection of 9 diff modestly better  USA USED DEALER’S STOCK 1998-2018:  SPECIAL DELIVERY COVERS:           1991. Many beautiful issues here with
         FFC’s; all uncach except one. Each Cats from  157. Ú 3257/5335, Used dealer’s stock neatly  173. Ö 238, 263, CE1, Interesting coll of 15  gleaming replicas. These were issued by
         $10 to $30 each in AAMC. F-VF. Cat $180 .  arranged & identified on stockcards. Has  Airmail Special Delivery covers, from 1944-6.  the Postal Commemorative Society with
         .......................... Est 100.00+  defins incl High Values, many diff commems,  Most are to/from Hamilton / Vancouver, also  each cover having a special descriptive
        CANADA 1990 DUCK SHEET:       coils, booklet singles, multiples, etc. Great  3 with blackout cancels. F, some creases ..  souvenir card. Most in albums. VF. HIGH
                                                                                                                           ORIGINAL COST (183) ...... Est 350.00+
        143. SSÛ FWH6, Cpl $7.50 Wood Ducks  source for varieties, topicals & thematics. Du-  ........................... Est 90.00+
         sheet of 16. VF, NH........... Cat 375.00  plication from a few to 50+ of each. Majority  CANADA                 CANADA ACCUMULATION:
        CANADA USED 10¢ POSTAGE DUES:  F-VF (1,000’s) .............. Est 450.00+  MINT ACCUMULATION FACE $315:            206. ÚÛ Mint & used duplicated accum of
        144. Ú J10, Wholesale lot of 80 used singles.  CANADA EARLY QV COLLECTION:  174. Û Post office fresh duplicated mint accum  100’s diff on pages & stockcards, from 19th
         F-VF. Cat $900 ............. Est 200.00+  159. ÚÛ 4d/47, Attractive coll of early classics,  loose in a sleeve, mainly 1970’s-90’s. Has sin-  Century up to 1960’s (mainly pre WWII). Has
                                      from 1852-97. We noted used 4d (four mar-  gles, blocks, Plate Blocks, panes, coil strips,  a range of QV Large & Sm Queens to 10¢,
                                      gins - $300), 14-5 & 18-20 ($355), 22b ($80),  etc. Many attractive topicals here. VF, NH ..  Admirals, KGV era, etc. We noted mint 85-6
                                      27-8 ($120), 34-47 ($225), etc. VG-VF. Cat  ......................... Face 315.00    ($85), 99 ($150), 141-8 ($89), 195-204 ($130),
                                      $1,600 (38) ................ Est 450.00+  USA DEFINITIVE COLLECTION:                 F1-2 ($175); plus used 158-9 ($165), BOB,
                                     USED CANADA CE1 SHEET:       175. ÚÛ 26/1603, Wide ranging coll of defins             etc. Also some Newf’d & Provinces. Some flts
                                     160. Ú CE1, Cpl sheet of 50 (with two Plate  neatly arranged on pages, from 1857 up to  but majority VG-VF (Many 100’s) Est 275.00+
                                      #1 Blocks). Neat Montreal 1946 CDS’s. F-VF,  1975 (mostly on White Ace pages). Some  CANADA PACIFIC COAST INDIANS
                                      folded, some minor separation . . Est 50.00+  highlights are used 68-9 ($155), 73 ($70),  WHOLESALE:
                                                                                               CANADA COMPLETE SCROLL SET NH:
                                     CANADA USED POSTAGE DUE SHEET:  78b ($450), 93 ($55), 112-5 ($485), 117  187. Û 149-59, Cpl Scroll set, beautiful cen-  207. Ú 570-3, Large used wholesale lot of 1974
                                     161. Ú J13, Cpl used Plate #1 sheet of 100 with  ($130), 151-2 ($425), 165 ($150), plus  tering, fresh, VF, NH........ Cat 2,180.00  Pacific Coast 8¢ Indians in approx 400 bun-
                                      Hamilton roller cancels. F-VF, folded, a bit of  mint 65 ($125), 1030-53 & 1278-95 ($144),  dles of 100 (some bundles are broken). Great
                                      minor separation. Cat $825.... Est 100.00+  etc. Majority VG-VF, some NH (622)......  CANADA COLLECTION 1870-1988:  source for cancels & varieties. Majority F-VF
         CANADA YUKON SEMI-OFFICIAL AIRMAILS:  CANADA 2¢ MAP COVERS:  ......................... Est 500.00+  188. ÚÛ Coll on pages with an extensive  (40,000 stamps)............. Est 250.00+
         145. Ö CL42, Coll of 6 diff cach FFC’s 13 Ap,  162. Ö 85 (2), 86 (6), Tied on six #10 covers  CANADA 1¢ POSTAL SCRIP SHEET:  range of issues with commems, defins, se-  CANADA USED WHOLESALE IN BUNDLES:
          1928 to/from Atlin, Carcross & White Horse.  from Jan 1899. Four have Ont cancels incl  176. Û FPS23, Cpl mint sheet of 100 of the  tenants, Xmas, some booklets, BOB, etc. The  208. Ú Approx 850 bundles of 100 loose in a
          F-VF..................... Est 300.00+                                               pre 1960 has used & mint, thereafter it is al-  carton, mainly 1970’s-80’s (some earlier,
                                      Elm Street Toronto, P Depot Toronto, Watford  1967 second issue of the 1¢ brown Postal  most all mint. Also has a small coll of New-  some later). Has a wide range of commems,
        MINT CANADA FACE $619:        & Walkerville. Other 2 are from Victoria BC,  Scrip Revenue. F-VF, NH, slight separation  foundland. VG-VF (Many 100’s) Est 350.00+  Christmas & defins incl coils & High Values.
        146. Û Box with an accum of mints semi-  one with 2 stamps of #85, other with 2 stamps  at bottom, 7 stamps at the top with light DG.
         sorted by value in glassines from 1¢-48¢.  of #86. F, some minor edge flaws (6 covers)  Cat $312 ................... Est 50.00+  MINT CANADA 1950’s-1980’s  Great source for cancels & varieties. Majority
         Has commems, defins, & Xmas Face 619.00  .......................... Est 125.00+     INCL $1 TOTEM & $1 FISH PLATE BLOCKS:  VG-VF (85,000 stamps) ...... Est 450.00+
        OLDER USA MIXTURE:                                                                   189. Û Accum on stockcards with a nice range  SHOEBOX FULL OF
                                                                                                                          USA MIXTURE OFF PAPER:
        147. Ú Shoebox with a loose off paper mixture                                         of mints with commems, defins, blocks, etc.  209. Ú Shoebox full with over 3 pounds of
                                                                                              Best items are a $1 Fish Pl Block (Cat $250)
         of older stamps from the 1930’s-60’s. Dupli-
         cated but a wide variety of commems, defins,                                         & $1 Totem single & Pl Blocks (Cat $58). Also  loose unsorted mixture, mainly from 1930’s-
         coils & BOB. Mostly VG-VF (100’s) .......                                            a nice 1967 Centennial book with stamps to  90’s. Has 1,000’s of stamps with commems,
         .......................... Est 150.00+                                               $1. F-VF (Over 300) ......... Est 225.00+  defins, Xmas, coils, etc. Also has a bundle
        CANADA FIRST DAY COVERS                                                              CANADA SEMI-OFFICIAL AIRMAILS:  of FDC’s which were counted for nothing in
        FACE VALUE $400+:                                                                    190. Ö CL50, Coll of 3 diff Commercial Airways  our estimate. Mostly VG-VF (Many 1,000’s) .
        148. Ö Box with an accum of cach unaddr                                               FFC’s 1930-1 for flights in Alberta. F-VF. Cat  .......................... Est 200.00+
         FDC’s from 1970’s-90’s. Tremendous variety                                           $240...................... Est 150.00+  USA & CANADA MIXTURE:
         of issues with commems, Xmas, se-tenants,                                           USA EMBASSY & CONSULATE NOTES:  210. Ú Box with a loose unsorted mixture all
         defins, etc. VF. Total Face value of the                                            191. Ú Interesting coll of 14 diff complimentary  off paper, mainly 1950’s-2000’s. Has been
         stamps is over $400 ......... Est 200.00+                                            paper notes from America. Embassies &  semi-sorted into large & small stamps for each
                                                                                                                           country in 4 plastic bags. Lots of attractive
        CANADA KGV CONFEDERATION ISSUE                                                        Consulates, circa 1978-80. Some bear US  large size commems (1,000’s) . Est 135.00+
        WHOLESALE USED:                                                                       Seal; 3 are signed. We saw Israel, Malta, Ice-
        149. Ú 141-2, Used wholesale lot of 4,000 each                                        land, Jamaica, Ireland, etc. F-VF Est 40.00+  CANADA USED WHOLESALE IN BUNDLES:
         of the 1¢ & 2¢ 60th Anniv of Confederation in                                                                    211. Ú Approx 1,000 bundles of 100 loose
         envelopes. Great source for varieties & can-                                                                      in a carton, mainly 1970’s-80’s (some
         cels. This lot was from the stock of an old-time                                                                  earlier, some later). Has a broad range of
         Toronto dealer. F-VF. Cat $6,400 Est 400.00+                                                                      commems, Christmas & defins incl coils &
        USED UNITED STATES COLLECTION:                                                                                     High Values. Great source for varieties &
        150. Ú Stack of album pages with an extensive                                                                      cancels. Majority F-VF (100,000 stamps) ..
         used coll from 19th Century up to 2002. Wide                                                                      ......................... Est 500.00+
                                     CANADA COLLECTION IN KA-BE ALBUM:
         array of commems, pictorials, defins, coils  163. ÚÛ 14/846, BOB, Attractive coll neatly                         CANADA KGV ADMIRAL BOOKLET PANES:
         plus some BOB. Some flts but mostly VG-VF  arranged in a KA-BE Album, from 1859 up  CANADA KGV ARCH SET NH:      213. Û 105a-b, 106a, 107b, 108a-9a, Six diff
         (Many 100’s) ............... Est 250.00+  to 1979. Some highlights used are 14-5 &  177. Û 162-77, Also 163b, 165a, 166b, 169a,  Admiral Booklet Panes. F-VF . . . Cat 422.00
        USA WHOLESALE USED ACCUMULATION  18 ($120); 21, 24-5, 27a & 28 ($230), 45-7  Cpl KGV set up to $1 Cavell plus varieties.  CANADA COMPLETE OHMS OFFICIALS:
        IN GLASSINES:                 ($120), 50 & 56-7 ($150), 84 ($80), 96-102  Fresh, nicely centered, VF, NHCat 1,738.00  CANADA MINT BACK OF BOOK:  214. Û O1-15A, CO1, EO1, Cpl OHMS. VF,
        151. Ú Box with a duplicated accum semi-  ($497), 158-9 ($160), 522i ($40), E7-8  CANADA 2¢ KE IMPERFORATES:  192. Û C2/O49, Attractive mint back of book  NH ........................ Cat 593.00
         sorted by catalogue number in glassines,  ($46); plus mint 73 ($200), 227 NH ($120),  178. Ú 90A, Specialized coll of 2¢ KE  coll arranged on a stockcard, from 1898 up  USA 1939 BASEBALL CENTENNIAL:
         from the early 1900’s-80’s. Has a wide variety  262 ($80), 273 NH ($67), 302 NH ($60),  IMPERFS incl singles, pairs (vert & horiz),  to 1963. Some highlights are C2 ($70), E4-5  215. Û 855, Lot of 5 cpl Baseball sheets of 50
         of issues with commems, defins, Christmas,  525i ($40), C1-4 ($116), etc. Majority VG-VF  2 blocks, single on piece, etc. Nice group. VF.  ($90), J1-10 ($200), O25 & O27 ($240), etc.  (3 diff plate positions). F-VF, NH, some minor
         etc. Generally VG-VF (1,000’s) . Est 150.00+  (Approx 838) .............. Est 850.00+  Cat $525 .................. Est 150.00+  Majority VG-VF. Cat $1,387 (79) Est 350.00+  perf separation ........ 2024 Scott 440.00
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