Page 9 - Vance-Sale-372-Part 1
P. 9

AUSTRALIA ACCUMULATION:     RHODESIA LEGAL DOCUMENTS 1909-1910:                                               9
         WITH USED #50 REVENUES AFFIXED:  444. ÚÛ Duplicated accum on stockcards  456. Ú Three documents from 1 to 3 pages in  GR. BRITAIN REGIONALS STOCK:
         427. Ú Interesting 2 page Court document  from 1920’s-90’s, primarily used. Has a wide  each incl “Dispensation re Deeds of Registry  480. ÚÛ Five small binders with a beautiful
          concerning the estate of Sir Horace  range of commems, pictorials, defins, some  Regulations”, “General Power of Attorney” &  clean primarily mint dealer’s stock of
                                      Antarctic Territory, etc. Useful duplication
                                                                  “Deed of Transfer”. Have a variety of fiscals
          Henderson Pinching, who died in Cairo                                                                            Regionals from the 1960’s-2017. All with
          Egypt in 1935. Has purple illustrated Provin-  with no excessive quantities of any one item.  affixed from 5 Sh to £2 (6 stamps, 4 diff).  useful duplication & incl England, Northern
          cial Court, Cairo h/s & KGV Consular Ser-  VG-VF (Many 100’s) ......... Est 125.00+  VG-VF ..................... Est 75.00+  Ireland, Scotland & Wales. Has singles,
          vice Revenues affixed incl £10 & £50 (56 -                                                                       sets, many Machins, & more. Also has a
          2 stamps faulty). This was a huge amount                                                                         few locals. F-VF, many mints are NH. 2023
          of money at the time. F. AN IMPRESSIVE                                                                           Scott $2,893 (Many 100’s).... Est 650.00+
          ITEM! (Barefoot Cat £1,975) . . Est 750.00+
                                                                                                                          GR. BRITAIN MYSTERY LOT:
        GR. BRITAIN MILLENNIUM ISSUES:                                                                                    481. ÚÛ Carton full of stamps from All Reigns.
        428. ÚÛ 1839-86, 1890-1937, Millennium                                                                             Has stamps in glassines & sleeves; on pages
         issues complete; both mint & used. F-VF, NH                                                  GR. BRITAIN          & stockcards; loose items, etc. Thousands of
          .................... 2023 Scott 183.00                                               SOLID COLLECTION FROM 1940-1999:  stamps with a tremendous variety. We saw
        GR. BRITAIN                                                                           467. ÚÛ Stack of album pages with a solid  commems, defins, pictorials, QV surface
                                                                                                                           prints, officials, recent mint NH, etc. Incl better
        PENNY RED PLATE COLLECTION:                                                            coll neatly displayed in mounts on pages.  like used 139 (5 - $750), 140 ($220), etc.
        429. Ú 33 (Pl72/Pl209), Attractive coll of 95 diff                                     Loaded with beautiful sets & singles with  Great source for cancels & varieties. Majority
         Penny Red Plates neatly arranged & identified                     GHANA               many sections being completed. Majority  VG-VF (1,000’s) ............ Est 450.00+
         on a stockcard. A few flts but mainly VG-VF.  GR. BRITAIN COLLECTION 1840-1959:  MINT TWO-VOLUME COLLECTION:  are mint with many NH. A good lot. F-VF.
         2024 Scott $665 ............ Est 150.00+  445. ÚÛ 1/360, O2/O74, QV-QE coll of sin-  457. Û 1/389, BOB, Pristine mint NH coll  Scott from a few years ago was $1,650+  BOX FULL OF PAKISTAN:
                                                                                                                          482. ÚÛ Box with a completely unsorted hoard
                                      gles & sets in mounts on pages. Incl used  neatly arranged on White Ace pages, from  (Over 1,700 diff)............ Est 450.00+  from the 1940’s-90’s. Has a tremendous
                                      32 ($125), 34 ($150), 39 ($160), 45 ($300),  1957-70. Appears cpl for period; most col-  PAPUA NEW GUINEA COLLECTION:  quantity of stamps to sort with commems,
                                      70 ($350), 105 ($280), 140 ($220), 180  lected as single & Plate or Imprint Blocks;  468. Û 359-99, 401-24a, Lovely mint coll neatly  defins, BOB, some better items like mint 41-
                                      ($145), O40 ($67), O61 ($90); mint 267-8  plus souvenir sheets, Mini-sheets & 10  arranged on stockcard, from 1973-5. We  43 (Cat $101). Also a few mint Bahawalpur, &
                                      ($30), etc. Also some Offices in China, Turk-  period Postal Stationery items, Lovely  noted #’s 369-94 & 410-4 also collected as  more. Generally F-VF (1,000’s). Est 225.00+
                                      ish Empire & Offices Abroad. Some mixed  topicals throughout. VF, NH. 2024 Scott  blocks. VF, NH (208).... 2024 Scott 160.00  SHOEBOX OF AUSTRALIA
                                      condition in earlier issues but much VG-VF.  $1,130 (1,371 stamps, 46 SS’s, 10 covers).  AUSTRALIA COLLECTION 1913-2011:  OFF PAPER MIXTURE:
                                      2024 Scott $5,180 (245) ..... Est 800.00+  ......................... Est 375.00+  469. ÚÛ 2/3451, BOB, Extensive coll neatly  483. Ú Shoebox filled with a loose unsorted
                                     AUSTRALIA USED STOCK:       SWAZILAND AND LESOTHO:       identified in ‘104’ cards. Ranges from Kanga-  mix of Australia, mostly from the 1970’s-
                                     446. Ú 1/2675, BOB, Box with a broad ranging  458. ÚÛ Binder with an accum on pages,  roo & KGV issues up to modern topical  2000’s. Tremendous variety of issues with
                                      stock neatly arranged & identified in sleeves,  sales pages & in sleeves, with stamps from  commems & pictorials, plus postage dues;  both commems & defins, a few mint sheets,
                                      from 1913 up to 2007. Has Kangaroos, early  1930’s-90’s. Has used, mint, commems,  Antarctic Territory, etc. Majority VG-VF,  some FDC’s, etc. Lots to sort through! Gener-
            GR. BRITAIN TRAIN TOPICALS:  to modern commems, defins, etc. Saw some  defins, souvenir sheets & FDC’s. F-VF (Few  some NH. 2024 Scott $806 (299) .......  ally F-VF (Many 100’s) ....... Est 125.00+
         430. Û Attractive topical coll of Trains,  nice cancels on earlier. Useful duplication from  100) ...................... Est 175.00+  .......................... Est 225.00+
          Railways & Locomotive (plus other related)  1 to 18 of each with 100’s diff. Most VG-VF.
          topicals neatly displayed on black 3-Ring  STC $2,550. (Many 100’s) .... Est 250.00+
          stockpages. Primarily mint with sets, book-  BR. COMMONWEALTH COVERS:
          lets, booklet panes, se-tenants, souvenir  447. Ö Attractive coll of primarily cach FDC’s
          sheets, plus some covers, cinderella items,  from a wide range of countries, from 1935-95.
          etc. A good lot for the topical collector. VF,  We saw many nice items from Falkland
          primarily mint NH (Couple 100) Est 200.00+  Islands, Pitcairn Island, Gibraltar, South &
                                      South West Africa, Rhodesia, Nauru, etc.
        COLLECTION 1912-1956:         F-VF (157) ................. Est 200.00+
        431. Û 14/72, KGV-QE mint coll of mostly  BOX OF GR. BRITAIN:
         diff. Incl 14-25 ($106), 33-6 ($36), 61-72 ($66),  448. ÚÛ Chocolate box of loose unsorted GB
         etc. Also a few diff perfs. F-VF, some NH (57)  both used & mint. Primarily large commems
          .................... 2024 Scott 249.00  from the 1960’s-2000’s. Lots of enjoyable                                 ST. VINCENT MINT NH COLLECTION:
                                      sorting here. F-VF (Many 100’s) . Est 85.00+
        GR. BRITAIN BOOKLETS:                                      BRITISH AFRICA MINT COLLECTION:                        484. Û 209a/3666, etc, Beautiful all diff coll
        432. Û Coll of 30 diff Booklets from 1969-91.  CYPRUS MINT DEALER’S STOCK:  459. Û Useful lot of mint sets, singles plus  INDIA WWII CENSORED COVERS:  from 1964-2009, numbered & priced in ‘102’
         VF, NH ............... 2024 Scott 82.00  449. Û 198/1174, etc, Lovely mint dealer’s  some booklet panes, all identified in ‘102’  470. Ö Fascinating coll of 61 diff WWII Cen-  cards. Many attractive cpl sets & se-tenant
        PAPUA NEW GUINEA MINT NH:     stock from 1960-2012. Virtually all in nice  cards. Primarily 1950’s-80’s with a variety  sored covers, 1939-45. Has a wide range  pairs with stamp values up to $10 & $20.
                                                                                                                           F-VF, NH. 2024 Scott $1,245 (1,138) .....
        433. Û 620/753, Nice lot of all diff sets between  cpl sets. All are Scott numbered & priced in  of countries & issues. Has some better like  of cancels, frankings, rates, censor tapes &  ......................... Est 500.00+
         these numbers. Fresh, F-VF, NH (132  ‘102’ cards. Incl better sets up to $25, $30,  Basutoland 61-71 ($55), 72-82 (No 75,  h/s’s. Most addr to USA & Canada; but also
         stamps) .............. 2024 Scott 236.00  $60, $70 each. Has useful duplication with  80, $102); Rhodesia & Nyasaland 158-71  has 7 to England, 8 to Red Cross Geneva, a  ISLE OF MAN MINT ACCUMULATION:
                                      mainly 1-3 of a kind. F-VF, NH. 2024 Scott
        KUWAIT COLLECTION 1923-1964:  $2,100 (Over 1,300)......... Est 550.00+  ($112); Swaziland 92-107 ($57); 143-59  few domestic items, etc. Incl 4 Green Cross  485. Û Box with an accum of mints from the
                                                                  ($34); Zanzibar 285a-300a ($27), etc. F-VF,
        434. ÚÛ 7/243, Interesting coll neatly arranged           much NH. 2024 Scott $1,208 (575 stamps)  Active Service covers. Mixed condition but  1970’s-2009. Loaded with many nice cpl sets,
                                                                                                                           souvenir / miniature sheets; 2004, 2006, &
         on a stockcard. We noted 225-43 ($63), etc.               ......................... Est 400.00+  most VG-VF ............... Est 300.00+  2007 Yearbooks, Booklets, & more. Generally
         F-VF (51)............. 2023 Scott 257.00                                            ADEN COLLECTION 1953-1964:
                                                                 SOUTHERN RHODESIA 1931 DOCUMENT:                          VF, NH (Few 100) ........... Est 200.00+
        PAPUA NEW GUINEA COLLECTION:                             460. Ú Two page DEED OF TRANSFER (for  471. ÚÛ 48/66, BOB, Clean coll with some  GR. BRITAIN MYSTERY BOX:
        435. Û 359-424a, Cpl range of mint sets neatly            a property) legal document drawn up at Fort  collected both as mint & used. F-VF (61) ...  486. ÚÛ Diverse accum of material loose in
         arranged on a stockcard, from 1973-5. We                                              ..................... 2024 Scott 72.00  a carton, All Reigns. Stamps on pages, stock-
         noted #’s 369-94 & 410-4 also collected as               Victoria having 10Sh & £1 Revenues & 2Sh                 cards; on circuit pages; in sleeves; in glassines;
         blocks. VF, NH (209).... 2024 Scott 163.00               stamp all with fiscal handstamps. Has signa-             stockbook; old auction lots; covers & cards;
                                                                  tures, official handstamps, etc. F. Est 50.00+
        CYPRUS COLLECTION 1894-2013:                                                                                       loose items; etc. We noted used 96 (3 - $555),
        436. Ú 28/1194, Attractive collection neatly                                                                       139 (2 - $300 mint NH se-tenant multiples from
         arranged in a stockbook. Some extra shades                                                                        2000’s ($100). Stockbook full of locals & labels;
         & cancels in earlier. Nice range of early                                                                         etc. VG-VF (Several 1,000) .... Est 325.00+
         to modern issues incl topical pictorials &                                                                       BOX OF GR. BRITAIN:
         commems. Majority F-VF (383). . Est 75.00+  BARBUDA MINT STOCK:                                                  487. ÚÛ Box with a coll / accum of various Gr.
                                     450. Û 12/1773, Mint stock neatly arranged                                            Britain from the early 1900’s up to 2007. Incl
                                      by catalogue number in glassines, 1968-                                              stockbook with a used accum incl many QE
                                      2000. Absolutely loaded with many nice                                               Machins; pile of presentation packs with mint
                                      sets, souvenir sheets, topicals, values to $5           BR. NEW HEBRIDES MINT COLLECTION:  sets; two stockbooks loaded with many mint
                                      & $10, many better items like 431-48 ($39),             472. Û 1/92, Coll of singles & sets from 1908-  sets from 1980-2007; album of FDC’s incl
                                      595-612 ($35), 678-86 ($63), 705-13 ($154),              57. Incl 1 ($60), 17-25 ($82), 59-60 ($62),  1981 Royal Wedding FDC cach with an en-
                                      714-7 ($59), 750-4 ($60), 764-73 ($130), &               etc. Some have duplication. Mostly F-VF,  capsulated Crown coin; & more. Generally
                                      much more. Also a few used. F-VF, some                   some NH (92) ........ 2025 Scott 499.00  F-VF (Many 100’s)........... Est 300.00+
                                      NH. 2025 Scott $5,500 (100’s) Est 1,500.00+
                                                                                             KGV SILVER JUBILEE SETS:
                                     DEALER’S STOCK OF BR.                                   473. Ú Coll of 7 diff Br. Empire used KGV
                                     COMMONWEALTH FIRST DAY COVERS                            1935 Silver Jubilee sets from Basutoland
                                     RETAIL OVER $1,400:                                      to St Vincent. F-VF (28 diff stamps) .......
                                     451. Ö Box full of beautiful cach FDC’s,                  .................... 2025 Scott 181.00
          ST. HELENA POSTCARD COLLECTION:  primarily from 1970’s-2000’s (a few older).
         437. Ö Nice coll of 29 diff postcards from  Loaded with lovely cpl commem sets plus
          early 1900’s up to 1970’s. These show vari-  souvenir sheets. Strongest in Australia &  NORFOLK ISLAND GUTTER PAIRS:
          ous island scenes, Jamestown, buildings,  New Zealand. Loaded with popular topicals  461. Û 254/816, Nice coll of gutter pairs from
          Logwood House (Napoleon’s house). Re-  with a particularly strong group of birds. Also  1980-2004, with lots of lovely cpl sets &
          moval of Napoleon’s body, Boer Prisoner  a few non FDC’s. VF. All covers are priced  popular topicals. VF, NH (277 diff gutter
          of War Camp, etc. Unused & used, F-VF ..  realistically & this totals over $1,400. Good  pairs) ............... 2024 Scott 799.00  MALTA COLLECTION 1885-2021:
          ......................... Est 450.00+                                                                           488. Ú 8/1723, BOB, Beautiful coll in a large
                                      profit potential (292 FDC’s) . . . Est 500.00+
                                                                                                                           stockbook. Has QV issues up to recent top-
        ST. HELENA MINT NH COLLECTION:                                                                                     icals, commems & SS’s; plus semi-postals.
        438. Û 174/997, etc, Beautiful coll of all  ESTATE LOT OF GR. BRITAIN:                                             We noted 109-11 ($46), 141-2 & 145 ($96),
         diff cpl sets from 1963-2009. Many lovely  452. ÚÛ Carton full of stamps from an                                  208-22 ($37), 246-62 ($71), etc. Majority F-VF.
         issues & popular topicals. VF, NH........  estate, from All Reigns. Has stamps in                                 (Approx 1,500 stamps, 7 SS’s) . . Est 250.00+
          .................... 2024 Scott 715.00  glassines, in envelopes, approval books,      GR. BRITAIN OFFICIAL FORGERIES:
                                      on pages, on stockcards, odds & ends, etc.              474. Ú Coll of QV-KE Officials which are be-  GERMAN OCCUPIED CHANNEL ISLANDS:
                                      Great source for varieties, cancels, topicals,           lieved to be with fake overprints. Incl I.R.  489. ÚÛ Coll of Guernsey & Jersey WWII
                                      etc. Unchecked in any detail by us. Majority             Officials, Army Officials, Admiralty Officials  German Occupation era stamps (most col-
                                      VG-VF (Many 1,000’s) ....... Est 500.00+                 & Gov’t Officials. Many very well done types  lected both as mint & used); plus 3 covers
                                                                                               of stamps up to $350 each. Also an imperf  & 3 FDC’s. VG-VF............ Est 90.00+
                                                                                               facsimile of #56 of the QV 2 Shilling brown.
                                                                                               Mostly VG-VF (30) .......... Est 275.00+
                                                                                             RHODESIA LEGAL DOCUMENTS 1907:
                                                                   BECHUANALAND MINT COLLECTION:  475. Ú Three documents from 4 to 7 pages in
                                                                 462. Û 117-209, J10-2, Nice KGV-QE coll  each incl “Appointment of Deputy-Sheriff of
                                                                  in mounts on pages from 1935-66. Cpl  Umtali” & 2 “Antenuptial Contracts”. Have a
                                                                  between these numbers, plus a few extras.  variety of fiscals affixed from 1 Sh to £1 (7
                                                                  F-VF, some NH (96) . . . 2024 Scott 394.00  stamps - 3 diff). Two have red embossed
             MINT NH DEALER’S STOCK:                             RHODESIA & NYASALAND         notary seals; 1 with embossed seal. F-VF (3)
         439. Û 1/416, etc, A beautiful mint dealer’s            MINT COLLECTION:             ........................... Est 75.00+
          stock from 1960’s-2000’s, all Scott num-               463. Û 141/190, Small coll of all diff in mounts  GR. BRITAIN   INDIA COLLECTION:
          bered & priced in ‘102’ cards. Primarily cpl  AUSTRALIA USED COLLECTION 1970-2007:  on pages from 1954-63, nearly cpl. Incl 141-  KGV-KGVI USED COLLECTION:  490. ÚÛ 200/988, Clean coll from 1947-83
          sets with lots of beautiful commems &  453. Ú 439A/2712a, Beautiful modern used  55 ($114), 165-71 ($95), etc. F-VF, some NH  476. Ú 171/291, Coll of KGV-KGVI singles &  neatly displayed on pages. Has commems
          defins. Loaded with popular topicals. Useful  coll of all diff in 2 Lighthouse stockbooks  (50) ................. 2024 Scott 258.00  sets in mounts on pages, from 1913-51. Incl  & defins with both mint & used of many plus
          duplication with 1-4 of a kind. F-VF, almost  with singles, strips, blocks, panes, Booklets,  NEVIS IMPERF PROOFS:  179 ($70), 203-4 ($45), 249-51A ($39), 267-8  some nice mint blocks. Highlights incl mint
          all NH. 2024 Scott $3,100+ (100’s) .......  sets & SS’s. Incl 1839-46 ($40), 1862,  464. Û 291, 307, 311, “Leaders of the World”  ($25), 275 ($20), 286-9 ($25), etc. Has values  203-5 ($47), 243-5 (Blocks, $88), 275-88
          ......................... Est 850.00+  1862K ($31), 2214b-d ($61), 2489-93 ($43),  Classic Cars Progressive Imperf Colour  from 1 Sh - £1. F-VF (90) 2023 Scott 321.00  ($38); used 207-22 ($60); etc. F-VF. 2024
        GR. BRITAIN BOY SCOUT POSTCARDS:  etc. Also many other issues in the $2-$24  Proofs affixed on special Int’l Security Printers  GR. BRITAIN IMPERF PENNY RED  Scott $1,035 (675) .......... Est 350.00+
                                                                  Ltd cards. Several with colour specs & these
        440. Ö Attractive coll of unused b/w & colour  Cat range. Has lovely topicals like sports,  are signed by company officer. Unique items  COMPLETE RECONSTRUCTION:
         photo / illustrated BOY SCOUT postcards &  Christmas, landscapes, planes, ocean life,  for a car topical collector. VF (6 diff proof  477. Ú 3, COMPLETE ALPHABET  3. FOREIGN:
         souvenir cards, from 1950’s-90’s. We saw  flowers, ships, trains, cars, domestic & wild  cards)...................... Est 75.00+  RECONSTRUCTION of 240 imperf Penny
         1957 Jamboree card, cards depicting Baden-  animals, etc. F-VF (1,825+ stamps, 94 SS’s,  Reds neatly arranged in order on pages,
         Powell & Chief Scouts, 75th Anniversary 1995  39 Booklets / panes). . 2023 Scott 2,755.00  lettered AA-TL. Most with numeral duplex  SPAIN SOUVENIR SHEETS:
         cards, etc. VF (30 items) ....... Est 65.00+  HONG KONG LUNAR NEW YEAR ITEMS:         cancels & there are a broad range of  491. SSÚ Eye-catching coll of 44 diff used SS’s
        BRUNEI COLLECTION 1947-1952:  454. Û 536a/1173, Attractive coll of Chinese             shades. Some flts but majority VG-VF.  & panes, from 1980’s up to 2015. Wide variety
                                                                                               2025 Scott $7,800 US ....... Est 800.00+
        441. ÚÛ 62-96, Small coll in mounts on pages,  Lunar New Year items, from 1989-2006. Incl                          of topics & themes incl Colombus joint issues.
         cpl between these numbers. The UPU 1949  booklets & presentation packs with sets &                                Also one mint Span. Andorra. VF Est 75.00+
         set has both mint & used stamps. F-VF (39)  souvenir sheets. We noted 960, 1077, 1132 &
          .................... 2024 Scott 247.00  1173 ($167), booklet from 1989-94 & 1996-8
                                      ($127), etc. VF, NH (24 stamps, 4 SS’s, 10
                                      booklets) ............. 2024 Scott 330.00
                                                                     TWO DIFFERENT KGVI ESSAYS:
                                                                 465. Û Two KGVI non-denominated en-
                                                                  graved perforated ESSAYS, made by
                                                                  Waterlow, circa 1937. One in violet, the
                                                                  other in lake. Fresh, F, NH.... Est 200.00+
                                                                 ROYAL WEDDING WILLIAM & CATHERINE:    SWAZILAND
                                                                 466. SSÛ Lot of 8 different SS’s celebrating  MINT COLLECTION 1933-1968:
         MAURITIUS MINT COLLECTION 1935-1968:                     the 2011 Royal Wedding of Prince William  478. Û 10/159, KGV-QE coll of all diff on
         442. Û 204-326, COMPLETE RUN of KGV-                     & Catherine Middleton. Also 3 unlisted &  black stock sheets. Incl 27-37 ($54), 49  LIECHTENSTEIN MINT
          QE sets between these numbers. Also has                 uncounted Togo sheets. VF, NH..........  ($40), 80-91 ($48), 92-107 ($57), etc. F-VF  DEALER’S STOCK OF PRIMARILY NH:
          some diff perfs. F-VF, majority are NH. A                ..................... Scott 2025 86.00  (78) ................ 2024 Scott 349.00  492. Û 744/1683, Plus some BOB, Binder
          BEAUTIFUL LOT! (127) 2023 Scott 521.00                                             CHOCOLATE BOX OF GUYANA:      full with a dealer’s stock neatly displayed &
                                                                                                                           identified in order on ‘102’ cards. Has a nice
                                                                      There is never a
        NEW HEBRIDES (BRITISH)       PAPUA NEW GUINEA MINT COLLECTION:                       479. ÚÛ Chocolate box with a loose unsorted  run of cpl sets & singles with attractive
        POSTAGE DUE SHEET:           455. Û 50/163, C5/O8, Nice coll of all diff              accum, from 1960’s-2000’s. A good percent-  commems & defins. Useful duplication
        443. Û J6, Cpl mint imprint sheet of 30 of the  singles & sets from 1911-63. Incl 56-7 ($60),  Buyer's Fee at  age are mint. Has a wide variety of issues  with much having 1-3 of a kind (but some
         5¢ green Postage Due from 1938. F-VF, NH,  135-6 ($115), 139-46 ($70), 153-63 ($37),  incl singles, sets, many souvenir / miniature  higher). Majority are $1-$10 items with a
         couple minor toned spots of little importance.  C9-15 ($85), etc. F-VF, some NH (75) ....  Vance Auctions!  sheets & more! Generally F-VF (Many 100’s)  few higher up to $15-$26. F-VF, primarily
         Quite scarce. 2024 Scott $600. Est. 150.00+  .................... 2024 Scott 563.00  .......................... Est 200.00+  NH. Scott $2,100+ (100’s) .... Est 500.00+
   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14