Page 13 - Vance-Sale-372-Part 1
P. 13
CENSORED COVERS: IN MINKUS ALBUM: 724. Ö Special Fleetwood album with a cpl 740. ÚÛ Duplicated accum of World in glass- 757. Ú Large shoebox with a loose unsorted
696. Ö Interesting coll of early Post WWII Cen- 708. ÚÛ Fat Minkus album with printed coll of cach unaddr FDC’s of 1992 Christopher ines from older to modern. Sorted by country / mixture of stamps, off paper. Strong in USA &
sored covers 1946-8, from Germany (16) & pages for Germany & related areas from Columbus souvenir sheets. These are the issue with a tremendous variety of stamps. Canada has other countries as well. Lots of
Austria (16). Mainly to USA (particularly Fort 19th Century up to 1988-9. Starts off with joint issues from USA, Italy, Portugal & Spain. Strength in Australia, Belgium, Denmark, stamps to search & sort through (1,000’s) ..
Worth, Texas). Sent from Berlin, Memmingen various Bavaria & Wurttemberg; then an VF (24 diff).................. Est 75.00+ France, Germany, Italy, New Zealand, Swe- .......................... Est 175.00+
& Vienna for the most part; 5 Austrian covers extensive run of Germany from 1870’s on- den, & more. Generally VG-VF (Many 1,000’s) WORLD COVER STOCK:
are Registered. We noted 1 cover to The wards with Empire, Inflation era, Third .......................... Est 250.00+ 758. Ö Box with a dealer’s stock of world
Netherlands, 3 to Australia. VG-F+ (32) .... Reich & postwar. Has commems, defins, SHOEBOX OF WORLD MIXTURE: covers, older to modern. All realistically
.......................... Est 100.00+ semi-postals, etc. This is followed by Berlin, 741. Ú Shoebox with a completely unsorted priced for sale, mainly in the $2-$20 range
ST. THOMAS AND PRINCE ISLANDS: Zones, Saar, Soviet Zone, Bohemia & hoard of loose World stamps from older to (some higher). Wide range of countries with
697. SSÛ 655/761, Coll of 8 diff topical Moravia, Poland General Gov’t, Danzig, etc. modern. All are off paper with lots of Canada, USA, European, Canada, Gr. Britain, Br.
souvenir sheets, from 1982-4. VF, NH ..... An extensive array of issues throughout & plus a wide variety of other countries & issues. Commonwealth, etc. VG-VF. Total retail
..................... 2021 Scott 89.00 this album would make an excellent base to Lots to sort through! Generally VG-VF approx $5,000 (Many 100’s) . Est 1,300.00+
SCOTT ALBUM FOR PORTUGAL: build on. Mainly VG-VF & majority are used (1,000’s) .................. Est 125.00+
698. ÚÛ Scott album with printed pages from (1,000’s).................. Est 700.00+ SHOEBOX OF WORLD MIXTURE
1853-1975. Has a starter coll inside with over ON & OFF PAPER: Great Britain
200 diff stamps. Has a couple nice mint sets INDONESIA SOUVENIR SHEETS MINT NH: 742. Ú A loose mixture of world stamps, both
incl 675-82 ($155), 694-701 ($102). VG-VF. 709. SSÛ 998a/B231b, Nice lot of 10 diff on & off paper. Tremendous variety of stamps
Our estimate is partly for the stamps & partly souvenir sheets from 1960’s-80’s. VF, NH .. from older to modern. Lots of larger size 759. Û 1, Set of 5 imperf Reprints in all diff
for the album ............... Est 100.00+ .................... 2024 Scott 190.00 commems & pictorials (1,000’s) Est 150.00+ colours. F-VF. Attractive addition to a Penny
SOCCER TOPICALS: WORLD POSTAL HISTORY: Black coll ................... Est 40.00+
725. SSÛAll mint coll of 107 diff modern souv/ 743. Ö Eye-catching lot of covers plus a few 760. Ú 1 (Pl 1a), Crisp red MC cancel. F ....
miniature sheets depicting soccer matches, postcards, primarily early 1980’s; some ear- .............................. 475.00
famous players, World Cup, various teams/ lier. Has a tremendous range of multi-franked
countries, etc. Many higher Cat value items airmail covers; most to USA. We saw strength
incl singles / sets up to $15, $16, $18, $25, in Br. Commonwealth; plus Egypt, Iceland,
$30, $50 & $115. VF, NH ..... Est 300.00+ Sweden & other Europe; Chile & other Latin
America, etc. Great source for cancels, rates
FAKES AND FORGERIES: & topicals. Majority VG-VF (Approx 500) ...
726. Û Interesting coll of over 70 diff fakes, .......................... Est 175.00+
forgeries, reprints, etc. Has Germany
Zeppelins, Heligoland, Danube Steamship LARGE SHOEBOX FULL
Co., German States, Latin America, etc. OF LOOSE STAMPS:
VG-VF ..................... Est 75.00+ 744. Ú Large shoebox full with an unsorted
accum of loose stamps from older to later.
SOUVENIR SHEETS CAT $630: Strength in USA but does have stamps from
727. SSÛ Binder with an attractive asst of all many other countries as well. A great lot for
GREENLAND COLLECTION 1938-2016: diff souvenir sheets identified on pages. Has a someone who likes to sort & organize. May 761. Ú 1 (Pl 1b), Tied by red MC cancel on
710. ÚÛ 1/726, BOB, Attractive coll neatly range of countries mainly from 1940’s-90’s. hold some nice surprises (Many 1,000’s) ... piece. Four margins, VF. Init M-D. . 475.00+
arranged on pages. Some collected both as Mostly $3-$25 items. Has Asia, Br. Common- .......................... Est 250.00+ 762. Ú 1 (Pl 2), Neat red MC cancel. F. Init N-G
mint & used or in blocks. F-VF (205 stamps, wealth, Europe, Latin America, etc. F-VF, primar- WORLD IN BUNDLES: .............................. 475.00
1 SS) ............... 2025 Scott 306.00 ily NH. 2025 Scott $630 (90) .... Est 175.00+ 745. Ú Hoard of stamps in bundles & part
FINLAND MINT NH 1979-1990: bundles in 4 chocolate boxes. Has Europe,
711. Û 616/828, B210/B243, All diff coll nearly 728. Ö Interesting coll of 25 diff WWII Censored Br. Commonwealth, etc. Great source for
NETHERLANDS cpl for the period. Fresh, F-VF, NH. Catalogue covers in sleeves. Variety of frankings, cancels varieties & cancels. Most VG-VF (Many
REVENUES, LABELS & SEALS: from a few years ago was $190 (145 stamps) & rates from 6 diff Latin American countries, 1,000’s of stamps) ........... Est 150.00+
699. ÚÛ Fascinating coll of Revenues, ........................... Est 75.00+ plus Portugal, Switzerland & Trinidad & To- WORLD ON PAPER MIXTURE:
Locals, Labels & Seals neatly arranged on ALSACE & LORRAINE REVENUES: bago. Most VG-F+, a few flts . . . Est 160.00+ 746. Ú Large shoebox full of on paper mixture,
pages, from 19th Century up to 1970’s. Has 712. Ú Interesting lot of 7 old official cards con- mainly 1950’s-80’s. Some strength in Gr.
Revenues of various types, Railway stamps, taining Pension Revenues from 1919-24. Has Britain & USA but lots of other countries as
Local Postal Strike stamps, TB seals, etc. 10 diff issues with a total of over 360 stamps well. VG-VF (1,000’s) ......... Est 75.00+
Nice variety. F-VF (150 items). Est 150.00+ affixed on the cards. VG-F ..... Est 75.00+
GERMANY THIRD REICH STOCK: WITH 7,900 DIFFERENT: 763. Ú 1 (Pl 4), Neat red MC cancel, F-VF.
700. ÚÛ 398/529, BOB, Dealer’s stock of pri- 4. WORLDWIDE: 747. ÚÛ Two binders with a mounted coll of Init E-I ........................ 475.00
marily used, arranged in a stockbook, from 7,900 diff world stamps. Has a wide range 764. Ú 1 (Pl 5), Red MC cancel. F. Init R-G ..
1933-44. Has Hindenburg & Hitler Heads, of countries & issues from A-Z. The stamps .............................. 425.00
defins, pictorials, semi-postals, officials, etc. NAPOLEON TOPICALS: run from 19th Century up to 1950’s. Has Eu- 765. Ú 1 (Pl 6), Red cancel, crisp colour, F ..
These are a great source for cancels & 713. SSÚÛ Coll of 25 diff modern souvenir / rope, Br. Commonwealth, Asia, Latin Amer- .............................. 425.00
varieties, ranging from 1 to 75 of each, with miniature sheets honouring NAPOLEON ica, Scandinavia, Africa, etc. No rarities but 766. Ú 1 (Pl 7), Red M/C cancel. F, Init G-H .
approx 300 diff. Majority VG-VF (1,000’s)... BONAPARTE. Has a variety of countries we spotted stamps up to $25 & $50 each. .............................. 475.00
.......................... Est 250.00+ showing him on his white horse, with & with- WWI MILITARY COVERS: Majority are used. VG-VF . . . Est 1,000.00+
NETHERLANDS out hat, planning battles, etc. Three of the 729. Ö Interesting coll of military covers /
SEMI-POSTAL COLLECTION: sheets Cat $13 each. VF, mint are NH, used postcards 1914-18. Has German & Gr. Brit-
701. Ú B1/B377, Virtually cpl used semi-postal CTO....................... Est 50.00+ ain items incl Field Post Offices, military unit
coll neatly arranged on pages, from 1906-63. MARTIN LUTHER TOPICAL COLLECTION: markings, 2 German Occupation of Belgium,
We noted B25-32 ($45), B48-57 ($98), 714. ÚÛ Interesting MARTIN LUTHER several Prisoner of War items (with write-
B144a-5a ($180), B208-42 ($118), etc. F-VF. & related topical coll neatly arranged in a ups), 1915 Feldpost card depicting the Kai-
2024 Scott $997 (375 stamps, 2 SS’s) ..... stockbook. Singles, sets & covers from vari- ser, censors, etc. Also 1906 German Postal
.......................... Est 325.00+ ous countries. F-VF (79 stamps, 4 covers) . Stationery envelope depicting the Kaiser &
........................... Est 35.00+ his wife, & 1945 Green Cross FPO cover. F
ARCTIC & ANTARCTIC: (26)...................... Est 150.00+
715. ÚÛ Interesting coll from a variety of coun- BEAR TOPICALS:
tries all related to the Arctic & Antarctic. Most 730. SSÚÛ Coll of 25 diff modern souvenir / 767. Ú 1 (Pl 8), Lovely SON red MC cancel.
of the value is in the covers / cards with a miniature sheets depicting BEARS. Has vari- F-VF. Init N-G .................. 600.00
wide range of stamps, special events, expedi- ous countries showing Polar Bears, Pandas, 768. Ú 1 (Pl 9), Lovely SON black MC cancel.
tions, operations, postmarks, etc. Also has Koalas, etc. Has items up to $11 & $13 ea. VG+. Init K-E ................... 725.00
some stamps. F-VF (61 covers / cards, 68 VF, mint are NH, used CTO .... Est 50.00+ LOCOMOTIVES & TRAINS TOPICALS:
stamps) ................... Est 125.00+ 748. SSÛ Extensive all mint coll of 133 diff
WINTER SPORT TOPICALS: DOLPHIN TOPICALS: modern souvenir / miniature sheets all de-
716. SSÚÛ Colourful coll of 48 diff modern 731. SSÚÛ Colourful coll of 24 diff modern picting Locomotives, Trains & Railways. Has
souvenir / miniature sheets all depicting souvenir / miniature sheets depicting Dol- a tremendous array of types & countries
Hockey, Skiing, Ice Skating, etc. Many are phins. Has a variety of countries depicting here depicting early classic Trains to mod-
many diff species. Has many better that Cat
Olympic related. Has a variety of countries. $11, $13, $14, $15 & $18 ea. VF, mint are NH, ern high speed train types. Has many better
items in the $11-$30 range. Also 340 diff
Incl some better items. VF, mint are NH, used
CTO...................... Est 100.00+ used CTO .................. Est 60.00+ mint “Leaders of the World” stamps depict-
TOPICALS DEPICTING BATS: ing trains. VF, NH........... Est 400.00+
WORLD SOUVENIR SHEETS: 732. SSÚÛ Coll of 19 diff modern souvenir /
717. SSÛ Large 24-page stockbook (48 miniature sheets depicting Bats. Has a variety OLYMPIC & SPORT TOPICALS:
sides) with an all diff coll of world souvenir / of countries incl several better that Cat $15 & 749. ÚÛ Two stockbooks plus additional
miniature sheets, primarily 1950’s-90’s. Has $17 ea. Also one cach FDC with 7 diff stamps. stockcards with a coll of Olympic & Sporting
a wide range of Foreign & Br. Common- VF, mint are NH, used CTO .... Est 50.00+ topicals, primarily mint. Has a tremendous 769. Ú 1 (Pl 11), Neatly tied on piece with
wealth countries. Loaded with better calibre array of world countries with sets, singles, black MC cancel & neat Taunton 30 Jy,
items up to $50 & $65 each plus one $240 REVENUES & FISCALS: blocks, souvenir sheets, etc. Has both sum- 1841 datestamp alongside. F+. Has 2014
item. F-VF, mainly NH. 2024 Scott $1,850 733. ÚÛ Unsorted world accum of approx mer & winter sports & mainly 1960’s-90’s. Royal Philatelic Society Certificate. A NICE
(165)..................... Est 600.00+ 400 older Revenues, Fiscals & Tax Stamps. F-VF (100’s)................ Est 225.00+ CERTIFIED EXAMPLE OF THIS SCARCE
Has a variety of countries, types, sizes, val- JOHN F. KENNEDY TOPICALS:
WINSTON CHURCHILL TOPICALS: ues, etc. VG-VF............. Est 100.00+ 750. ÚÛ Topical coll from 1960’s honouring PLATE...................... 5,750.00
718. ÚÛ Interesting coll of Br. Commonwealth John F. Kennedy. Has many covers / cards, 770. Ú 2 (Pl 1), Neat M/C cancel. F . 1,100.00
& Foreign stamps mostly from the 1960’s- plus stamps, souvenir sheets, etc. Has items
70’s, honouring Sir Winston Churchill. F-VF from many diff countries. Some also depict
(139 stamps, 10 SS’s, 10 covers) Est 65.00+
GERMANY REVENUES: Jackie Kennedy & other world leaders. F-VF
702. ÚÛ Interesting accum of old German (Few 100) ................. Est 135.00+
Revenues, Fiscals, Tax Stamps, Bavarian CAPTAIN COOK BICENTENARY:
Railroad stamps, etc. Duplicated but a wide 751. Û Attractive mint coll of primarily Br.
variety of types, designs, values, sizes, sur- Commonwealth topicals from 1970. Has USA
charged, etc. Incl some high denomination & French Community issues in glassines &
inflation types & other unusual items. Mostly sleeves. VF, NH (142 stamps, 20 stamps) .
VG-VF (Over 500) .......... Est 400.00+ ........................... Est 45.00+
752. ÚÛ Attractive coll / accum of BOY 771. Ú 2 (Pl 1), SON black MC cancel, F-VF,
SCOUTS on STAMPS topicals, from 1917 notation on reverse ............ 1,100.00
up to 2007 (mostly 1950’s-80’s). Has stamps
NUDES ON STAMP SHEETS: in glassines & ‘102’ cards, covers, souvenir
734. SSÚÛ Coll of 112 diff modern souvenir / sheets, etc. Also has a few Girl Guide issues.
miniature sheets depicting nudes, partially
nude paintings by famous artists, pin ups, Majority F-VF (335 stamps, 10 SS’s, 50 cov-
ers) ...................... Est 150.00+
719. SSÛ Colourful coll of 88 diff modern NH, used CTO ............. Est 225.00+ 753. SSÛ Attractive all diff coll of souvenir /
topical souvenir / miniature sheets all STOCKBOOK OF WORLD: miniature sheets, neatly displayed on stock-
honouring the 1969 Moon Landing, Apollo / 735. ÚÛ Stockbook with an asst from over 30 cards. Primarily 1950’s-90’s with a wide range
Space programs. Has a variety of countries diff countries, older to modern. Has European, of countries & issues with Asia, Br. Common-
with many beautiful designs. Incl some Latin America, Br. Commonwealth, etc. Many wealth, Europe, Latin America, etc. Loaded
better that Cat up to $13 each. VF, NH.... attractive commems & defins here. Also has with popular topicals & has better items with
GERMANY WWII MILITARY CARDS: ......................... Est 250.00+ some nice mint souvenir sheets incl Honduras lots of $4-$20 items plus some higher up to
703. Ö Cpl set of 8 diff official 6pf Hindenburg STAMP ON STAMP TOPICALS: mint NH C344a (Perf & Imperf Cat $90). $40, $50 & $60 each. F-VF, mainly NH. 2024
Head Postal Stationery cards issued for the 720. SSÚÛ Colourful coll of 56 diff modern VG-VF (Over 950) ........... Est 150.00+ Scott $1,340 (135)........... Est 400.00+
1941 Stamp Day, all with special matching souvenir sheets depicting Stamp on Stamp NORMAN ROCKWELL SHOEBOX OF WORLD MIXTURE:
Hamburg postmarks. Each card is inscribed topicals. Primarily mint NH with a wide range TOPICAL COLLECTION: 754. Ú Large shoebox with a completely
“IN THE FIGHT FOR FREEDOM” & are il- of countries showing stamps from early clas- 736. SSÛ Eye-catching Norman Rockwell art unsorted hoard of loose World stamps from
lustrated with portraits of members of diff sics up to recent types (some also show topical coll of 30 diff mint sheets of 25 from 6 older to modern. All are off paper with lots of 772. Ú 2 (Pl 1), Four full margins, neat black
branches of the German military incl Rail- Rowland Hill). Has better items incl one from diff countries in a Postal Commemorative So- Canada, plus a wide variety of other countries MC cancel, rich colour. VF. A CHOICE
way Artillery, U-Boat, Motorized SS, Infan- Macedonia that Cat $50 & 2 diff Europa types ciety specialty album; from 1981-3. VF, NH. & issues. Lots to sort through! Generally EXAMPLE.................. 1,100.00+
try, Mountain Soldier, etc. VF. . Est 200.00+ from Montenegro that cat $86. Also 3 diff 2023 Scott $707 (750 stamps) . Est 135.00+ VG-VF (1,000’s) ............ Est 200.00+
stamp exhibition sheets. VF . . . Est 150.00+ 773. Ú 2 (Pl 2), Light cancel, VG+ . . 1,150.00
704. ÚÛ 77/240, BOB, Small coll incl better NAPOLEON BONAPARTE: 737. Ú Large shoebox with a completely un- IN BUNDLES: MC cancel .................... 1,150.00
items like B9-11 ($99), B15-9 ($44), etc. F-VF 721. ÚÛ Coll of 19 diff modern topical souvenir sorted hoard of loose World stamps from older 755. Ú Carton full with a mass of world
(33) ................. 2025 Scott 251.00 / miniature sheets all depicting Napoleon to modern. All are off paper with a tremendous stamps in bundles of 100. Has older to
WWII CENSORED COVERS Bonaparte. Has a variety of countries. Has variety of countries & issues. Lots to sort! modern with a wide variety of issues with
FROM VENEZUELA: one set that Cat $27. VF, mint are NH, used Generally VG-VF (1,000’s) .... Est 200.00+ commems, pictorials, defins, etc. Incl Gr.
CTO....................... Est 50.00+
705. Ö Interesting coll of 12 diff WWII Cen- WORLD A-F COUNTRIES: Britain & Br. Commonwealth; Europe with
sored Airmail covers from 1941-2, from Vene- STOCKBOOK FULL 738. ÚÛ Coll of older world countries from Germany, Italy, Poland, etc, USA, Latin
zuela to USA incl one Reg’d. Has a variety of OF WORLD REVENUES: A to F countries, mounted on Harris pages, America, etc. One of the largest world
frankings, cancels, rates & routes incl via Haiti 722. ÚÛ Lighthouse 8-page stockbook (16 from 19th Century up to 1970’s. Stronger bundleware lots we have offered in some
& Trinidad & Tobago, & censor tapes. Mostly sides) full with an accum of world Reve- areas are Afghanistan, Angola, Argentina, time. The ultimate source for cancels,
F, a few flts ................. Est 75.00+ nues, Fiscals & Tax Stamps from about Austria, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Finland, shades, minor varieties or perfect for the
GERMANY 1946 NUMERAL SET: 1870’s-1970’s, in no particular order. Lots French Morocco, etc. Wide range of packet maker. Years of work went into
706. Ú 530-56, Cpl set to 1 Mark tied by neat of interesting items here. Has a wide variety commems, pictorials, defins, etc. Mostly used, acquiring & bundling this material. VG-VF
Neuruppin 29 Oct 1946 CDS’s on a page. of countries with various issues, types, mainly VG-VF (Few 1,000) .... Est 250.00+ (We estimate over 2,800 bundles, totaling 775. Ú 2 (Pl 2), Four margins, SON black MC
F-VF ................. 2023 Scott 64.30 designs, styles, values, colours, etc. Has WORLD MYSTERY LOT WITH 1,000’s: over 280,000 stamps) ....... Est 800.00+ cancel. VF, light corner crease. A nice look-
PARAGUAY WHOLESALE LOT CAT $1,912: Austria, Italy, India, Germany, Brazil & other 739. ÚÛ Carton full with a diverse range of MILITARY COVERS, ETC: ing stamp .................... 1,150.00
707. Û 565-8, The 1960 United Nations 4 Latin America, Br. Empire, GB, Turkey, material, early to modern. Has stamps in 756. ÚÛ Box with an interesting accum of 776. Û 3, F, OG, small thin ......... 625.00
stamp set in a wholesale lot of 750 sets. other European, Asia, etc. (no Canada or glassines; in envelopes; in sleeves & ‘102’ military related covers / cards, primarily from 777. Ú 3, Strip of 3 with “60" numeral cancel.
VF, NH. 2024 Scott $1,912 (3,000 stamps) . USA). Mostly VG-VF (890) . . . Est 500.00+ cards; on pages & stockcards; much loose WWI, WWII & post war. Has Canada, GB, USA VG-F, minor crease .............. 110.00
.......................... Est 125.00+ WORLD WWII CENSORED COVERS: on & off paper; odds & ends; etc. Some & others. Incl soldiers’ mail, military h/s’s, ca- 778. Ú 3, WATERMARK INVERTED variety.
723. Ö Diverse coll of 45 covers 1939-45 from strength in Europe, especially Germany & chets, Prisoner of War items, censored, army, VG-F. (SG £300) ............ Est 125.00+
Toll Free Bid Line: 12 diff countries censored during WWII, most area, France & Colonies & Scandinavia. We naval & air force items, nice group of 5 diff 779. Ú 3, SON numeral ‘4’ in Maltese Cross
cancel. VG-F, thin. A great cancel & would
WWII Canada Legion postcards, Airgraphs,
noted British Royal Event colls, etc. Good
to USA & Canada. Tremendous variety of
1-877-957-3364 cancels, rates, frankings, censor tapes & h/s’s. lot to sort through on a rainy weekend. Ma- & so on. Also some misc stamps & souvenir be difficult to find a better strike! Cat $625 ..
Mixed condition but many F .... Est 150.00+ jority VG-VF (1,000’s) ....... Est 500.00+ sheets. VG-VF (Couple 100) . . . Est 200.00+ .......................... Est 160.00+