Page 10 - Vance-Sale-372-Part 1
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EUROPE COLLECTION 508. Û 505a/997, Duplicated group of mint 524. ÚÛ 1/155, BOB, Attractive coll neatly ar- 544. Û 9N120/9N470, Pristine mint NH stock
ON A STACK OF OLD PAGES: se-tenant strips & mini sheets from 1987- ranged on printed pages. We noted mint 1-4, neatly arranged & identified in glassines,
493. ÚÛ Coll of European from 19th Century 2014. F-VF, nearly all NH. 2024 Scott $495 6-14 ($81), 50-62 ($45), C1-4 ($52), C39-48 from 1957-81. Has about 280 diff from 6 to
up to 1970’s. Has France, Monaco, Nether- (65 items).................. Est 150.00+ & C57-64 ($85); plus used 114-33 ($47), etc. 30 of a kind (mostly 24 of each). VF, NH
lands, Austria, Bavaria, Germany, Bulgaria, INDONESIA COLLECTION 1950-1959: Majority VG-VF (133) . . . 2024 Scott 521.00 (Must be 6,000+ stamps)..... Est 600.00+
Greece & Italy. Also some Ireland. Mainly 509. ÚÛ 333/487, B58/B120, Primarily mint
used with a wide variety. Mostly VG-VF coll of all diff singles & sets in mounts on COLOMBIA ACCUMULATION:
(Approx 2,600).............. Est 250.00+ pages. We noted mint 362-7 ($27), etc. F-VF, 545. ÚÛ Chocolate box with a loose unsorted
GREECE HERMES HEADS 1860’s-1890’s: some mint NH. 2024 Scott $162 (186) ..... accum form the early 1900’s-80’s. Lots to sort
through with commems, defins, airmails &
494. Ú Two album pages with a coll of 19th ........................... Est 65.00+ other BOB, a few SS’s & more. Generally
Century imperf Large Heads plus imperf / VG-VF (Many 100’s) ......... Est 100.00+
perf Small Heads. Has a nice range of issues
values, shades & cancels. Mainly VG-VF (76) GREECE STOCK IN ‘102’ CARDS:
.......................... Est 250.00+ 546. ÚÛ Box full with a wide-ranging stock
of older Greece primarily 19th Century up to
1970’s. Has commems, defins, pictorials,
plus airmails, postal tax, dues, offices, Crete,
NORWAY COLLECTION 1855-2019: Thrace, etc. Mostly VG-VF. Previous owner
525. Ú 1/1870, BOB, Attractive used coll said Cat close to $2,000 but unchecked by
neatly arranged in a large stockbook. Has us (100’s).................. Est 350.00+
early classics up to modern topical pictorials CZECHOSLOVAKIA
& commems. Earlies incl #1 ($165), #5 ($60), ACCUMULATION / STOCK:
etc. VG-VF. (Approx 1,700) . . . Est 225.00+
NETHERLANDS INDIES COLLECTION: 547. ÚÛ Red dealer’s box filled with a primarily
DENMARK MINT NH COLLECTION: 534. ÚÛ 1/332, BOB, Very attractive coll used accum / stock numbered & priced in
526. Û 291/872, BOB, Beautiful mint NH coll neatly arranged on pages, from 1864 up to ‘102’ cards from 1918-94. Contains a wide
ICELAND COLLECTION 1902-2003: neatly arranged on stockcards, from 1944-89. 1949. Has early classics incl extra shades, variety of topical commems & pictorials &
510. ÚÛ 45/1004a, BOB, Attractive coll Has defins incl High Value, topical commems perfs, varieties & cancels, semi-postals defins incl some sets; plus BOB. Majority
neatly arranged on stockcards. Some & semi-postals. VF, NH. 2025 Scott $428 complete, Postage Dues, Officials, Airmails, VG-VF (Many 100’s) .......... Est 90.00+
REPUBLIC OF CHINA collected both as mint & used; also a few (325) ..................... Est 150.00+ etc. Some highlights are used 1-2 ($280), 7- ISRAEL COVERS:
MINT NH COLLECTION: blocks. Lovely topical sets & singles; plus a GERMANY OFFICIALS: 16 ($144), 16b-c ($52), 23-30 ($89), 59-62 548. Ö Attractive coll of Official cach unaddr
495. Û 1232/2300, BOB, Pristine mint NH few souvenir sheets & booklet panes. F-VF, 527. Û Dealer’s stock / accum of mints on ($50), 81-98 ($83), 98 (2 - $120), B1-47 FDC’s & special event covers, from 1948 up
coll neatly arranged on stockcards, from much NH. 2025 Scott $939 (400 stamps, stockcards, from 1920-34. Has singles & ($97); plus mint NH 238 ($50+). Majority to 2014 incl #16 Tabul souvenir sheet on
1959-81. Many cpl runs here; with an amaz- 9 SS’s) ................... Est 325.00+ blocks with useful duplication & a good variety VG-VF. 2024 Scott $2,810 (753)......... FDC. Also has some FD Post Office Open-
ing range of cpl topical sets; plus souvenir LUXEMBOURG COLLECTION 1923-2002: of issues. F-VF, much NH (Several 100’s) .. ......................... Est 900.00+ ings; 16 airmail covers; & Postal Stationery
sheets. Some highlights are 1386-9 & 1408- 511. ÚÛ 153/1100, BOB, Eye-catching coll ........................... Est 60.00+ items to Canada & New Zealand. F-VF
11 ($67), 1429-32 & 1454-61 ($90), 1466-70 neatly arranged on pages & stockcards. Has IRAQ COLLECTION 1923-1971: (313 covers) ............... Est 175.00+
& 1483-5 ($84), 1550-5 ($47), C73-86 ($64), attractive topical singles & sets, souvenir 535. ÚÛ 1/596, O1/O341, etc, Extensive SHOEBOX FULL
etc. F-VF, NH. 2024 Scott Approx $2,325 sheets, semi-postals, WWII German Occupa- coll of older Iraq on pages with a wide OF SPAIN WITH 1,000’s:
(907 stamps, 14 SS’s) ....... Est 800.00+ tion, Postage Dues, etc. F-VF, mostly NH variety of commems, defins, pictorials, offi- 549. ÚÛ Shoebox full with a large accum
PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA: (242 stamps, 12 SS’s). . . 2024 Scott 308.00 cials, plus other BOB. Has better singles & of unsorted Spain from older to modern.
sets throughout with many nice surprises.
Has commems, pictorials, defins, BOB, etc.
496. ÚÛ 76/1254, BOB, Attractive coll neatly DENMARK MINT NH: VG-VF. 2024 Scott $3,375 (825).........
arranged on a stockcard, from 1950-75. We 512. Û Stockbook full with an immaculate ....................... Est 1,100.00+ Primarily used & all are off paper. Also some
Spanish Colonies. Unchecked by us. VG-VF
noted mint NH 1199-1203 & 1250-4 ($60), coll of mints from the 1970’s-90’s. Has (1,000’s)................... Est 200.00+
etc. F-VF (128) ........ 2025 Scott 295.00 commems, pictorials, defins, nice sets, plus BRAZIL COLLECTION 1854-1978:
ISRAEL MINT STRIPS WITH TABS: many booklets, SS’s, etc. Fresh, VF, NH 536. ÚÛ 37/1556, BOB, Almost all mint coll SWEDEN USED ACCUMULATION:
550. Ú 342/2546, Box with an extensive clean
497. Û 464A/817, Beautiful coll of 232 diff (Approx 550 diff)...... 2024 Scott 1,349.00 neatly arranged on a stockcard. Many inter- used accum identified in glassines, from 1943
mint bottom strips of 3 to 10 in a stockbook SWEDEN ALL DIFF COLLECTION: esting topical commems, pictorials & airmails. up to 2006. Approx 1,200 diff from 1 to 10+
from 1975-82. Topicals abound incl paintings, 513. Ú Stack of album pages with an extensive NETHERLANDS & COLONIES AIRMAIL We noted mint 459-60 ($145), etc. F-VF, of each. A multitude of attractive engraved
some NH. 2025 Scott $466 (103 stamps,
sports, flowers, famous persons, etc. VF, NH COVERS WITH KLM ITEMS, FLIGHTS, ETC:
(Approx 1,375 stamps) ....... Est 175.00+ used coll of all diff pages from 19th Century 528. Ö Album with an interesting coll of cov- 2 SS’s).................... Est 150.00+ topicals here. Would make a good basis
up to 1999. Tremendous variety of issues with TIBET RATION COUPONS: for a retail stock. F-VF (Several 1,000) ....
commems, pictorials, coils, defins, plus BOB. ers / postcards from 1930’s-60’s. Incl Neth- 537. Û Interesting accum of Tibet Ration .......................... Est 250.00+
Excellent base to build on. VG-VF (Approx erlands & Colonies airmail covers, first Coupons circa 1960’s-80’s, used for short-
2,000 diff).................. Est 275.00+ flights, special flights, postcards depicting ages of food, fuel & clothing. Has various
Dutch planes, Foreign frankings, specialty
items, etc. Also has some loose items, types, designs, sizes, etc. F-VF (86).......
clippings, etc. A great lot for a collector or .......................... Est 100.00+
will price up well for a dealer. F-VF (147) ..
......................... Est 350.00+
529. Ö Seldom offered coll of approx 65 diff
cach unaddr FDC’s from this Pacific country.
Has nice 1980’s sets, se-tenants, souvenir
sheets, booklet panes. Some are on special
P.O. souvenir cards. Loaded with topicals incl GERMANY AND BERLIN
fish & sealife, ships, airplanes, etc. Values up FIRST DAY COVERS:
FRANCE COLLECTION 1852-1959: to $10. VF ................. Est 125.00+ 551. Ö Box with a coll of cach unaddr
498. ÚÛ Attractive coll on hingeless pages FAROE ISLANDS COLLECTION: FDC’s from 1970’s-80’s. Terrific variety
with a wide range of commems, pictorials, 530. ÚÛ 7/654, Attractive coll neatly arranged of commems, pictorials & semi-postals.
defins, semi-postals, plus airmails, etc. SPAIN COLLECTION 1851-1959: in a stockbook, from 1975 up to 2016. Beauti- Also some Framas. F-VF. High original cost
Majority are mint after the 1920’s with lots 514. ÚÛ 6/904, B30-1, Coll of all diff singles ful topical singles & sets; some collected YUGOSLAVIA COLLECTION 1918-1959: (712)..................... Est 350.00+
of cpl sets & attractive singles. Incl better & sets in mounts on pages. Incl mint 55 both as mint & used. F-VF, mint are NH (192 538. ÚÛ 1L1/554, B1/1K4, Coll of all diff
singles up to $50 each & mint sets like ($37), 177 ($180), 262 ($50), 633-4 ($80), stamps, 4 SS’s)........ 2025 Scott 347.00 singles & sets in mounts on pages. Incl mint GERMANY USED COLLECTION 1978-2012:
B285-90 ($137), B294-9 ($111). VG-VF. B30-1 ($46); used 730-2 ($37), etc. Also 2L24-7 ($42), 295-9 ($37), 305-15 ($55), 552. ÚÛ 1265/2699, BOB, Eye-catching
Previous owner said Cat approx $2,600 others in the $1-$30 Cat range. VG-VF. 355-7 ($40), 411-4 ($41), 415-9 ($35), 424- primarily used coll neatly arranged on
(835)..................... Est 700.00+ 2024 Scott $1,422 (518) ..... Est 450.00+ 32 ($42), 497-505 ($33), C30-2 ($32); used stockcards. Some also collected in multiples.
MONTENEGRO POSTCARDS: 269-72 ($30), etc. Also many others in the Has beautiful topical commems, pictorials
& semi-postals in singles & sets. We noted
499. Ö 68 (3), 69 (5), Interesting coll of 8 diff GERMANY $1-$26 Cat range. VG-VF, some mint NH. some collected as pairs (1 mint, 1 used).
b/w & colour postcards all used from Cetinje SCENIC SEMI-POSTALS ON COVERS: 2024 Scott $1,344 (782) ..... Est 450.00+ F-VF (Approx 2,340) ......... Est 325.00+
1905-06. Addr to England & various European 515. Ö B123-31, Scenic semi-postal issues BADEN NUMERAL CANCELS:
tied on covers & cards by various 1938-9 can-
countries. Scenes incl Russian Embassy, cels, mostly to Passau or Berchtesgaden but 539. Û 2/9, Attractive specialty coll of 1851-8 HUNGARY ACCUMULATION 1900’s-1990’s:
Monastery, Market, boat on Lake Scutari, Numeral issues selected for 5-Ring 553. ÚÛ Huge duplicated accum in no par-
soldiers at Cetinje Turret, women in native 2 to France. Variety of rates incl 4 Reg’d. Most NUMERAL cancels. Majority F-VF (13) .... ticular order in 3 large stockbooks; plus
costumes, etc. VG-VF ........ Est 100.00+ VG-VF, some edge wear (26) . . . Est 75.00+ .................... 2024 Scott 334.00 many more on stockcards. Ranges from
FRENCH POLYNESIA BOOKLET PANES: REPUBLIC OF CHINA MINT SETS: early defins up to large modern topical
500. Û 983/1084, Lot of 6 diff Booklet panes 516. Û 1248/1996, Coll of 9 diff cpl sets, from pictorial, commem, semi-postal & airmail
from 2008-12. VF, NH. . . 2024 Scott 148.00 1959-76. We noted 1450-1 ($60), etc. VF, NH sets & souvenir sheets. Many 100’s of diff
(20) ................. 2025 Scott 103.00 stamps; & a large percentage are mint NH.
A clean lot. F-VF (9,350 stamps, 187 SS’s)
SWEDEN USED BOOKLETS 1967-1986: ......................... Est 600.00+
517. Ú 732a/1465a, Attractive coll of 27 diff
used Booklets. Nice range of topics. Seldom GERMANY STOCK / ACCUMULATION
offered. VF ........... 2025 Scott 150.00 IN GLASSINES IN 5 BOXES:
554. Ú Five long red boxes with a dealer’s
ALSACE-LORRAINE REVENUES: stock / accum of used Germany from
518. Ú Interesting lot of Alsace-Lorraine Social 1900’s - 2000’s (strength in post WWII). Has
Assistance Revenues affixed on 8 official commems & defins sorted by kind into glass-
cards, from 1910-26. Has 20+ diff issues ines. Also has some DDR & some additional
with over 350 stamps. Has a variety of Official ROMANIA COLLECTION 1862-1959: material in part bundles. A large quantity of
h/s’s. VG-F ................. Est 75.00+ 531. ÚÛ 20/1307, B1/3N12, Above average PARIS FRANCE 1910 FLOOD:
coll of all diff singles, sets & a few SS’s in 540. Ö All diff coll of b/w postcards depicting stamps here! Mainly VG-VF (Many 1,000’s)
WWII GERMAN OCCUPATION OF POLAND: mounts on pages. Has commems, defins, scenes of the GREAT FLOOD OF PARIS in .......................... Est 375.00+
REUNION MINT COLLECTION: 519. Û NO14-15, Each in a sheet of 50. semi-postals, occupations, Dues, postal 1910. This catastrophe was caused by the
501. Û 108/317, BOB, Fresh mint coll neatly Fresh, VF, NH (NO15 is separated) ....... tax, airmails, & official stamps. Lots of good Seine River which was carrying winter rains
arranged on a stockcard, from 1922-55. We .................... 2024 Scott 560.00 older material. Also many nice topicals like from its tributaries. The water pushed up-
noted B5-9 & CB1 ($87), C40 NH ($55), etc. flowers, wild animals, insects, sports, birds, wards from overflowing sewers & subway
F-VF, some NH (69 diff) 2024 Scott 340.00 LATVIA 1918 COMPLETE SHEET PRINTED
ON AN OLD GERMAN MILITARY MAP: planes, mushrooms, space, etc. VG-VF, tunnels. These postcards show the terrible
DUBAI KENNEDY IMPERF SHEET: 520. Ú 1, Cpl imperforate 5K carmine sheet many mint, some NH (1,526). . Est 325.00+ flooding, rescue boats with fancy people &
502. Û (C25), Kennedy Memorial issue of 228 stamps (12 x 19 inches), printed on ICELAND COLLECTION 1902-1997: poor people, etc. Also one Flood postcard
IMPERF 75np sheet of 50 (similar in design to the back of a gummed WWI German military 532. ÚÛ 36/848, BOB, Attractive coll neatly from 1924. F-VF, most unused (15) ......
#C25) with red “22 / NOVEMBER” overprint. map. Each stamp is cancelled by a diagonal arranged in a stockbook. Some collected both ......................... Est 175.00+
VF, NH, trivial corner flaws. Scott unlisted .. s/l cancel which we believe to be Leepaja. as mint & used. Has cpl topical sets, souvenir BAVARIA COMPLETE SHEET:
........................... Est 50.00+ The sheet has marginal creases / flaws but sheets, etc. F-VF (536 stamps, 5 SS’s) .... 541. Û 34, Cpl gutter sheet of 60 stamps.
PALAU COVERS LOADED WITH TOPICALS: overall F & quite scarce as a cpl sheet. This .......................... Est 175.00+ F-VF, NH.............. 2025 Scott 90.00
503. Ö Gorgeous coll of approx 60 diff cach was issued in the month following Latvia’s SLOVENIA MINT NH COLLECTION: FRENCH POLYNESIA COLLECTION: LIECHTENSTEIN MINT COLLECTION:
unaddr FDC’s/FD Cards from the 1980’s-90’s. independence on 18 Nov, 1918Est 500.00+ 533. Û 100/309, BOB, Close to cpl pristine 542. ÚÛ 1/570, BOB, Attractive coll of primar- 555. Û 5/984, B18/O75, Nice coll of all diff
Loaded with all kinds of topicals incl Japanese mint coll neatly arranged on stockcards, from ily mint neatly arranged on a stockcard, from singles, sets & SS’s from 1917-92. Incl
Artwork, ships, sports, flowers, planes, etc. 1991-7. Has beautiful topical singles, sets, 1892 up to 1991. Many eye-catching topicals 270-3 ($37), 284-6 ($37), 293-300 ($42),
Has many lovely se-tenants, souvenir sheets, souvenir & mini sheets, booklets, etc. VF, NH. here. We noted mint NH C47a ($160), etc. 356 ($55), B18-21 ($65), etc. Also others in
etc. Many are large size. VF . . . Est 100.00+ 2024 Scott $492 (208 stamps, 18 SS’s, 4 Majority F-VF. 2025 Scott $509 (116 stamps, the $1-$22 Cat range. F-VF, many NH (148
STOCKBOOK FULL OF AUSTRIA: booklets) .................. Est 200.00+ 1 SS) ..................... Est 200.00+ stamps, 9 SS’s) ....... 2024 Scott 476.00
504. ÚÛ Uni-Safe 16 page stockbook (32
sides) with a duplicated accum mostly from
the 1960’s-90’s. Loaded with many nice
commems & pictorials, some defins, a few
souvenir sheets, semi-postals, & more. Gen-
erally F-VF, many mint are NH (Approx 3,200)
.......................... Est 250.00+
505. ÚÛ Diverse accum in glassines, ‘102’ GERMANY COMPLETE USED
cards & on approval pages, early to modern. COLLECTION IN SCHAUBEK ALBUM:
Has Imperial & Nationalist China, People’s 521. Ú 665-1264, B309-B546, COMPLETE
Republic of China & a smattering of Macao coll neatly arranged in a Schaubek Hinge-
& Manchukuo. Majority VG-VF (1,250 stamps, less Album, from 1949-77. Many better early
6 SS’s).................... Est 275.00+ commem & semi-postal sets. Lovely topicals
throughout. F-VF. We estimate 2025 Scott
PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC $1,500 - $2,000 (870 stamps, 11 SS’s) ....
OF CHINA 2004 COLLECTION: ......................... Est 500.00+
506. Û 3338/3417, Beautiful 2004 annual coll
in hardbound album with lovely illustrations LARGE ACCUMULATION OF SWEDEN:
& histories. VF, NH (79 stamps, 8 SS’s) .... 522. Ú Large accum / stock of used Sweden
.................... 2025 Scott 120.00 with stamps from earlier issues up to about
2008. Organized by Scott number on
stockcards. Tremendous variety of commems,
pictorials, defins, coils, incl pairs, etc. Useful
duplication. Also some unsorted on
stockcards & several pages of mint Booklets
(which the previous owner had priced up to
over $225). A good lot for dealer or future
dealer wanting some clean stock of this
popular Scandinavian country. Mostly VG-VF
(1,000’s)................... Est 350.00+
523. ÚÛ 111/3426, Diverse lightly duplicated
coll / accum of Precancels arranged on
BHUTAN UNISSUED STAMPS: stockcards, from 1900 up to 2008. Some
507. Û Scarce 1962 Malaria Eradication set collected both as perf & imperf; majority mint FRANCE AIRMAIL SHEET:
of 3 diff stamps. These were prepared but with OG. We noted #111 half gutter sheet 543. Û C32, Cpl sheet of 25 of the 1,000 Fr Provence Airmail. Shows lathework in selvedge at each end, plate number & dated corner. Fresh, VF,
not issued (see footnote in Scott after #9). #3 of 50. Mainly F-VF, much NH. 2025 Scott NH. A VERY SCARCE SHEET..........................................................................2025 Scott 2,375.00
VF, NH.............. 2025 Scott 275.00 $550+ (Approx 400).......... Est 175.00+