Page 8 - Vance-Sale-372-Part 1
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AUSTRALIA FIRST DAY COVERS 390. Û 34/96, KGV-QE coll in mounts on 401. Ú Fascinating coll of 51 large documents
& POSTAL STATIONERY: pages, nearly cpl between these numbers. mostly 1920’s-40’s all on revenue stamped
367. Ö Attractive coll of over 180 diff cach Incl 38-48 ($136), 53-68 ($42), 63c ($37), 64c paper. Incl Bhopal, Bundi, Cochin, Dhar,
FDC’s, from 1950’s-80’s loose in a box. ($67), 80-91 ($86), etc. Also some diff perfs. Gondal, Gwalior, Indore, Jaipur, Mewar, Nahha,
Beautiful topical singles, sets & souvenir F-VF, some NH (78) .... 2023 Scott 388.00 Rajgarh, Ratlam, Sikar, etc. Many are identified
sheets. Also 70 diff unused postal stationery in pencil on the reverse. Lots of beautiful reve-
envelopes from 1980’s. Most F-VF, some nue designs. Mostly VG-F ..... Est 250.00+
unaddr (253 covers) ......... Est 150.00+ SMALL BOX FULL OF GR. BRITAIN:
GR. BRITAIN 402. ÚÛ Small box with an accum from the
QE MACHIN HEADS: early 1900’s-90’s with stamps up to $290 in
368. ÚÛ Box with a massive quantity of un- Cat value. Lots to sort through with QV & KE
sorted QE Machin Head defins, from earlier 5 Sh values, commem sets, Machin values to
to more recent issues. We saw mint blocks, £1, BOB, & more. Majority are QE era. Gener-
commercial covers & postcards, cach FDC’s ally VG-VF (Many 100’s) ...... Est 200.00+
& special event covers, loose on & off paper, SHOEBOX FULL OF GR. BRITAIN: BR. COMMONWEALTH
in glassines, on pages & stockcards, bundles, 403. ÚÛ Shoebox crammed full with an un- MODERN MINT NEVER HINGED:
Regionals, etc. Mainly F-VF (Many 1,000’s) sorted accum of primarily used from the 19th 415. Û Two stockbooks with a big group of
.......................... Est 400.00+ Century up to the 2000’s. Has a big quantity mints mostly from the 1980’s - 2000’s. Incl
GR. BRITAIN ACCUMULATION HONG KONG MINT 1935-1997: to sort with both commems & defins, a few several omnibus sets like 1986 QE 60th
WITH 1,000’s IN 6 STOCKBOOKS, ETC: 391. Û 147/667, A nice accum of mints in a better early issues, Machins, mint sets, & more! Birthday, 1988 Lloyds of London, 1989
Moon Landing, 1990 Queen Mother 90th
369. ÚÛ Six stockbooks with a duplicated stockbook & on pages. Lots of cpl sets, with Generally VG-VF (Few 1,000). . Est 200.00+
accum of mainly used. Has some older but commems, defins & souvenir sheets. Some BR. COMMONWEALTH Birthday, 1991 QE 65th Birthday cpl set in
mainly 1930’s-80’s era. Has a wide array light duplication but a good variety. Has lots USED DEALER’S STOCK IN 9 BOXES: sheets of 5 (Cat $311), then other Common-
of commems plus defins. Also some on GIBRALTAR MINT COLLECTION 1960-2007: of sets in the $5-$50+ range. Nice clean lot, 404. Ú Nine small red boxes with a beautiful wealth sets, souvenir / miniature sheets, &
379. Û 147/1114a, J7-25, Scott two-post
stockcards. VG-VF (1,000’s) . . . Est 250.00+ F-VF, many NH. Previous owner said Scott more. Also a few Foreign. F-VF, NH (100’s)
Specialty Album with a comprehensive QE $1,790 (100’s) ............. Est 600.00+ clean dealer’s stock on ‘102’ cards from ......................... Est 500.00+
coll of singles, sets & SS’s in mounts on the 1960’s-2000’s. Useful light duplication.
pages. Has a wide array of commems & BASUTOLAND MINT WHOLESALE: Loaded with many nice singles & sets from QE 1953 CORONATION COMPLETE:
defins. Incl 147-60 ($82), 186-99 ($39), 340- 392. Û 57, Mint wholesale lot of 31 cpl sheets Gr. Britain & a wide variety of Colonies from 416. Û COMPLETE coll of common & non-
55A ($31), 416-30 ($35), 631-4 ($33), etc. of 60, Plate 1B. VF, NH. 2023 Scott $558... Aitutaki to Zimbabwe. Strong in Australia, common design Omnibus issues neatly ar-
Also many others in the $2-$26 Cat range. ........................... Est 65.00+ New Zealand & Gr. Britain but lots of other ranged on stockcards. F-VF, NH (106 diff) .
Has lovely topicals like ships, uniforms, small countries. Generally F-VF. 2023 Scott .................... 2025 Scott 161.00
navy crests, landscapes, planes, castles, $12,486 (1,000’s) ......... Est 3,000.00+
birds, flowers, sports, etc. F-VF, much NH BR. SOUTH PACIFIC MINT SETS:
(747 stamps, 63 SS’s) 2024 Scott 1,521.00
405. Û Nice coll of mint South Pacific islands
ASCENSION IS SOUVENIR SHEETS: identified in ‘102’ cards. All are QE era from
380. SSÛ 129a/759, All diff coll of SS’s from 1960’s-90’s & mostly all in cpl sets. Incl Solo-
1969-2000. Also some se-tenant strips. F-VF, mon, New Hebrides, Samoa, Tokelau, Tuvalu,
many NH (26 items) .... 2024 Scott 198.00 Norfolk & others. Has values up to £1, $2, $5,
etc. F-VF, mainly NH (100’s).............
UNDERPAID / POSTAGE DUE COVERS: .................... 2024 Scott 850.00
381. Ö Interesting coll of underpaid / postage
JERSEY due covers 1919-63 to USA. Has a variety of
MINT DEALER’S STOCK 1958-2013: Postage Due h/s types & m/s rates. Six have BARBADOS COLLECTION 1882-1958:
370. Û 1/1662, etc, Very nice dealer’s stock Postage Dues affixed incl Precancels. Also 393. ÚÛ 60/250, J1/MR1, QV-QE coll of all KGV SILVER JUBILEE SETS:
all Scott numbered & priced in ‘102’ cards. 4 covers to USA with P.O. Directional h/s’s. diff in mounts on pages. Incl mint 186-9 417. Û Coll of 15 diff primarily common
Has a lovely array of sets, plus some sin- VG-F, a few flaws (30)........ Est 150.00+ ($30), 216-27 ($73), 235-47 ($72), J1-3 design KGV 1935 Silver Jubilee Omnibus
gles, booklets & sachets. Has values up to ST. VINCENT GRENADINES QUEEN ($29), etc. Mostly F-VF. 2025 Scott $328 sets. We noted Cyprus ($40), South Africa
£1, £2, £3, £4, £5, £10. Fresh clean lot with MOTHER 1985 SPECIALTY COLLECTION: (113)..................... Est 125.00+ ($57), etc. F-VF. 2025 Scott $357 (62) ....
useful duplication from 1-4 of a kind. F-VF, 382. Û 496-9, Imperf Specialty coll of Progres- ......................... Est 165.00+
NH. 2024 Scott $3,190 (100’s). Est 800.00+ sive Colour Proofs in cross gutter blocks, se- BASUTOLAND
tenant strips, blocks & gutter pairs; for The MINT COLLECTION 1933-1954:
HONG KONG Queen Mother “Life & Times” issue. VF, NH 418. Û 1/56, KGV-QE coll of all diff singles &
DEALER’S STOCK CAT $2,700: (526 stamps) ............... Est 200.00+ sets in mounts on pages. Incl 39-40 ($52), 46-
371. ÚÛ 89/864, Box with a dealer’s stock 56 ($120), etc. F-VF (50). 2025 Scott 228.00
of Hong Kong organized by Scott numbers
in ‘102’ cards. Primarily used with a wide “CALPURNIA” AIR CRASH COVER 1938:
variety of commems & defins. Has values 419. Ö Cover from the “CALPURNIA” seaplane
up to $50. Duplication varies but mainly which crashed near Baghdad 27 Nov, 1938
2-12 of a kind in most cases. VG-VF. killing the Captain & 2 crew members. Addr
Previous owner’s Scott from a few years ST. LUCIA MINT NH COLLECTION: to New Zealand with violet 2-line “RECEIVED
ago was over $2,600 (100’s) . . Est 500.00+ 406. Û 180/1294, etc, Beautiful all diff coll IN DAMAGED CONDITION EX FLYING
of QE sets from 1963-2014. All Scott num- BOAT CALPURNIA”. Has P.O. repair tapes &
GR. BRITAIN bered & priced in ‘102’ cards. Many lovely Mangaonaho NZ 30 Dec 1938 b/s. Reference
QE MACHIN HEAD ACCUMULATION: sets with stamp values up to $10. Fresh, material accompanies. A seldom offered crash
372. ÚÛ Small carton full with a mass of F-VF, NH (Approx 900) 2024 Scott 1,112.00 cover ..................... Est 100.00+
unsorted QE Machin Head defins with pre
decimal & decimal types. Primarily used with PITCAIRN ISLANDS SHOEBOX OF NEW ZEALAND
loose on & off paper; in glassines; in sleeves; COMPLETE COLLECTION 1940-2001: WITH 1,000’s OF STAMPS:
in envelopes; on pages; on stockcards; etc. 383. Û 1-551, Lovely COMPLETE mint coll 407. Ú Shoebox with a huge quantity of loose
Hours of sorting for the Machin specialist. neatly arranged & identified in hingeless unsorted stamps, all off paper. Has older to
Majority VG-VF (1,000’s)...... Est 225.00+ modern with commems, pictorials, defins,
mounts on pages. Beautiful range of sin- some semi-postals, etc. Also has some
BR. COMMONWEALTH MYSTERY BOX: gles, sets, se-tenant multiples, souvenir
373. ÚÛ Diverse range of material loose sheets, etc. Has some extra se-tenant pairs. scattered mints. Will provide days of enjoyable
in a carton, from All Reigns. Has stamps in A few isolated sets are used. F-VF, most sorting & organizing. Mainly VG-VF (Many
‘102’ cards; in envelopes; in glassines & NH. 2024 Scott $1,190 (607 stamps, 27 1,000’s) ................... Est 350.00+
stockbooks; on pages, approval sheets & SS’s) .................... Est 450.00+
stockcards, covers, odds & ends, etc. We TONGA NIUAFO’OU MINT NH COLLECTION:
saw Br. Europe, Asia, Africa, West Indies. SIGNED ROYAL AIR FORCE COVERS: 394. Û 1-228, Cpl run from 1993-2000. Has
Nice range of Malaya area. Majority VG-VF 384. Ö Attractive coll of 29 diff RAF flown lovely topical sets & SS’s, plus 26 diff AUSTRALIA FFC’S 1926-1951:
(1,000’s) .................. Est 350.00+ commem Gr. Britain covers from 1970-80. ‘SPECIMEN’ overprints. Loaded with 420. Ö Attractive coll of 7 diff FFC’s. Incl
The covers honour various anniversaries, beautiful topicals. Fresh, VF, NH......... domestic flights & 3 flights to New Zealand.
Battle of Britain, special events, etc. All have ................. 2024 Scott 1,070.00+ We note Camooweal 17 Dec 1926 flight;
been signed by Officers involved in the also C2 FFC & FDC both. F-VF, couple
special flights. VF ........... Est 125.00+ AUSTRALIA MINT COLLECTION 1936-1963: flaws..................... Est 125.00+
395. Û 157/378, Small mint coll incl 365-78
GR. BRITAIN COLLECTION 1864-1968: ($147), etc. F-VF (26) . . . 2024 Scott 179.00
385. ÚÛ Older coll mounted on pages of GR. BRITAIN 1937 CORONATION LABELS:
mainly used, with both commems & defins. WWII POW CARDS TO/FROM ENGLAND: 421. Û Cpl sheet of 60 diff multi-coloured
Has QV with 100-3 ($475), 107 ($380), 108 396. Ö Comprised of bilingual used card from AUSTRALIA MINT DEALER’S STOCK labels issued for the 1937 Coronation. Has
($290), 121-2 ($145); KE with 139-40 ($370); British POW Bureau to Geneva re German IN ‘102’ CARDS IN 2 RED BOXES: portraits of the Royal Family, Royal events,
various KGV with 179-80 ($227), 222-4 POW; used Parcel card from Durham Miner’s 408. Û 335/3183, Two red boxes packed full famous places, etc. Printed by Harrison &
($205); then useful KGVI-QE with values to Assoc returned from Stalag IXC, Germany containing a beautiful dealer’s stock from Sons. VF, NH, centre fold ...... Est 50.00+
£1, etc. Also 1890 unused QV One Penny 1944; unused British POW Airmail letter sheet 1960-2009. Has a tremendous variety of
Uniform Penny Postage envelope & some KGVI 2Àd. F-VF (3 diff items) . . Est 50.00+ commems, defins, sets, se-tenants, booklets,
Ireland. Most VG-VF (100’s) . . . Est 400.00+ etc. All in ‘102’ cards with Scott numbers &
prices. Useful duplication of mainly 1-4 of a
kind. Fresh, F-VF, primarily all NH. 2024
Scott $7,900 (Many 100’s). . . Est 2,000.00+
409. Û 148/1826, etc, Attractive all diff
3 VOLUME COLLECTION: coll from 1961-2016. Has a nice variety
374. ÚÛ Coll from 19th Century up to 2000’s of beautiful cpl sets priced & numbered in
‘102’ cards. Many popular topicals. F-VF,
on pages in 3 binders. Two books have New NH. 2024 Scott $1,328 (900). . Est 500.00+
Zealand with a terrific range of commems,
defins, pictorials, semi-postals, souvenir DEALER’S STOCK OF
sheets, booklets, etc. Lots of nice cpl sets COVERS ADDRESSED TO MINT NH GR. BRITAIN SOUVENIR
of mint. The third book has some Aitutaki, 386. Ö Coll of 5 official favour covers (no 397. Ö 131 (17), 134 (7), Attractive coll of 410. SSÛ Large file box with a very clean QV-KGVI IN WINDSOR ALBUM:
Cook Is, Niue, Samoa, etc. VG-VF (Many postal markings) circa 1870’s, all addr to 14 diff used QV era photo postcards, from dealer’s stock of mint souvenir sheets, strips 422. ÚÛ 1/291, BOB, Primarily used coll
100’s) .................... Est 400.00+ BENJAMIN DISRAELI at Grosvenor Gate, 1899-1903. Most addr to England & Scot- & booklets from the 1970’s up to 2018. All neatly arranged in a Gibbons Windsor Al-
QE & ROYALTY COLLECTION: Osborne House, etc. Disraeli was a famous land; 1 each to France & Germany. Has are neatly priced up on sales cards & con- bum, from 1840 up to 1951. Some highlights
Colombo scenes incl Bristol Hotel, village
are used 2 (Pl 2, $1,150), 4 (3 shades -
375. ÚÛ Small collection of QE & Royalty 19th Century politician & statesman & twice & seaside views, tea estate, elephants, etc. tains a wide variety of issues with many nice $270), 58 (Pl 8 - $140), 26-8 plus extra
topicals with souvenir sheets, FDC’s, post- served as Prime Minister. He played a cen- F-VF..................... Est 175.00+ recent, nice group of prestige booklets & shade #27a ($915), 37 ($375), 50 ($210),
cards, etc. Various countries. VF (45 items) tral role in the creation of the modern Con- more. Useful duplication of mainly 1-5 of a 64a (Pl 9 - $265), 109 ($615), 222-4 ($205),
........................... Est 60.00+ servative Party. These covers are all with CEYLON COLLECTION 1935-1957: kind. Generally VF, NH. 2023 Scott $7,800 O31-3 ($402); also mint 180 ($350). Some
AITUTAKI MINT SOUVENIR SHEETS: signatures of the other MP’s, officials, etc. 398. ÚÛ 260/339, Primarily KGV-KGVI coll (Many 100’s) ............. Est 1,750.00+ flts but majority VG-F. 2024 Scott $11,320
376. Û 78a/680a, Nice coll of 110 diff from & each cover has a write-up. F Est 350.00+ in mounts on pages. Incl mint 264-74 ($73), (235) ................... Est 2,000.00+
1973-2018, neatly displayed on protected KHYBER PASS POSTCARDS: 264a-5a ($52); used 264-74 ($46), etc. Also
pages in a binder. Quite comprehensive cov- 387. Ö Interesting coll of 6 diff British India b/w some diff perfs & some with both mint & ST. VINCENT GRENADINES
erage with lots of popular topicals. Has items postcards circa 1918-20’s, depicting scenes used stamps. F-VF. 2024 Scott $364 (98) .. MINT NH COLLECTION:
up to $40 & $50 each. VF, appears all NH .. & military bases of the famed Khyber Pass. .......................... Est 135.00+ 423. Û 20/712, etc, Nice all diff coll of primarily
.......................... Est 225.00+ Throughout history this was an important cpl sets. Has values up to $10 & loaded with
trade route between Central & South Asia & popular topicals. Also some Bequia & Union
part of the ancient Silk Road. It was the site of Is. F-VF, NH (360 stamps) ..............
many battles & used by Alexander the Great, .................... 2024 Scott 281.00
Genghis Khan & others. F, primarily unused TRINIDAD & TOBAGO
........................... Est 80.00+ WWI CENSORED COVERS:
SEYCHELLES SOUVENIR SHEETS: 424. Ö Interesting coll of WWII Censored
388. SSÛ 283a/830, Lightly duplicated selec- Airmail covers, from 1943-4 in sleeves
tion of mint souvenir sheets from 1970-2002. (mostly Airmail, 21 to USA, 8 to Canada).
Has a nice variety incl 304a ($37), 709 (pane Has a variety of Censor tapes, rates, 1 Reg’d,
of 10 Cat $50), etc. Also a few Zil Elwannyen SOLOMON ISLANDS MINT COLLECTION: etc. Majority F-VF (29)........ Est 250.00+
Sesel. Generally VF, NH. 2024 Scott $550 411. Û 1/194, Coll of all diff singles & sets on SOUTH WEST AFRICA
(60 SS’s) .................. Est 135.00+ black stock sheets, from 1907-68. Incl 3-4 MINT NH COLLECTION:
($85), 55 ($42), 67-79 ($55), 128-42 ($43), 425. Û 261/640, Nice all diff coll identified
etc. F-VF (93) ........ 2024 Scott 484.00 in ‘102’ cards. Primarily all in sets with many
GR. BRITAIN AUSTRALIA ANNUAL COLLECTIONS: attractive items. Clean lot, F-VF, NH (230
POSTAL STATIONERY RELATED: 412. Û Attractive range of Australia Hardcover stamps) .............. 2025 Scott 316.00
399. Ö Fascinating coll of Postal Stationery P. O. Annual colls from 1987-91 & 1993.
envelopes or covers franked by Postal Sta- Also 2 Official colls of Framas, Booklets &
tionery cut squares plus adhesives. Ar- self-adhesive issues from 1988-92 (total of 7
ranged on pages from 1880-1909. Some diff books). VF, NH (Total Face Value A$268
have QV & KE mixed Reign frankings. Con- or approx $245 Canadian)..... Est 140.00+
tains a variety of rates incl 23 Reg’d items & GR. BRITAIN STAMP DUTY:
NEW GUINEA London area cancels. Addr to Germany & 413. Ú Interesting coll of old Stamp Duty Reve-
MINT COLLECTION 1925-1934: Netherlands; 1 to Barbados. We noted 2 nues from King George III & Queen Victoria
377. Û 1/43, C1/O21, Nice coll of mostly all HONG KONG MINT private order Postal Stationery envelopes. eras. Incl various embossed seals up to £3 &
diff on black stocksheets. Some with dupli- NEVER HINGED COLLECTION 1963-1996: Some flts but mostly VG-F (39) Est 600.00+ £5 with some having lead centres. Unusual
cation. Incl 1-9 ($78), 40-3 ($44), C41 ($55), 389. Û 218/738, Very attractive QE to mod- INDIA / MEWAR STATE lot. F (24 items) ............. Est 150.00+
C54-5 ($54), O9 ($42), O20-1 ($55), etc. ern coll of all diff in mounts on pages. Has a REVENUE DOCUMENTS: CYPRUS QV COLLECTION
F-VF (86) ............ 2024 Scott 787.00
COMPLETE run between numbers 218-577 400. Ú Attractive coll of 6 Revenue illustrated SELECTED FOR LOVELY CANCELS: BASUTOLAND / LESOTHO COLLECTION:
CHANNEL ISLANDS TRAIN TOPICALS: with defins, commems, many sets & SS’s in documents bearing the portrait of Maharaja 414. Ú 12/32, Attractive used coll neatly ar- 426. Ú Beautiful coll neatly arranged on
378. Û Specialized topical coll of Jersey, the $2-$100+ Cat range. Has lovely topicals Bhupal Singh, from 1930’s-40’s. All are diff as ranged on stockcards, from 1881-96. Has ex-
Guernsey & Alderney all train related. Has like Royalty, birds, flowers, transportation, to printing & denomination, from 2 Annas to 10 tra shades, used blocks, cancels incl lovely pages, from 1933-73. Some highlights are
Railways, Locomotives, street rail, etc. Incl Maps, butterflies, fish, wild animals, sports, Rupees. Measure8x13 inches. Have official Squared Circle strikes & CDS’s. We noted Basutoland 18-28 ($55), 46-56 ($64), 61-82
($118), J8a ($55), J9-10 ($52), etc. F-VF.
sets, booklets, booklet panes & souvenir ‘Year Of’, etc. F-VF, NH (424 stamps, 11 b/s’s. VG-F+, some wear, folded. Frameable 12-3 ($75), 24 (3 shades - $63), 23 (5 - $212), 2024-25 Scott $657 (224) .... Est 225.00+
sheets. A nice lot. VF, NH ...... Est 90.00+ SS’s) .............. 2023 Scott 1,949.00 ........................... Est 50.00+ etc. F-VF. 2025 Scott $689 (77) Est 250.00+