Page 11 - Vance-Sale-372-Part 1
P. 11
556. ÚÛ Two binders with a coll of SPACE
topicals on Foreign countries, all identified.
Wide range of sets & souvenir sheets from
the 1960’s-80’s. F-VF. Previous owner’s Cat
$800+ (100’s) .............. Est 225.00+
557. ÚÛ Lot of 12 old sales circuit books with
stamps from older up to 1990’s, mainly used.
Has lots of attractive commems & pictorials.
VG-VF (100’s) ............... Est 65.00+
572. Û Three diff cpl French Colonies omni-
bus sets. Incl 1944 Red Cross, 1949 UPU
& 1952 Military Medal. Fresh, F-VF, NH (38
diff stamps) .......... 2025 Scott 302.00
573. Ö Beautiful coll of 63 diff maxi-cards
from the 1970’s with multi-coloured designed
matching the stamp that is tied on the card.
Has ships, insects, paintings, skating, wildlife
& more. VF ................ Est 100.00+
558. Û 2/389, C1/C139, Attractive coll of all 574. Û 8/1780, BOB, Attractive coll of primarily
diff sets & singles. Scott numbered & priced lovely topical & thematic singles & sets in
on ‘102’ cards. Fresh, F-VF, NH (143) .... glassines, from 1918-71 (mainly 1950’s-60’s).
F-VF, appear to be all NH (406) . Est 50.00+
.................... 2025 Scott 561.00
FAROE ISLANDS ANNUAL COLLECTION: 575. Ö Group of 12 diff cach FFC’s from 1960-
559. Û 48/259, Range of 11 diff cpl Official 80. Incl Zurich to Helsinki, Geneva to Moravia,
Annual Collections, from 1980-93. VF, NH.. Zurich to London, & more. VF. Previous owner FRANCE IMPERFORATE SHEET:
.................... 2025 Scott 248.00 says Cat 238 Swiss Francs (12) . Est 50.00+ 617. Û 117a, Rare cpl IMPERFORATE gutter pane of 50 of the 15¢ Orange with numeral “1" in gutter. Fresh bright colour, VF, NG, horiz crease
BAG FULL OF HUNGARY WITH 1,000’s: INDONESIA-RIAU ARCHIPELAGO STAMPS: mostly between second & third rows. A PRETTY SHOWPIECE! 2025 Scott $6,250 US................................... Est 1,500.00+
560. ÚÛ Plastic bag 2 pounds of loose un- 576. ÚÛ 1/30, Lot of all diff issues from LIBERIA COLLECTION 1880-1958: JAPAN COVERS & POSTCARDS:
sorted off paper mixture. Primarily used with 1954-59. Incl mint 1 ($67), 3 ($80), 6 ($150), LARGE CARTON FULL 597. ÚÛ16/386, B3/O148, All diff singles & sets 607. Ö Diverse accum of covers & postcards,
older to modern incl commems, pictorials, 11 ($525), 27A ($40), etc. F-VF. 2024 Scott OF EUROPE FROM AN ESTATE: in mounts on pages. Has commems, defins, mainly modern. Many are multi-franked airmail
defins & BOB. Will provide days of sorting! $947 (26) .................. Est 325.00+ 587. ÚÛ An unsorted accum from one es- semi-postals, airmails, registration, & official covers to Canada; also cach FDC’s, etc. We
Mostly VG-VF (Many 1,000’s) . . Est 225.00+ tate, weighing over 28 pounds. Has older stamps, nice topicals like flowers, birds, ships, noted 1919 Cdn Pacific Ocean Services cover
to modern with stamps on pages, on stock-
BRAZIL WWII CENSORED COVERS: cards, in 2 stockbooks, in glassines, etc. planes, sports, animals, etc. Fine coll of older with matching enclosure out of Panang. Most
561. Ö Interesting coll of 44 diff WWII censored issues to build from. VG-VF (308) Est 100.00+ F-VF (254) .................. Est 75.00+
Airmail covers to USA in sleeves. Has a Has Germany & area, Italy, Sweden & other SHOEBOX OF ROMANIA:
variety of routes incl via Trinidad & Tobago, Scandinavia, Switzerland, Netherlands, 608. ÚÛ Shoebox with an unsorted accum of
Portugal, France & more. Also some Postal
frankings, cancels, rates incl 2 Reg’d, censor Stationery, FDC’s, Colonials, mint Europa Romania stamps, older to modern, primarily
tapes, etc. We saw meter covers & illustrated sets, Faroe Islands, Annual colls, etc. Lots used. A huge quantity of stamps here with
advertising covers, etc. Most VG-F+, some flts commems, pictorials, defins & BOB. Dupli-
.......................... Est 175.00+ of stamps here & careful checking should be
repaid. VG-VF (Many 1,000’s) . Est 600.00+ cated but a wide variety of issues. Mostly
VG-VF (1,000’s) ............ Est 175.00+
609. ÚÛ Shoebox filled with a loose unsorted
hoard from the 19th Century to the 1990’s.
Loaded with many nice commems, pictorials,
defins, semi-postals, other BOB, & more.
Great lot to sort through! Generally VG-VF
(1,000’s)................... Est 200.00+
562. SSÚ 226a/2824, BOB, Attractive coll NUMERAL CANCEL COLLECTION:
of 89 diff used souvenir sheets identified in 577. Ú 2/19, Attractive coll of selected cog- GREENLAND MINT PLATE BLOCKS
sleeves, from 1954-90. We noted 226a & wheel numeral cancels neatly arranged in SPECIALIZED COLLECTION:
237a ($50), B21a ($110), etc. F-VF....... stamp & numeral order on a stockcard, from POST WAR ITALY COLLECTION 598. ÕÛ 49/445, B8/B30, Specialized coll of
.................... 2025 Scott 439.00 1849-68. Wide range of numerals. VG-VF. 1946-2013 IN 2 STOCKBOOKS: various issues in mint Plate Number Corner
2025 Scott as stamps only $1,060 (70).... 588. ÚÛ 465A/3191, Broad ranging coll of Blocks of 4. arranged in Plate Number order
AUSTRIA MINT NH IN YEAR PACKS: ......................... Est 500.00+ primarily used. Many cpl runs for period.
563. Û 631/1171, B301/B344, Attractive all Some highlights are used 495-506 ($52), from #G001 to G342. Very near cpl for these
numbers. Incl better singles & sets in the
diff mint NH coll done up in year packs, from SHOEBOX OF AUSTRIA: 518 ($100), 538-9 ($85), 579-83 ($98); plus $20-$70 Cat value range. Also one block that PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA FDC’s:
1958-80 (cpl from 1963-76). Many lovely topi- 578. ÚÛ Shoebox filled with a hoard from the mint 515-7 NH ($80), 544-6 NH ($80), 574-6 Cat $140. F-VF, NH. Rarely seen collection. 610. Ö 1648/3651a, Beautiful coll of 325 diff
cal commems, pictorials & semi-postals. VF, 19th Century-2000’s. Has a wide variety to ($60), etc. Majority F-VF. (Over 2,900
NH (488 stamps, 2 SS’s) 2025 Scott 317.00 sort through incl commems, pictorials, defins, stamps, 26 SS’s) ........... Est 550.00+ 2024 Scott $3,520 (344 Blocks) Est 1,200.00+ cach FDC’s & FD folders, from 1981 up to
MAXI-CARDS WITH ARTWORK: BOB, & more. Generally VG-VF (1,000’s) .. AUSTRIA MINT NH COLLECTION: 2008. Lovely topical sets & souvenir sheets
here. VF, unaddr ........... Est 300.00+
564. Ö Colourful coll of 70 diff foreign Maxi- .......................... Est 150.00+ AUSTRO-HUNGARIAN EMPIRE 599. Û 631/1229, B229/B346, Pristine mint
cards from 1950’s-80’s. Most are from Europe SHOEBOX OF AUSTRIA: CORRESPONDENCE: NH coll neatly arranged on pages, from 1958- USED WEST GERMANY
particularly Italy & Vatican. Incl sculptures, 579. ÚÛ Shoebox filled with a completely 589. Ö Six stampless covers with a religious 82. Has a broad range of beautiful topical COMMEMS OFF PAPER
statues, jewellery, etc. VF ...... Est 65.00+ unsorted hoard from the 19th Century - 1990’s, correspondence from 1860-5 to Nagy-Rocze. commem, pictorial & semi-postal singles & WITH A HUGE QUANTITY OF STAMPS:
primarily used. Has a wide variety to sort Has cancels from Rosenau & Szepsi with sets; plus defins incl High Values. VF, NH 611. Ú Box with a mass of unsorted used Ger-
through incl commems, defins, BOB, & more. Tornallya transit. One has large broken red (688 stamps, 4 SS’s).... 2025 Scott 410.00 many commems from 1990’s-2000’s (some
Generally VG-VF (Few 1,000). . Est 125.00+ wax seal. VF ................ Est 60.00+ FRANCE STUDY OF MARIANNE ISSUES: older). The stamps are sorted by kind into mini
HUNGARY 5 VOLUME FDC COLLECTION: GERMANY ZEPPELIN COVER: 600. ÚÛ 481/4082, Broad range of bundles, plus some loose. Has a terrific range
580. Ö Extensive coll of cach FDC’s, neatly 590. Ö C37, Tied on cach GRAF ZEPPELIN MARIANNE issues on stockcards, from 1944 of large size commems & pictorials. A great lot
arranged in 5 binders, from 1970-94. Beautiful America Flight cover 11 Oct 1928 to New up to 2011. Primarily mint with singles, sets, for a dealer, packet maker or cancel collector.
topical sets & souvenir sheets throughout. Incl York. F, some edge wear ..... Est 100.00+ booklets, souvenir sheets, multiples, coils, VG-VF. A HUGE QUANTITY OF STAMPS!
a few special event covers & multi-franked SWEDEN COLLECTION 1858-2023: blocks & Plate Blocks, etc. Much Face / Cat (10,000’s).................. Est 350.00+
airmail covers. Majority VF (530 items)..... 591. Ú 8/2900, BOB, Broad-ranging coll neatly value here. F-VF, most NH (1,137 stamps, BOX OF HUNGARY:
.......................... Est 200.00+ arranged in a stockbook & on stockcards incl 5 SS’s, 5 covers) ............ Est 275.00+ 612. ÚÛ Box full loaded with a completely un-
BOX FULL OF EAST GERMANY: some extra shades, cancels & multiples. Has FRANCE AIRMAIL COLLECTION: sorted & primarily used hoard of loose stamps
581. Ú Diverse accum of material in a large early classic up to modern topical commems, 601. ÚÛ C5/C73, Attractive Airmail coll neatly from the 1900’s-2000’s. Has a big quantity to
wooden wine box. Has stamps in glassines & pictorials & booklet panes. We noted 18 arranged on stockcards, from 1930 up to sort through with commems, pictorials, defins,
sleeves; on stockcards, loose on & off paper, ($150), 44 ($62), 50-1 ($44), 197-203 & 205-8 2011. Some collected both as mint & used. topicals, a few souvenir sheets, & more.
airmail covers to Canada, odds & ends, etc. ($257), 213-20 & 222 ($244), etc. Majority We noted mint C23-6 ($83), C73 (sheet of Generally VG-VF. Will provide days of sorting
We saw many attractive topicals. Majority F- VG-VF (Approx 3,250)........ Est 400.00+ 10 - $45), etc. F-VF, most NH. 2025 Scott (Many 1,000’s).............. Est 200.00+
VF, a few mint (Many 100’s) .... Est 75.00+ $428 (81) .................. Est 150.00+
613. ÚÛ Primarily used coll neatly arranged
FRANCE MINT NH in 2 Harris Albums, from 19th Century up to
COLLECTION 1996-2003: 1980’s. Primarily used with singles, sets &
565. Û Green Lighthouse Hingeless Album souvenir sheets from Austria, Czechoslovakia,
(plus slipcase) with a sparkling fresh mint Germany area, Hungary, Poland, Portugal
coll cpl from 1996-2003. Loaded with many & Romania. Lots of beautiful large topical &
nice singles & sets, souvenir sheets, minia- thematic stamps throughout. F-VF (1,000’s)
ture sheets, booklets, semi-postals, airmails, .......................... Est 300.00+
officials, & more. VF, NH. Stamps has 2025 ITALY / TRIESTE COLLECTION:
Scott of $1,634 & retail value of album is 614. ÚÛ 1/204, BOB, Attractive primarily
over $400 (580) ............ Est 700.00+
used coll neatly arranged on stockcards, from
EAST GERMANY MINT COLLECTION: 1947-54. Some highlights are used 29 ($80),
566. Û Pristine mint NH coll in glassines, COLOMBIA COLLECTION 1868-1959: 35-9 ($47), 42-50 ($89), 63 ($47), 116 ($75),
primarily 1960’s-70’s. Has a broad range of 592. ÚÛ 54/699, C86/RA45, Coll of all diff etc. Majority F-VF. 2025 Scott $984 (167) ..
large size topical & thematic singles, sets & singles & sets in mounts on pages. We .......................... Est 325.00+
souvenir sheets; plus a few semi-postals, etc. noted mint 448-50 ($29), 644-65 ($40),
VF, appears mostly NH (883 stamps, 28 SS’s) C166-74 ($73), C275-80 ($28), C417-8
.......................... Est 100.00+ ($46); used C96-110 ($38), C121-33 ($31),
ITALY REVENUES: GERMANY DEALER’S STOCK 1952-2001 C186-98 ($52), etc. Has defins, commems
& nice pictorials. VG-VF, some mint NH.
567. ÚÛ Interesting coll / accum of older Italian IN GLASSINES IN 2 BOXES: 2024 Scott $782 (521) ....... Est 275.00+
revenues from 19th Century up to 1950’s. 582. ÚÛ Extensive stock neatly identified in
Has a variety of types, designs, sizes, values, glassines in 2 black dealer’s boxes. Attrac- STOCKBOOK OF
colours, etc. Majority are in singles but also tive range of West German commems & GERMANY & SWITZERLAND: NETHERLANDS ANTILLES COLLECTION:
some in pairs & strips. Also some used on semi-postals (some in blocks). Hundreds of 593. ÚÛ “GOLD” Lighthouse stockbook with 602. ÚÛ 1/504, BOB, Attractive coll neatly
documents. VG-VF (Approx 260) Est 110.00+ diff topicals & thematics. Also some DDR up a primarily used accum from the early 1900’s arranged on pages, from 1873 up to 1983.
to 1989. A very clean stock ready for retail. up to 2016. Has a wide variety of issues with Extra shades, perf varieties in earlies.
F-VF, most mint are NH (Several 1,000)... Germany incl used C36-7 Zeppelins ($84), Lovely topical regular issue & semi-postal
......................... Est 650.00+ C46-56 ($76), nice group of Switzerland incl sets, etc. We noted used 3-8 ($133), 30-42
used 301 ($95), 303 ($70), & more. Generally ($83), 87-105 ($72), CB1-6 ($156), J8-10 NORTH & SOUTH VIET NAM COLLECTION:
COOKIE TIN FULL OF JAPAN: 615. ÚÛ Interesting coll neatly arranged on
583. ÚÛ Diverse accum of unsorted material F-VF (Many 100’s)........... Est 225.00+ ($53), J18-9 ($68); plus mint 1-3 ($77), 10-1 stockcards, from 1945-72. Some nice topi-
loose in a cookie tin, early to modern, primarily CUBA MINT NH COLLECTION: ($100), etc. Some flaws but majority VG-VF. cal sets here. We noted South Viet Nam
used. Has stamps in glassines, on stockcards, 594. Û 746a/1988, Lovely mint NH coll neatly 2024 Scott $2,127 (676) ..... Est 475.00+ mint 30-5 ($115), 45-50 ($72), etc. Majority
loose on & off paper, a few covers, odds & arranged on stockcards, from 1962-75. Has OLDER GERMANY IN GLASSINES: F-VF, many of the mint are NH (133) .....
ends, etc. Great source for varieties & cancels. a broad range of beautiful topical singles, sets .................... 2024 Scott 410.00
Majority VG-VF (Many 100’s). . . Est 125.00+ & souvenir sheets. F-VF, NH (368 stamps, 603. ÚÛ Box with a very interesting accum
CHOCOLATE BOX OF NEPAL: 8 SS’s)............... 2024 Scott 503.00 of older Germany in glassines. Mainly AUSTRIA COLLECTION 1850-1972:
1910’s-50’s with commems, defins, semi-
584. ÚÛ Chocolate box filled with an unsorted GERMANY OFFICIAL 616. Ú 5/937, BOB, Beautiful used coll neatly
OLDER RUSSIA COLLECTION 1858-1958: postals, WWII Occupations, post war zones, arranged in a large quality stockbook. Has
568. ÚÛ 5/2030, Plus BOB, Album with hoard from the 1880’s-1990’s. Has stamps ANNUAL COLLECTION: Saar, Poland General Gov’t, Bohemia & early classics up to modern with commems,
595. Û 1366/1877, B594/B774, Group 6 diff
an extensive coll of older issues. Has a loose, in glassines, on cards, etc. Has a wide annual colls from 1982-3, 1985, 1987-8 & Moravia, etc. Lots of $1-$20+ singles & defins, pictorials & semi-postals. Has some
variety of commems, defins, some SS’s, BOB,
wide array of commems, pictorials, defins, & more! Generally VG-VF (Many 100’s) .... 1994. VF, NH ......... 2024 Scott 290.00 sets. The previous owner has Scott identi- extra shades & cancels. Note 127 ($65), etc.
etc. with most being used. Lots of cpl sets .......................... Est 175.00+ fied much of the lot & the Cat value was Majority F-VF (1,041)......... Est 250.00+
throughout & better items to be found. over $2,000 some years ago. A good lot
Mostly VG-VF. Previous owner’s Cat $6,000 CARTON WITH POLAND for a dealer or collector. VG-VF (100’s).... FAROE ISLANDS ANNUAL COLLECTION:
(Approx 1,700) ........... Est 1,500.00+ USED ACCUMULATION: ......................... Est 500.00+ 618. Û 31-311, Cpl range of 19 diff Official
585. Ú Carton with a huge accum of duplicated Annual Colls, from 1978-96. VF, NH.......
HUNGARY MINT COLLECTION 1900-2000: used Poland, semi-sorted in envelopes. The CHOCOLATE BOX OF NETHERLANDS: .................... 2025 Scott 443.00
569. Û Five double-sided stockcards with an stamps range from 1950’s-2010’s with a broad 604. ÚÛ Chocolate box filled with a loose
extensive all diff coll in order, mostly in cpl range of commems, pictorials, defins & BOB. unsorted accum of used, mostly from the FAROE ISLANDS ANNUAL COLLECTION:
sets. Has a good range of issues with lots of A great source for varieties & cancels. Would 1970’s-90’s. Also incl 3 mint Post Office Year 619. Û 42/311, Range of 14 diff cpl Official
attractive issues plus souvenir sheets. F-VF, make a good lot for a packet maker. VG-VF packs from 1999-2004. F-VF (Many 100’s).. Annual Colls, from 1979-96. VF, NH.......
much is NH (Over 800 stamps, plus 90 SS’s) (Many 1,000’s).............. Est 200.00+ .......................... Est 100.00+ .................... 2025 Scott 319.00
TIBET RATION COUPONS: OF LATIN AMERICA: 605. ÚÛ Small box with a loose unsorted 620. Ú Three b/w photo-lithographs from D.
570. Û Interesting accum of Tibet Ration 586. ÚÛ Diverse accum of unsorted material accum from the early 1900’s-90’s. Loaded Dickinson’s “The Kaiser”, from 1914. Depict
Coupons circa 1960’s-80’s used for shortages in a large shoebox, early to modern. Has with a big quantity of stamps incl early Fr. Kaiser Wilhelm & his 6 sons marching in uni-
of food, fuel & clothing. Has various types, stamps on pages; on approval sheets; on BELGIUM ACCUMULATION Guinea, later singles, sets, topicals, souvenir / form; the Kaiser Crown Prince Friedrich & his
designs, sizes, etc. F-VF (77) . . . Est 80.00+ stockcards; in glassines; in ‘102’ cards; in OF PRIMARILY MINT: miniature sheets, BOB, & more. Generally son; & Princess Victoria Louise in uniform (his
THAILAND COLLECTION 1883-1961: envelopes & sleeves; etc. We saw strength 596. ÚÛ Accum in 2 stockbooks plus addi- VG-VF (Many 100’s) ......... Est 150.00+ only daughter). VF. Frameable . . Est 50.00+
571. ÚÛ 1/348, BOB, Attractive coll neatly in Cuba; plus a wide range of Central & South tional material on stockcards. Mainly 1940’s- SHOEBOX OF ISRAEL: GERMANY
arranged on stockcards. Has surcharged American countries; plus Haiti & Mexico. 90’s but does have some older. Has a wide 606. ÚÛ Shoebox with an unsorted accum SEMI-POSTAL SHEETS 1966-1980:
issues, cpl sets, semi-postals, airmails, etc. Great source for topicals, cancels & varieties. array of commems, defins, semi-postals, from the 1940’s-90’s. Has a wide variety of 621. Û B416/B582, Coll of 24 diff full sheets.
We noted mint 261a ($90), B18-9 ($65), etc. On a quick look we noted a couple mint NH Postage Dues, parcel post, souvenir sheets, used with both commems & defins, a few mint Highlights incl B446-9 ($195), B468-71 ($107),
Majority VG-VF, slight toning on a few. 2024 Honduras souvenir sheets that Cat $90. etc. Lots of attractive material here & plenty sheets & souvenir sheets, & more. Generally B570-3 ($135), B574-6 ($117). VF, NH. 2023
Scott $879 (220) ............ Est 225.00+ VG-VF (1,000’s) ............ Est 250.00+ of Cat value. F-VF (100’s) .... Est 250.00+ VG-VF (Many 1000’s) ........ Est 165.00+ Scott $787 (24 diff sheets) .... Est 165.00+