Page 16 - Vance-Sale-372-Part 1
P. 16
16 GR, BRITAIN Continued 925. Û 235-51A, 258-63, KGVI sets. F-VF, HH 997. Û O73, O75, O78, F-VF, Àd has crease, 1014. Û BK146-55, Nice run of 10 diff cpl mint 1033. Ö Stampless 1786 ‘DOVER/SHIP LRE’
.............................. 231.30 2d has small thin ................ 465.00 Prestige Booklets, 1982-91. VF, NH . 180.50 cover with Bishop Mark. Addr to Dorset which
926. Ú 235-9, 235-9a, Sideways & inverted wa- 1015. Û BK488-92, Cpl run of Booklets. All diff has been crossed out & redirected to Devon.
termarks on each. F-VF. Scott for sideways as to issue, pane position & cover design. VF, F, age toning ............... Est 250.00+
$75.55, SG for inverted £48 (10). Est 65.00+ NH ............................ 54.50
927. Û 235a, 236a, 237a, 238a, Horiz pairs
with watermark sideways. F-VF...... 96.30
928. Û 235d, Booklet Pane of 2, inverted
watermark. VF, NH; light bend in one stamp
.............................. 130.00
929. Û 238a, 239a, Watermark sideways.
F-VF, LH........................ 75.00
930. Û 246, KGV 9 Pence vert strip of 3 with
MAJOR MISPERF error. VF, VLH Est 50.00+
931. Û 249-50, 251A, 267-8, 275, F-VF 133.90
899. Ú 176, One Pound Seahorse, beautiful 998. Ú Scarce QV £5 Orange TELEGRAPH
rich colour, lightly cancelled, VF, one nibbed 932. ÕÚ 251, KGVI 10 Shilling Indigo used STAMP with neat Glasgow 8 Fe 1878
perf does not detract from this nice stamp . block. XF, faint little corner crease Est 100.00+ CDS’s & boxed cancel. VF. Rarely offered
............................ 1,500.00 933. Û 258a, 261b, 262b, Booklet Panes of (SG cat £2,700)........... Est 2,000.00+
6 (plus exploded covers). F-VF, NH (262b
900. Û 179, VF .................. 175.00 natural trimmed perfs at right) ....... 87.50 999. Û Coll of National Telephone Co. Ltd with 1034. Ö Stampless folded letter dated Bor-
901. Û 179, Seahorse, VF, NH, creased. Cat 934. Û 258a, 261b, 262b, KGVI Booklet Panes 5 stamps from 1884. Has value from 3 Pence deaux 27 Dec 1805 to London (3 Feb 1806
$400....................... Est 75.00+ of 6, last two with inverted watermark. F-VF, to One Shilling (2 shades of the 1 Shilling). 1016. Û KGV 1919 Three Shilling Booklet, b/s). Has black oval crown “SHIP / LETTER”
Edition 25. The À pane with upright water-
strike. F+. Scarce........... Est 250.00+
NH, some natural trimmed perfs .... 87.50+ Each in a diff colour & all depict the Chairman
935. Ú 261, Revenue usage, affixed on Stan- of the company Colonel Jackson. These mark, the others with inverted watermark. 1035. Ö Two stampless folded covers to Ma-
dard & Triumph Sales Ltd, London bill of stamps caused great controversy as it was Bright, fresh, VF, NH. A RARE BOOKLET deira 1815-8. Have various British & Portuguese
(SG #BB19, Cat £1,850).... Est 1,250.00+
sale for a “STANDARD VANGUARD saloon” an unwritten rule that only the monarch’s head m/s rates. Both have “per Packet” m/s’s. Related
model car. Accompanied by a real b/w photo could be displayed on stamps. F. Est 65.00+ to wine trade. VG-F+ .......... Est 75.00+
of the vehicle with its new owners. F. Nice 1000. Û QV ARMY Telegraphs 2d, 6d & 1Sh 1036. Ö Stampless folded letter dated London
topical items................. Est 40.00+ from 1895. F-VF (Barefoot £95) . Est 75.00+ 23 June 1820 (no cancels) to Madeira. Car-
936. ÕÛ 265, Margin block with the LL stamp 1001. Û Coll of 7 diff commem labels issued ried aboard “HMS Albion”. Has “40" Reis m/s
having the SEVEN BERRIES variety. VF, for the 1897 Diamond Jubilee of Queen rate. Mentions shipping 2 pipes (barrels) of
variety stamp is NH (SG #492a, Cat £35)... Victoria. Has values from 1d to 6d. Each in wine to Bengal, India. F-VF..... Est 75.00+
........................... Est 35.00+ a diff colour depicting the Royal Family. F, 1037. Ö Stampless folded letter dated London
937. ÚÛ 267-8, Silver Wedding sets both mint some HH, one with crease ..... Est 75.00+ 30 June 1824 to Madeira. Has 2Sh7d m/s rate
NH & used. VF ................... 55.65 1002. Ú Printed Invitation Card for QUEEN deleted & 5Sh2d rate substituted; plus 60 Reis
902. Û 179-81, Cpl Seahorse set to 10 Shil- 938. Û 267-8, 286-9, VF ........... 110.40 VICTORIA’s DIAMOND JUBILEE m/s rate. Foreign Office b/s. Contains copy of
ling, fresh rich colours, F-VF, VLH. 1,050.00 939. Û 268, 289, KGVI £1 Brown Arms & £1 COMMEMORATION 22 June, 1897 at Adkin letter from customers in New York complain-
Silver Wedding. VF ............... 64.00 & Sons, 34 King William St, London Bridge. ing of a shipment of inferior wine. F-VF ....
903. Ú 179-81, Seahorses to 10 Shilling, F-VF ........................... Est 75.00+
.............................. 417.00 940. ÕÛ 272, LL Plate 1 Imprint block of 6. This provided a curbside view of the proces- 1038. Ö Stampless 1831 Trans-Atlantic folded
904. Û 180, Five Shilling Seahorse. F-VF, LH The LR stamp with the CROWN FLAW. F-VF, sion. F. A nice collateral item for the Victorian letter from St. John, New Brunswick with neat
.............................. 350.00 stamps NH (SG #496a, Cat £76) Est 60.00+ collector ................... Est 100.00+ 2-line boxed “DEAL / SHIP LETTER” post-
905. Û 185-6, 203, 205a, VF........ 123.20 941. Û 275, KGVI £1, F-VF, NH . . Est 35.00+ 1017. Û KGV 1921 Three Shilling Booklet mark to London (red 23 Aug 1831 b/s). Has
906. ÕÛ 185-6, Well centred blocks. VF, 942. ÕÚ 275, KGVI One Pound used block, with 3 panes of 2d, Die 1, Edition 35. First nice red wax seal. F ......... Est 250.00+
primarily NH .................... 124.00 XF, lightly cancelled............. 112.00+ pane with INVERTED WATERMARK, 1039. Ö Stampless entire with black 2-line
907. Ú 185-6, Wholesale lot of 10 Br. Empire 943. Û 286-9, F-VF, VLH............ 80.00 others upright. VF, NH. A VERY SCARCE Clapham Rd / 2 py Paid strike & Clapham Ev
Exhibition sets, some nice cancels. F-VF .. 944. Û 286-9, VF, NH .............. 80.00 BOOKLET (SG #BB20, Cat £2,400) ...... 27 May 1835 b/s to Wiltshire. Has red London
.............................. 135.00 945. Û 292-308, QE set to 1Sh6p. F-VF .... ....................... Est 1,500.00+ “PAID 27 May” CDS, red oval “18 PAID 35 /
908. Û 190a, Wmk sideways, F-VF . . 110.00 .............................. 101.05 May 27 / 7 NIGHT 7" strike & 9d m/s rate. F.
909. Ú 190a, Wmk Sideways, F, some nibbed 946. Û 292-308, Also 294d, 295b, 296b-c, Attractive ................... Est 50.00+
perfs .......................... 110.00 F-VF .......................... 117.80 1040. Ö Stampless Trans-Atlantic entire dated
910. Ú 190a, 213b, Watermark Sideways. VF 947. Ú 292-333, Mostly F-VF........ 122.60 15 Feb 1836 to Montreal per “Caledonia”.
.............................. 205.00 948. Û 294c, Booklet Pane with Cylinder No. Has 1sh7d & 2sh m/s rates & red NEW YORK
911. Ú 203-4, F-VF ................ 73.00 “10" no dot. VF, NH, some clipped perfs as / SHIP transit. F-VF ........... Est 75.00+
usual ...................... Est 45.00+
949. Û 309-12, VF................ 240.00 1041. Ö Stampless folded ship letter with Le
950. Û 309-12, VF, VLH ........... 240.00 Havre, France 3 Aug 1839 CDS to London.
951. Û 311, VF, NH................ 80.00 Has red crown “SHIP LETTER / LONDON 5
952. Û 312, £1 Castle. This is the WATER- Aug” b/s. F+................ Est 150.00+
LOW PRINTING. VF ............. 110.00 1042. Ö Stampless entire with Newport, Isle
953. Û 317-33, F-VF .............. 177.55 of Wight 17 Feb 1840 b/s to Southampton.
954. Û 317cp-9dp, 356cp-60ap, Phosphor / Has red “No. 2" h/s & 1d m/s rate. Just over
Graphite issue. F-VF, NH.......... 119.25 a month after Uniform Penny Post introduced.
955. ÕÛ 318dp, Phosphor Graphite left mar- F-VF....................... Est 45.00+
gin block of 12. F-VF, NH.......... 144.00 1018. Û KGVI 1937 Five Shilling Booklet with 1043. Ö Stampless entire with black “New St
956. Û 322c, Sideways watermark strip of 5 & buff cover (SG #BD24), Edition 29, VF, NH, CC/1 py P Paid” 2-line cancel & red “E PAID
end strip of 4 with tab. Slightly trimmed perfs some minor soiling on outside cover. VERY 12 May 1840" Tombstone strike to Liverpool.
at top of strip of 5, F-VF .......... 135.00+ SCARCE BOOKLET (SG Cat £2,000) .... Lengthy cross hatched contents. F-VF .....
957. Û 327, 332, MAJOR MISPERFS. VF, NH. ....................... Est 1,200.00+ ........................... Est 75.00+
Not often seen............... Est 75.00+ 1044. Ö Stampless folded ship letter dated
958. Û 353c-56c, F-VF, NH (4 diff) . . . 123.00 Leipzig 9 July 1840 to London. Has Rotterdam
959. Û 353c-60a, Graphite issues. F-VF, NH transit, London receiver & red crown “SHIP
912. ÕÚ 204, Scarce used block with neat 17 .............................. 150.00 1003. Ú Scarce b/w photograph circa 1899 LETTER / LONDON 15 July” strike. F-VF...
Aug, 1925 CDS cancels. Perfectly centered, 960. Û 355c, Graphite Lines. VF, NH 100.00+ depicting FOUR GENERATIONS OF THE .......................... Est 150.00+
XF. Nice!..................... 200.00+ 961. Û 355c, Watermark inverted. VF, NH .. ROYAL FAMILY (Queen Victoria, plus fu- 1045. Ö Partial stampless folded letter with red
............................. 100.00+ ture kings KEVII, KGV & KEVIII) mounted “F / PAID / 3 Dec 1841" strike from Leicester
913. ÕÛ 205-8, PUC Blocks, #208 is a nice to Funchal Madeira. Has 2 diff red ”Returned
“L29" corner imprint block. F-VF, NH . 115.00 962. Û 355cd, Wilding Graphite Lines 1Àd on a card from Chancellor of Dublin. John for Postage" h/s’s; 1Sh10d m/s rate applied
914. ÕÛ 206, Block with inverted watermark. Booklet Pane. VF, NH, some trimmed perfs Chancellor was a famous photographer in thereafter. F................. Est 85.00+
the 19th & early 20th Centuries & was often
F-VF, 2 NH (SG 435 Wi, £60) . . . Est 45.00+ as normal. Scarce ............... 525.00
963. Û 356c, Graphite vert COIL JOIN Strip of patronized by Royalty. On the reverse of 1046. Ö Stampless folded letter dated London
4. F, some clipped perfs as usual Est 35.00+ this card is a printed list of members of the 18 June 1842 with Old Broad St cancel to Ma-
964. Û 356cp-60ap, Phosphor Graphites, F-VF Royal Family he photographed, plus adver- deira Portugal. Has 1Sh9d m/s rate & blue
............................... 98.00 tising. VF. A nice collectable . . Est 325.00+ “40" Reis hammer; plus blue ”LISBOA" in oval
965. Û 358, Tete beche pair. F-VF, NH ..... 1004. Ú Memorial card (4 x 6 inches) with a strike. Interesting contents regarding wine
........................... Est 35.00+ portrait of QUEEN VICTORIA circa 1901, trade incl shipment to Antigua. F-VF.......
966. ÕÚ 360ap, Phosphor block with black printed by Players Navy Cut Cigarettes. VF, 1019. Û KGVI 1940 Five Shilling Booklet ........................... Est 75.00+
graphite lines on back. VF, CDS ..... 88.00 tiny corner crease ............ Est 90.00+ (SG #BD25), Edition 1. Exceptionally fresh, 1047. Ö Stampless folded letter with red
967. Û 387p-401p, F-VF ........... 146.25 1005. Û Black Imperf 1d Cinderella Pair depict- VF, NH, VERY SCARCE BOOKLET (SG London 1 Oct 1844 cancel to Madeira, per
968. ÕÛ 389p, Block. F-VF, NH..... 110.00 Cat £2,000) .............. Est 1,200.00+ Steamer “HMS Dee” (1st paddle steamer
ing NAPOLEON; background design similar ordered by the Royal Navy). Has 3Sh18d &
to KE 1d. F-VF, NG ........... Est 40.00+ GR. BRITAIN (MOROCCO): 240 Reis m/s rates. Contents re wine trade. F
........................... Est 80.00+
1048. Ö Stampless folded letter with Falmouth
5 Aug 1847 red double split-ring cancel to
Madeira Portugal. Has violet 2Sh/5d m/s rate
altered to 1Sh8d violet m/s rate & blue 160
Reis hammer. Written on laid paper with fancy
watermark. Contents regarding wine trade.
915. Û 208, One Pound PUC, beautifully
centered, VF, LH................ 750.00 F-VF....................... Est 75.00+
1049. Ö Stampless folded letter from Tenby,
1852 to Paris, REDIRECTED to Brussels &
then again to Antwerp. Has multiple postal
markings incl red “PD” in oval; Calais, Viers
& Mons transits; etc. Lengthy cross-hatched
contents. F-VF............... Est 75.00+
1020. ÕÛ 55, Seahorse UR corner block.
VF, NH, one corner crease........ 230.00 1050. Ö Three stampless folded ship letters
dated London 1854-61. Two carried aboard
1021. Û 207-8, With “SPECIMEN” in arch the ship “Eclipse”, one aboard “The Comet”.
969. Û 568b, VERMILION OMITTED error. overprints. F-VF, bit toned, high value NG Each has 160 Reis hammer rate. Letters deal
Fresh, F-VF, NH, light corner crease (Nor- (SG 37s-8s, £140)............ Est 50.00+ with the wine trade. F-VF...... Est 200.00+
mal stamp incl for comparison). SG #771b, 1006. Û Two diff imperforate pairs of De La GR. BRITAIN (TURKEY): 1051. Ö Stampless folded part printed letter
Cat £700 ...................... 700.00 Rue “Minerva” test stamps, circa 1910. One 1022. Û 46-54, F-VF .............. 131.65 with neat red “LOMBARD STREET / PAID
in olive green, the other in carmine. VF, NH
970. Û 674, MAJOR SHIFT of the black colour, ......................... Est 175.00+ GR. BRITAIN (GUERNSEY): 18 Jan 1860" split-ring cancel to Madeira.
creating a doubling effect of the design. VF, 1023. Ö Stampless folded letter date-lined The letter is an Advice of Letter of Credit.
NH ........................ Est 50.00+ 1007. Ú Interesting coll of 71 diff old Victorian Guernsey 5 May 1811, addr to London. Has Has blue ”80" Reis hammer. F-VFEst 75.00+
971. Û 1446a-8a, Re-engraved Castle set to Revenues with perforated embossed types. a nice strike of “GUERNSEY” in scroll. F ... 1052. Ö Unused 1890 QV 1d blue illustrated
£5. VF, NH ...................... 76.75 Has a variety of sizes, designs, values with .......................... Est 135.00+ Penny Postage Jubilee Postal Stationery
972. Û 3047-75, Olympic Gold Medalists, VF, Foreign Bill, Judicial, Legal Customs, etc. 1024. Ö Gr. Britain #255 BISECT, neatly tied cover with matching postcard insert depicting
NH ............................ 50.75 Most VG-F ................. Est 110.00+ by Guernsey 28 Dec, 1940 machine cancel Rowland Hill. VF ............. Est 50.00+
973. Û J41-3, F-VF ............... 134.00 1008. Û Cpl set of 60 diff KGVI 1937 Corona- on locally addr cover. VF....... Est 60.00+
tion labels. F-VF, NH.......... Est 35.00+
1009. Û Coll of 48 diff 1937 Coronation labels. GR. BRITAIN (HERM ISLAND):
These depict the Royal Family, historic 1025. Ö HERM ISLAND PIGEON POST cover
916. Û 209, One Pound PUC sheet margin places, events, etc. Mostly F-VF . Est 40.00+ with 1sh Pigeon stamp tied by 1952 CDS. The
single. Fresh, F-VF, NH, one trivial corner 1010. Ú Official Telegram to Cobo, Guernsey cover has a metal grommet at LL which was
used to attach the cover to a pigeon’s leg.
bend does not detract from this nice stamp 11 Ap 1946 (not long after liberation). Mes- Write-up accompanies. VF ..... Est 50.00+
............................ 1,100.00 sage reads “Telegrams to PALESTINE can
only be accepted for Haifa, Jaffa & Tel Aviv GR. BRITAIN (ISLE OF MAN):
owing to strike difficulties. Traffic with Trans- 1026. SSÛ 1074-81, Harry Potter set of 8 diff
Jordan subject to indefinite delay”. Interesting in mini sheets. Very attractive designs! VF,
974. Û J45-54, F-VF.............. 588.25
item from an era of turmoil. F, edge tears. NH ............................ 57.00
975. Û J53, VF, LH ............... 220.00 Historic..................... Est 50.00+ 1027. Ö J1-8, First Postage Due set neatly 1053. Ö 1 (Pl 10), Tied by black MC cancel
976. Û J55-73, J79-112, F-VF, J104-12 NH 1011. SSÛ Multi-colour mint BOY SCOUT tied on cach unaddr FDC from Douglas 5 July on entire from Bishop Auckland (b/s) 21
June 1841 to Stockton (rec b/s). Inside has
(53)........................... 167.25 1957 JUBILEE JAMBOREE se-tenant souve- 1973. VF ................... Est 40.00+
977. Û J64-7, F-VF, NH............. 57.75 nir sheet of 8 diff designs. The Jamboree was 1028. Ö Lot of 2 diff unused b/w photo post- a VOTERS LIST at the Bishop Auckland
978. Û MH34b, Wedgwood Booklet Pane with held at Sutton Park, Warwicks, England in cards depicting a MAIL PLANE CRASH in Polling Station in the 1841 South Durham
Àd single phosphor bar. VF, NH Est 40.00+ matching folder. VF, NH. Attractive topical . Cheshire 1987 with a cargo of Royal Mail Election. Very scarce contents. F, couple file
folds not affecting stamp ..... Est 500.00+
979. Û MH61, Vertical pair with a MAJOR ........................... Est 40.00+ bags. The plane was returning to Speke
MISPERF. VF, NH............ Est 70.00+ 1012. ÕÛ LUNDY ISLAND - Coll of 5 diff Airport after being unable to land in the Isle
980. Ú O2-6, F ................... 464.00 modern Puffin issues in blocks, each with a of Man due to adverse weather. VF (2).....
981. Ú O3, F..................... 120.00 MAJOR MISPERF error. An eye-catching lot! ........................... Est 50.00+
982. Ú O3, O6, F-VF .............. 192.50 VF, NH (20 stamps).......... Est 100.00+
983. Ú O31-2, O34-5, F-VF ......... 312.50 GR. BRITAIN (JERSEY):
984. Ú O31-7, QV Government Parcels GR. BRITAIN (BOOKLETS): 1029. Û 268, QE £5 in sheet of 10. F-VF,
Officials 1887-97. VG-VF, couple minor flts. NH ........................... 120.00
Fresh colours ................... 967.50 1030. Ö N2, Tied by Jersey 26 My, 1943 CDS
917. Ú 209, Beautifully centered £1 PUC, along with Germany #B220 tied by Feldpost
lightly cancelled, rich colour, VF . . . 600.00 985. Ú O33, VF .................. 310.00 cancel on b/w photo postcard depicting a Nazi
986. Ú O33-6, Gov’t Parcels to One Shilling. F
918. Û 210a-1a, 212b, Watermark Sideways .............................. 840.00 shrine in Munich. VF .......... Est 75.00+
varieties. Also the same issues with Water- 987. Ú O34, F..................... 85.00
marks Inverted (SG - £72). F-VF, NH (6) ... 988. Ú O34-6, F .................. 530.00 GREAT BRITAIN
........................... Est 40.00+ 989. Ú O35, VF .................. 135.00
919. Ú 213b, Sideways watermark. VF . 95.00 990. Ú O36, F.................... 260.00 COVERS 1054. Ö 1a (Pl 6), XF Intense black with
920. Ú 222, Nice group of 6 Seahorses with a 991. Ú O36, F+................... 310.00 four large margins all around, neatly tied by
range of shades. All with CDS cancels. F-VF 992. Ú O43, F-VF................. 325.00 1031. Ö Stampless 1700’s cover addr to JOHN black MC cancel on cover dated 10 June
.............................. 240.00 993. Ú O54-61, F-VF .............. 230.25 DRUMMOND, MEMBER OF THE HOUSE 1841 Pall Mall to Cupar. F .... Est 650.00+
921. Ú 222-4, Seahorses, nice cancels. VF .. 994. Û O56, VF, VLH .............. 57.50 OF COMMONS, LONDON. Has 2 diff Bishop
.............................. 205.00 995. Ú (O60), KE Official with “ARMY” missing. Marks on reverse along with a red wax seal. 1055. Ö 3, Tied by VF Maltese Cross with
922. Ú 223, Violet SON “LONDON / AIRMAIL” Mounted on a piece from a signed note from VG-F, a few age stains ........ Est 90.00+ numeral “11" cancel on cover to Kendal
5 Feb 1937 CDS. VF ............. 85.00+ famous auctioneer H.R. Harmer stating that 1013. Û BK54, Scarce 3 Shilling Booklet 1032. Ö Stampless Scottish folded letter date- (blue rec b/s 26 Aug, 1843). VF. Cat
923. Û 224, VF, LH, light crease..... 350.00 it is a forgery. VF. Interesting reference item with “Punch” advertising. Fresh, F-VF, NH, lined Dundee 2 June 1764 to Edinburgh. Has $1,150+. See photo on Page 18 .......
924. ÕÛ 235-48, 258-63, 266, KGVI Blocks. ........................... Est 50.00+ preprinting crease on outside cover. Rarely 2-line DUNDEE b/s. F. A nice early cover .. ....................... Est 400.00+
VF, bottom stamps NH............ 166.00 996. Ú O72-4, O76-7, O79, F-VF..... 577.50 seen booklet (SG £1,900) ....... 1,600.00 ........................... Est 75.00+