Page 20 - Vance-Sale-372-Part 1
P. 20
20 GR. BRITAIN COVERS Continued 1188. Ö Unused WWI postcard circa 1915 1218. Ö Unused WWII coloured patriotic post- ANTIGUA:
1156. Ö Unused b/w postcard circa 1910 de- depicting THE PRINCE OF WALES & card depicting the “HMS HOOD”. After her
picting P. O’CONNOR - The Tallest British PRINCE ALBERT standing together with commissioning, the Hood remained the largest
Subject. He stood 7 ft 2 in. & was known as Union Jack behind plus biplane, naval ship warship in the world for 20 years. She was
the “Irish Giant”. F ............ Est 60.00+ & canon. Entitled “FOR THE EMPIRE! THE sunk by the German battleship “Bismarck” in
1157. Ö Coll of 6 diff b/w photo postcards circa KING GIVES HIS TWO SONS TO THE the north Atlantic in 1941. VF . . . Est 50.00+
1910 from the Knight Series. These depict Eu- WAR!”. F, pinhole at top ....... Est 65.00+ 1219. Ö Three diff postcards (1 is coloured)
ropean RAILWAY TRAINS & LOCOMOTIVES 1189. Ö Unused WWI postcard depicting the depicting the famous WWII Naval Cruiser
from Italy, Austria, France, Germany & Rus- LANDING OF BRITISH TROOPS & HORSES “HMS HOOD”. It was the largest Warship in
sia. All are identified. VF ....... Est 90.00+ AT THE DARDANELLES. In 1915 British the world for 20 years. In 1941 it was sunk
1158. Ö Unused b/w illustrated Patriotic post- & French forces began an assault on the by the German ship “BISMARK”. F, one with
card circa 1910 depicting “The British Empire Dardanelles region (& Gallipoli) which stamp removed (3) ........... Est 65.00+
on the Sea in the Reign of KGV our Sailor resulted in a heavy setback for the Allies. VF 1220. Ö Stampless Official cover from The 1273. Û 10-21, Cpl KGV set to 3 Shilling,
King”. Printed by HL Johnson. Depicts a ........................... Est 60.00+ Secretary of State, Foreign Office (matching F-VF ......................... 436.25
multitude of warships as far as one can see. 1190. Ö Colour illustrated WWI Patriotic post- violet oval 20 Feb 1941 h/s & black wax seal).
F-VF....................... Est 65.00+ card with Camp Hill DO Birmingham 17 May Addr to The Chancery, British Embassy in Ma- 1248. Ö Stampless folded letter datelined
1159. Ö Unused b/w real photo Scouting 1916 CDS to a British POW at WITTENBERG drid. Has violet boxed “SECRET” & oval “BY / Antigua 5 March, 1809 addressed to
postcard circa 1910. Early card depicting CAMP, Germany. Has “POST FREE / PC / CONFIDENTIAL / BAG” h/s’s. F, bit rumpled Sommershire, England, rated “1/1" in with
BOY SCOUTS preparing food at camp. F-VF PRISONER OF WAR” cachet red boxed ........................... Est 50.00+ ”by the Packet" in m/s. Has black brown
........................... Est 40.00+ censor. Card depicts soldier & loved one 1221. Ö Unused colour illustrated artist signed “FALMOUTH PACKET” h/s. VF.........
1160. Ö Unused b/w postcard circa 1910 “Till we meet again”. Wittenberg was known postcard printed by J. Salmon Ltd. Depicts ......................... Est 225.00+
depicting ERNEST SHACKLETON’S ship for the horrid breakout of Typhus 1914-5 British SUBMARINE “PANDORA”. She sank 1249. Ú 13, F ..................... 67.50
NIMROD that was used on his expedition to (details accompany). F ........ Est 50.00+ French ship Rigault de Genouilly & was sunk
the Antarctic. VF. Scarce...... Est 100.00+ 1191. Ö Unused WWI b/w photo postcard by a German Junkers plane at Malta in 1942.
1161. Ö Unused b/w memorial postcard follow- circa 1916 depicting the captured GERMAN F-VF....................... Est 45.00+
ing the death of KING EDWARD VII, 6 May SUBMARINE “UC5" which was laying mines 1222. Ö HMS NELSON; Coll of 5 diff WWII era
1910. F .................... Est 65.00+ b/w photo / colour illustrated postcards depict-
off the English coast. On reverse has printed ing the battleship. Also b/w photo souvenir
info with details of the capture of the U-Boat card depicting the ship with inset showing 1274. Ú 10-21, Complete KGV set with
by a British Destroyer. VF ...... Est 65.00+ guns plus history. She served in many actions neat CDS cancels (some lovely fully dated
1192. Ö Unused WWI b/w real photo postcard & survived several attacks. F-VF, unused strikes here). F-VF. A GREAT SET! ....
depicting damaged buildings following the ............................. 712.00
(6) ........................ Est 75.00+
German naval bombardment at LOWESTOFT 1223. Ö Unused Valentine’s b/w photo British 1275. Û 11, TORN FLAG variety. F-VF, LH
ENGLAND in April 1916. VF .... Est 60.00+ Navy Patriotic postcard. Depicts SUBMARINE (SG #11b, Cat £150) ......... Est 120.00+
1193. Ö Unused WWI b/w real photo postcard “HMS STURGEON” which had a fascinating
depicting the WRECK OF THE GERMAN WWII service history. She was accidentally 1250. Û 21-30, Cpl KE set to 5 Shilling, F-VF
ZEPPELIN LZ95 at East Anglia 17 June 1917. bombed by British aircraft, fired on sister ship ............................. 388.75
It was shot down by an RAF plane flown by Swordfish, sank several enemy ships, dam-
a Canadian pilot Lieut. L. Watkins. F, light aged again by Allied aircraft, supported land- 1251. Û 31-8, Cpl set to 2 Shilling with extra
crease ..................... Est 75.00+ ings in North Africa, etc. Scrapped 1946. VF shade of #31. F-VF .............. 200.50
1194. Ö Unused colour illustrated WWI 1252. Û 41, KGV Five Shilling, fresh colour,
1162. Ö Seven diff b/w photo early BOY naval postcard depicting RMS “King Orry” ........................... Est 45.00+ VF, LH ........................ 100.00
SCOUT theme used / unused postcards in Line with other British Fleet ships at the 1224. Ö Official Military stampless WWII cover 1253. Û 42-57, KGV set to 4 Shilling. F-VF ..
published by Davidson Bros, 1910-1. Depict Surrender of the German Fleet at Scapa from Vice Chief of the Imperial General Staff, .............................. 261.00
Scouts in various Military type activities. Flow 22 Nov 1918. F, minor edge wear ... General A.E. Nye. Addr to Lieutenant General 1254. Û 42-53, 58-61, F-VF ........ 118.75
VERY EARLY SCOUTING POSTCARDS. ........................... Est 40.00+ F.A.N. Browning, Headquarters, South East
VF (7 diff) ................. Est 150.00+ Asia Command. Has green “V.C.I.G.S. / WAR
1195. Ö Unused WWI photo Patriotic postcard OFFICE” h/s in green oval & Coat of Arms &
1163. Ö Unused colour illustrated Patriotic circa 1917 depicting a vintage TANK, “copy- “WAR OFFICE” imprint on flap. Both men
postcard for J.S. Fry & Sons chocolate. right E.L.P. Co.”. F............ Est 45.00+ served in many different capacities with dis-
Commemorates 1911 Coronation of KGV 1196. Ö Unused WWI Patriotic photo postcard tinction. F-VF............... Est 100.00+
& Queen Mary. Depicts The Royal Couple, published by Daily Mail. Depicts “HAPPY 1225. Ö Germany #’s 636a, 641a, 646a (Pair), 1276. Ú 11, BROKEN MAINMAST variety.
flags & emblems. F-VF ........ Est 40.00+ TOMMIES WEARING HUN HELMETS” as Tied by Hamburg 9 Oct 1950 roller cancel VF, neat cancel (SG #11a, Cat £300) .....
1164. Ö Unused glossy b/w postcard 1911 trophies. F .................. Est 45.00+ on cover addr to Prime Minister WINSTON ......................... Est 175.00+
depicting KGV in Coronation Robes. F, tiny 1197. Ö Crude unused b/w WWI postcard CHURCHILL, 10 DOWNING ST, London.
corner crease ............... Est 40.00+ depicting a photo of a BOMB DROPPED F-VF. Nice Churchill topical item Est 100.00+ 1277. Û 12, TORN FLAG variety, F-VF (SG
#12b, Cat £180)............. Est 140.00+
1165. Ö Unused glossy b/w real photo IN ENGLAND BY A ZEPPELIN. Printed in 1226. Ö HERM ISLAND PIGEON POST 1278. Û 12, CLEFT ROCK variety, F-VF, LH
postcard from 1911 depicting KGV in naval London. F, some creases ...... Est 50.00+ COVER with 1sh Pigeon stamp tied by 1952 1255. Ú 67-76, Complete used Tercentenary (SG #12c, Cat £170) ......... Est 140.00+
uniform. VF ................. Est 50.00+ 1198. Ö WWI Tuck colour illustrated comic CDS. The cover has a metal grommet at LL set to 5 Shilling, F-VF, neat cancels ....
1166. Ö Three used / unused BOY SCOUT Patriotic postcard used as French 1916 FPO which was used to attach the cover to a ............................. 363.50 1279. Ú 13, BROKEN MAINMAST variety,
b/w photo postcards circa 1911 published card to Holland (writer had been an English pigeon’s leg. Sold by Tatham Stamp Co. in the SON ASCENSION 26 AP, 1926 CDS cancel.
VF, one pulled perf (SG #13a, Cat £300) ...
by “The Scout”. Depicts Scouts at meal in prisoner in Holland). Depicts comic scene of 1950’s & their descriptive text accompanies. 1256. Û 79, Silver Jubilee with DOT TO LEFT .......................... Est 150.00+
camp, cart drawn by Scout cyclists & Scouts 2 BOY SCOUTS guarding 3 Military Band VF ........................ Est 50.00+ OF CHAPEL variety. Fresh, XF, VLH (SG
deployed in ambush. F-VF (3). . . Est 65.00+ musicians. F-VF ............. Est 50.00+ 1227. Ö Stampless official airmail cover with #93a, Cat £275)............. Est 175.00+
1167. Ö Two diff early SCOUTING b/w post- 1199. Ö Very attractive illustrated Patriotic “EIIR” & crown monogram h/s, red London 1257. Û 84-95, KGVI set to £1. F-VF . . 71.30
cards (one used 20 Mar, 1912). Both relate to postcard dated 1916 (posted under cover). 23 Aug 1989 CDS & Royal Crest on flap 1258. Ö 98-9, KGVI Silver Wedding set tied by
the King’s Review of BOY SCOUTS in 1911 & Depicts a coloured scene of the Sea Battle to Ottawa. Has matching letter sheet with St. John’s 3 Jan 1949 cancels on FDC. F-VF
show diff scenes incl KGV on horseback. F (2) against the Dutch off the North Foreland in “BUCKINGHAM PALACE” imprint. Confirma- ........................... Est 25.00+
........................... Est 50.00+ 1653. Printed by Gale & Polden. Gives history tion of visit to the palace. VF .... Est 50.00+ 1259. Ö Unused 2-panel b/w Antigua postcard
1168. Ö Unused multi-coloured postcard circa on reverse. F-VF ............. Est 40.00+ circa 1910 with a panoramic view of Falmouth,
1912 with a scene of mounted military officers 1200. Ö Unused WWI era b/w real photo post- English Harbour & Clarence House. VF ....
on horseback plus elephants & troops. Has card. Depicts “Submarine in the act of going Worldwide ........................... Est 50.00+
portraits of KGV & QUEEN MARY. F, small down, showing Periscope”. Very unusual ARGENTINA:
edge flaws .................. Est 50.00+ postcard. F.................. Est 45.00+ 1260. Ö 123, 127, Tied by Buenos Aires 27
1169. Ö Unused multi-colour patriotic postcard 1201. Ö Unused sepia photo WWI postcard ADEN: Dec 1903 CDS on b/w postcard depicting the
circa 1912 depicting KGV & QUEEN MARY. F depicting portrait of VICE ADMIRAL SH 1228. Ú 16-27a, 32-44, 46, F-VF...... 97.15 departure of the ship “URUGUAY” on the res-
........................... Est 65.00+ CARDEN (printed in France). He became ADEN (QU’AITI): cue mission to save the SWEDISH SOUTH
1170. Ö Unused Tuck’s multi-coloured patriotic famous for attacks on the Ottoman Empire 1229. ÕÛ 20-7, Blocks. F-VF, NH . . . 114.00 POLE EXPEDITION. Addr to France. F,
postcard circa 1912 for the Coronation. De- emplacements in the Dardenelles. F....... ADEN (SEIYUN): corner flt, one stamp faulty. A SCARCE 1280. Û 13, TORN FLAG variety, VF (SG
picts KGV, Queen Mary, draped flags, names ........................... Est 40.00+ 1230. ÕÛ 20-7, Blocks. F-VF, NH, a few trivial POSTCARD ............... Est 100.00+ #13b, Cat £350) ............ Est 250.00+
of Dominions, quote from Tennyson, etc. VF 1202. Ö Four diff naval photo postcards traces of TS .................... 200.20 1261. Û 142, High Value. F+, HH .... 200.00
........................... Est 65.00+ circa 1918-30’s, each with a diff view of the 1262. Ö 153, Tied by Buenos Aires 18 Sept 1281. Û 14, BROKEN MAINMAST variety, VF
1171. Ö Unused b/w memorial postcard circa warship “HMS Revenge” at sea. F-VF (1 used, AFGHANISTAN: 1909 CDS on red illustrated advertising cover (SG #14a, Cat £180) .......... Est 140.00
1912 depicting Captain ROBERT SCOTT. He 3 unused)................... Est 40.00+ 1231. Ú 196, 198, 199, 196a, 199a, VF210.00 for A. Fanchi & Co. Depicts HUNTERS with 1282. Û 14, CLEFT ROCK variety, VF, VLH
led two expeditions to the Antarctic & was the 1203. Ö Unused illustrated WWI Patriotic post- (Mint stamp cats $500 US) .... Est 200.00+ RIFLES. F-VF ............... Est 75.00+ (SG #14c, Cat £160) ......... Est 125.00+
first British explorer to reach the South Pole. card depicting German soldiers executing a 1233. SSÛ 236Db, Sheetlet of 8 IMPERF verti- 1263. Ö 191, 194 (2), Tied by Rosario circa
He tragically perished in Antarctic on 29 Mar, French BOY SCOUT. Gives printed history 1917 CDS cancels on blue front & full back
1912. F, small corner crease.... Est 80.00+ of the tragic event. F-VF ....... Est 40.00+ cally. Also unissued 15p blue with MISPERF illustrated advertising cover for Gracia,
1172. Ö Unused b/w real photo postcard circa 1204. Ö Unused colour illustrated circa WWI variety. F-VF, some NH. An interesting lot! . Kitchen appliances; addressed to Germany.
.............................. 105.00
1912 depicting the ill-fated TITANIC passen- Patriotic BOY SCOUTS postcard depicting Depicts 4 different products. F-VF .......
ger liner. The ship sank on her maiden voyage the “KING’S BADGE”. The badge was earned AITUTAKI:
with a loss of over 2,200 lives. F Est 120.00+ by boy’s who passed special tests for 1234. Û 216a-46e (pairs), 246A-D, Bird set to ........................... Est 75.00+
1173. Ö Unused b/w mourning postcard efficiency & were ranked as King Scouts. $5. VF, NH ...................... 81.30 1264. SSÛ 452, VF, NH ............ 75.00
1265. Ö 731, Tied by 3 Dec 1962 CDS on cach
circa 1912 for the SINKING OF THE RMS F-VF....................... Est 50.00+ 1235. Û 293-311, VF, NH ........... 90.00 ANTARCTICA cover. Has 12 diff handstamps
TITANIC. Depicts a picture of the ship along 1205. Ö Three diff Valentine’s “Britain’s ALBANIA: on the front & reverse plus 2 diff signatures.
with musical notes & verses of the hymn Bulwarks” series Naval Patriotic postcards.
“NEARER MY GOD TO THEE” (in both Depicts “C”, “D” & “E” Class SUBMARINES VF ........................ Est 75.00+
English & French). This hymn was played at sea; pre WWI. VF (3 diff)..... Est 75.00+ ASCENSION:
by the ship’s bandsmen on deck as the ship 1206. Ö Unused WWI era British Naval Patri-
sank. VF .................. Est 135.00+ otic glossy illustrated postcard “Roll of Fame /
1174. Ö Unused b/w patriotic postcard circa HMS INFLEXIBLE” (lists major WWI engage-
1914 depicting KGV (in military uniform) & ments she was involved in). With her sister 1283. Ú 14, TORN FLAG variety. VF,
QUEEN MARY. F ............ Est 60.00+ ship “Invincible” they sunk the German ships neat CDS cancel (SG #14b, Cat £300) ....
1175. Ö Unused b/w glossy patriotic postcard “Scharmhorst” & “Gnisenau”. VF, light corner ......................... Est 225.00+
circa 1914 depicting KGV, Admirals Fisher creases .................... Est 50.00+
& Jellicoe & pictures of 4 diff British naval 1207. Ö Unused b/w real photo postcard circa
warships. VF ................ Est 75.00+ 1920 depicting the Prince of Wales (later
1176. Ö Unused b/w real photo postcard from KEVIII) on horseback surrounded by a crowd
WWI depicting a CRASHED German GOTHIC of onlookers. VF ............. Est 45.00+ 1236. Ú 5, 6, F-VF. Each with guarantee b/s.
BOMBER AIRPLANE. VF ...... Est 70.00+ 1208. Ö Unused glossy coloured postcard ............................. 475.00
1177. Ö Unused colour illustrated WWI Daily for the 1935 SILVER JUBILEE. Depicts KGV,
Mail Patriotic postcard depicting KGV & QUEEN MARY, crown, Buckingham Palace, 1237. ÕÛ 189, Horiz right margin imprint block
Officers outside a captured German dug-out. etc. Has fancy embossed border. F ....... of 6 with MAJOR DOUBLED horiz & vert
VF ........................ Est 40.00+ ........................... Est 75.00+ MISPERFS. F-VF, NH......... Est 65.00+ 1266. Ú Gr. Britain QV 5d Jubilee (2 singles
1178. Ö Unused b/w photo WWI Patriotic 1209. Ö Unused Valentine’s glossy b/w photo 1238. ÕÛ 189, Top margin horiz block of 10, of #118), Neatly tied by ASCENSION 30
postcard depicting VISCOUNT “KITCHENER” souvenir postcard of the 1937 CORONATION. perf 11.5 with MAJOR VERT MISPERF. VF, Mr ‘93 cancels on piece. A lovely forerun-
in uniform published by Rotary Photo Co. Has central portraits of the King & Queen sur- NH, trivial crease at UL ........ Est 75.00+ ner. F. Scott #A17, Cat $1,050 US .......
Kitchener came to prominence for his involve- rounded by scenes of Coronation ceremony. 1239. Û 189, 191, Ten qindar top margin block ......................... Est 650.00+
ment in the Boer War & the early part of WWI. VF ........................ Est 50.00+ perf 11À with MAJOR VERT MISPERF (bit
VF ........................ Est 45.00+ 1210. Ö Unused glossy b/w CORONATION of separation). Also 25 qindar perfed PROOF
1179. Ö WWI Patriotic postcard with FPO DAY postcard 12 May, 1937. Has portraits pair in light blue, light bends. F-VF, NH .... 1284. Û 15, Scarce BROKEN MAINMAST
Censor h/s “2986" to Huddersfield, England. of KGVI & QUEEN ELIZABETH, Crown, ........................... Est 50.00+ variety, fresh, F-VF (SG #15a, Cat £500) ..
Depicts KGV speaking to French & Belgian Westminster Abbey, inscription, etc. VF .... 1240. Ö 252, C31, C36-7, C39, Tied on Tirane ......................... Est 325.00+
Officers near the front. F-VF .... Est 45.00+ ........................... Est 65.00+ to Rome 6 July 1931 FFC (also FDC for the 3
1180. Ö Unused WWI sepia photo / colour 1211. Ö Battle cruiser “RENOUN”; Collection surcharged stamps). Addr to Sweden & has
illustrated / embossed Patriotic postcard with of 5 diff WWI / WWII illustrated unused post- Berlin Airport & Stockholm transits. F-VF ...
poetic caption. Depicts Admiral SIR JOHN cards. She served in many theatres with dis- ........................... Est 75.00+
JELLICOE in uniform, Union Jack, etc. VF . tinction. Transported WINSTON CHURCHILL 1241. Û 639-43, Perf & Imperf sets. VF, NH .
........................... Est 50.00+ to several Allied conferences. F-VF ....... .............................. 338.50
1181. Ö Unused WWI Daily Mail Patriotic post- ........................... Est 75.00+ 1242. Û 649-52, Imperf Pairs in changed
card depicting KGV “enjoying an amusing an- 1212. Ö Unused colourized photo postcard colours. VF, NH ................. 120.00
ecdote with King Albert of Belgium near the of famous British film actress VIVIEN LEIGH ALGERIA:
front”. VF, small edge flaw...... Est 40.00+ from her 1937 movie “Fire Over England”. 1243. Ö Unused circa 1900’s red brown photo
1182. Ö Unused b/w real photo postcard from She won the Academy Award for best actress postcard depicting 3 pretty North African girls,
WWI, circa 1914. Depicts “PARSEVAL” Mili- twice. The postcard has her printed signature. one being topless. Entitled “IN THE HAREM”. 1267. Û 1-9, Complete KGV overprinted set
tary Dirigible Airship in hangar. Has message VF ........................ Est 50.00+ F-VF....................... Est 40.00+ to 3sh. Fresh, F-VF, some stamps are NH .
on reverse but not mailed. F .... Est 50.00+ 1213. Ö Unused b/w real photo postcard ALSACE AND LORRAINE:
1183. Ö Unused b/w photo patriotic postcard depicting BOY SCOUTS & leaders lighting 1244. Ú Interesting coll of old Pension / Health ............................ 438.00+
issued for the NATIONAL RELIEF FUND. De- torch at the “Third World Rover Scout Moot revenue stamps affixed on 11 Official 2-panel 1268. Ú 7, KGV 2 Shilling, F-VF, neat CDS ..
picts a portrait of ADMIRAL SIR J. JELLICOE. at Monzie Castle, Crieff, 1939". VF ........ cards from 1900’s-30’s. Has various revenue .............................. 150.00
He commanded the Grand Fleet at the Battle ........................... Est 40.00+ types with over 560 stamps affixed. VG-F .. 1269. Ú 8, KGV 3 Shilling. VF, neat CDS ... 1285. Û 15, Scarce TORN FLAG variety,
of Jutland & later became First Sea Lord. Has 1214. Ö Unused WWII BOY SCOUTS Patriotic .......................... Est 100.00+ .............................. 200.00 fresh, VF, LH (SG #15b, Cat £500).......
pictures of a 1914 Half Penny copper coin at b/w photo postcard. Depicts bombed Head- ANDORRA (FR.): 1270. Ú 9, F-VF, neat CDS .......... 60.00 ......................... Est 325.00+
bottom promoting the Fund. F. . . Est 65.00+ quarters of 1st City of London Troop (nothing 1245. ÕÛ J42-5, Blocks. VF, NH .... 192.00 1271. Û 10, BROKEN MAINMAST variety, VF
1184. Ö Unused sepia WWI postcard depicting but rubble left). VF............ Est 35.00+ (SG #10a, Cat £130) ......... Est 100.00+
a CAPTURED GERMAN FIGHTER PLANE 1215. Ö Two diff WWII unused coloured ANDORRA (SP.):
surrounded by British airmen. F . Est 60.00+ patriotic postcards depicting lost Royal Navy
1185. Ö Unused WWI b/w postcard showing warships. Incl “HMS ROYAL OAK” (sunk by
a FIRST AID POST ON THE SOMME German submarine U-47 in 1939) & “HMS
BATTLEFIELD. VF ........... Est 65.00+ REPULSE” (sunk in 1941 by the Japanese
1186. Ö Unused WWI b/w real photo Patriotic in Malaya). VF (2) ............ Est 65.00+
postcard depicting Field Marshal Sir John 1216. Ö Stampless official Reg’d WWII #10
French in uniform. Photo by Russell & Sons. cover with BUCKINGHAM PALACE 16 Mar
He was Commander-In-Chief of the British 1940 violet oval cancel & “Gr.” crown illus-
Expeditionary Force from 1914-15. VF..... trated monogram & red Coat of Arms imprint
........................... Est 45.00+ on flap. Addr to an MP at the House of Com-
1187. Ö WWI Censored colour illustrated mons (name obscured). F, roughly opened .
French Patriotic postcard with FPO #148 / ........................... Est 45.00+
1915 cancel to England. Depicts President 1217. Ö HMS REPULSE; 1 used & 4 unused
Poincare of France, KGV, King Albert of Bel- WWI-WWII era b/w photo postcards. She 1246. Û 12b, Scarce 10 Peseta Perf 14, VF 1286. Û 16, Scarce BROKEN MAINMAST
gium & Tsar Nicolas of Russia, plus flags & served in various theatres until being sunk ............................. 450.00 variety, F (SG #15da, Cat £425) .........
soldiers from each nation “Brothers in Arms”. by Japanese planes on 10 Dec 1941. F-VF . ANGOLA: 1272. Ú 10, TORN FLAG variety, VF, light ......................... Est 250.00+
VF ........................ Est 75.00+ ........................... Est 75.00+ 1247. Û 5a, Scarce perf 13À. F-VF . . 250.00 cancel (SG #10b, Cat £375) . . Est 250.00+