Page 20 - Vance-Sale-370-Part 1
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              LOT 1096                                       LOT 1097                                       LOT 1098

        GR. BRITAIN COVERS Continued  1133. Ö Unused WWI postcard circa 1915 de-  1160. Ö HERM ISLAND PIGEON POST  1184. Û 2c, 3, F-VF, NG ........... 425.00  1211. Û 11a, TORN FLAG variety, Fresh, F+,
        1108. Ö Unused coloured bas-relief postcard  picting THE PRINCE OF WALES & PRINCE  COVER with 1sh Pigeon stamp tied by 1952  1185. Û 4, Scarce Six Pence green. F, NG .  LH (SG #11b, Cat £150) ...... Est 125.00+
         of KE circa 1905, with glitter. VF . Est 50.00+  ALBERT standing together with Union Jack  CDS. The cover has a metal grommet at LL  .............................. 775.00
        1109. Ö Coll of 5 diff early postcards depicting  behind plus biplane, naval ship & canon. Enti-  which was used to attach the cover to a pi-  1186. Û5,F..................... 220.00
         SALVATION ARMY workers. Three depict  tled “FOR THE EMPIRE! THE KING GIVES  geon’s leg. Sold by Tatham Stamp Co. in the  1187. Û 11, Blue Green, F, NG...... 450.00
         General Booth, the others Lieut Col Otway &  HIS TWO SONS TO THE WAR!”. F, pinhole  1950’s & their descriptive text accompanies.  1188. Ú 12-6, F-VF ............... 127.25
         Florence Worth. One used 1905, the others  at top ...................... Est 65.00+  VF ........................ Est 50.00+  1189. Ú 13, F ..................... 67.50
         unused. F-VF (5) ............. Est 75.00+  1134. Ö Unused WWI postcard depicting the  1161. Ö Stampless official airmail cover with  1190. Û 15, VF, minor soiling ....... 350.00
        1110. Ö Scarce b/w real photo postcard circa  Landing Of British Troops & Horses At The  “EIIR” & crown monogram h/s, red London  1191. Û 19, F..................... 77.50
         1905 of BRITISH SUBMARINE No. 3. Shows  Dardanelles. In 1915 British & French forces  23 Aug 1989 CDS & Royal Crest on flap  1192. Ú 19, VF, small thin .......... 150.00
         the early Royal Navy sub riding on the surface  began an assault on the Dardanelles region  to Ottawa. Has matching letter sheet with
         with 2 crew members on deck. F. Est 80.00+  (& Gallipoli) which resulted in a heavy setback  “BUCKINGHAM PALACE” imprint. Confirma-
        1111. Ö Series of 5 diff unused multi-coloured  for the Allies. VF ............. Est 60.00+  tion of visit to the palace. VF .... Est 50.00+
         Tuck postcards circa 1908 each depicting an  1135. Ö Unused coloured WWI patriotic post-
         action scene of a different winner of THE  card depicting a British military officer with
         VICTORIA CROSS MEDAL. Incl Capt Buller,  drawn sword & a large Union Jack flag. VF.  Worldwide
         Piper Findlater, Commander Raby, etc. VF .  Scarce ..................... Est 60.00+
         ........................... Est 65.00+  1136. Ö Unused b/w WWI real photo postcard                               1212. Û 20, KGV 2 Shilling with the CLEFT
        1112. Ö Unused b/w postcard (made in  depicting a huge 4-ENGINE HANDLEY PAGE  AITUTAKI:                            ROCK variety. Bright fresh colour, nicely
         France) circa 1908 depicting KING EDWARD  BOMBER. This plane was used as a night fly-  1162. Û 216a-46e (pairs), 246A-D, Bird set to  centred, VF. VERY SCARCE (SG #19c,
         VII. VF ..................... Est 50.00+  ing heavy bomber towards the end of WWI. F  $5. VF, NH ...................... 81.30
        1113. Ö Unused bas-relief photo postcard  ........................... Est 65.00+  1163. Û 293-311, VF, NH ........... 90.00  Cat £700) ................. Est 650.00+
         (with glitter) of KING EDWARD VII, circa  1137. Ö Unused WWI patriotic postcard with  1164. Û O1-16, Set to $5. VF, NH..... 74.35  1193. Û 21-30, Cpl KE set to 5 Shilling, F-VF  1213. Û 23-36, Two diff KGV sets, F-VF ....
         1908. VF ................... Est 50.00+  large portrait of KGV, flags of England &  ALAOUITES:  ............................. 388.75  .............................. 219.60
        1114. Ö Unused b/w photo postcard circa 1908  France, patriotic verse. F, slight toning.....  1165. Û C17-9, VF, NH ............ 106.50  1194. Û 31-8, Cpl set to 2 Shilling with extra  1214. Û 40-9, KGVI set to 10Sh. F-VF 202.85
         depicting SIR ERNEST SHACKLETON. He  ........................... Est 65.00+  1166. Û C21, VF, NH .............. 90.00  shade of #31. F-VF .............. 200.50  1215. Û 44, 48a-9a, Key values up to 10
         led 3 British Expeditions to the Antarctic &  1138. Ö Unused WWI Patriotic postcard  ALBANIA:                     Shilling. VF .................... 192.50
         was one of the principle figures in the early  depicting ADMIRAL SIR JOHN JELLICOE.  1167. Ö 252, C31, C36-7, C39, Tied on Tirane
         age of Antarctic Exploration. VF Est 100.00+  Also has Union Jack flag, naval ship, early  to Rome 6 July 1931 FFC (also FDC for the 3
        1115. Ö Unused b/w memorial postcard follow-  airplane, patriotic verse, etc. VF . Est 65.00+  surcharged stamps). Addr to Sweden & has
         ing the death of KING EDWARD VII, 6 May  1139. Ö Unused WWI sepia postcard depicting  Berlin Airport & Stockholm transits. F-VF ...
         1910. F .................... Est 65.00+  the PRINCE OF WALES (later King Edward  ........................... Est 75.00+
        1116. Ö Unused pre 1910 coloured postcard  VIII) in military uniform. VF ..... Est 45.00+  1168. Û 649-52, Imperf Pairs in changed
         depicting the passenger ship “RMS ORCOMA”  1140. Ö Attractive unused WWI coloured silk  colours. VF, NH ................. 120.00
         woven in silk. Has message on reverse but  Patriotic postcard depicting Union Jack, Stars  1169. Û C43-53, F-VF, C46 is used, some
         not mailed. F. Scarce.......... Est 75.00+  & Stripes & clasped hands with “HANDS  toning on C43-5 .................. 77.25
        1117. Ö Unused b/w postcard circa 1910  ACROSS THE SEA / RMS CARONIA” im-  ALGERIA:
         depicting ERNEST SHACKLETON’S ship  print. F-VF .................. Est 50.00+  1170. Ö Stampless letter date-lined Algiers
         NIMROD that was used on his expedition to  1141. Ö Scarce WWI b/w real photo postcard  10 Feb 1854 to Marseilles with a large ‘25’  1195. Ú 31-8, Cpl used set to 2Sh. F-VF,
         the Antarctic. VF. Scarce...... Est 100.00+  depicting KING GEORGE V at Blandford Sta-  h/s. Has ship cancel & Cette transit, etc. F..  1216. Û 49b, KGVI 10 Shilling perf 13 with
        1118. Ö Unused multi-coloured postcard circa  tion going to his motor car which is marked  ........................... Est 45.00+  neat CDS cancels............... 341.50  the “BOULDER FLAW” variety. Deep rich
         1910 depicting a scene from the BRITISH  “OHMS”. Has message on reverse but not  1171. Ö 215, 263, 284, Tied El-Kaeur 16  1196. Û 42-57, KGV set to 4 Shilling. F-VF ..  colours, fresh, F-VF, LH (SG #47ba, Cat
         CONVICT SHIP “SUCCESS” - THE OLDEST  mailed. F, corner creases ...... Est 65.00+  Dec 1957 CDS’s on small size Airmail cover  .............................. 261.00  £650) .................... Est 550.00+
         SHIP AFLOAT. Shows a scene of a prisoner  1142. Ö Scarce b/w real photo postcard for  to PONDICHERRY, INDIA (18 Dec b/s). F.  1217. Û 53, Silver Wedding, VF, NH. . 55.00+
         receiving 100 lashes. F, couple creases.  the Royal Wedding of Prince Arthur Of  Pretty ..................... Est 40.00+  1218. Û 62-74, F-VF .............. 143.20
         Scarce postcard ............. Est 65.00+  Connaught & Princess Alexandra (Duchess  1172. ÕÛ 254, Margin IMPERFORATE block.  1219. Û 924-35, VF, NH ............ 44.40
        1119. Ö Unused postcard dated 1910 with  of Fife). Has 7 diff portraits incl KGV, Queen  VF, NH..................... Est 50.00+  AUSTRALIA:
         hand drawn artwork showing a man & woman  Mary, Duke of Connaught, etc. VF Est 75.00+  1173. Ö Unused circa 1900’s red brown photo
         looking at comic ads in the shape of posters.  1143. Ö Stampless Censored WWI Harrod’s  postcard depicting 3 pretty North African girls,
         F, stain on one edge .......... Est 65.00+  Ltd, London business reply envelope with  one being topless. Entitled “IN THE HAREM”.
        1120. Ö Unused colour illustrated Patriotic  APO/S.5 (Paris) 4 Jan 1916 CDS, & 3-line vio-  F-VF....................... Est 40.00+
         postcard for J.S. Fry & Sons chocolate.  let “AMBULANCE AMERICAINE / NEUILLY-S  1174. Ö Free franked Official part printed
         Commemorates 1911 Coronation of KGV  / -SIENE / BLESSE MILITAIRE” h/s. F+ ....  Reg’d cover sent from Saint Louis Oran 4
         & Queen Mary. Depicts The Royal Couple,  ........................... Est 40.00+  Jan 1901 to the Post Office Dept in Paris.
         flags & emblems. F-VF ........ Est 40.00+  1144. Ö Unused b/w photo postcard circa  Has “VALEURS RECOUVREES” (Recovered
        1121. Ö Unused multi-colour patriotic postcard  1920’s depicting a HANDLEY PAGE W.10  Assets) imprint & red h/s “NAUFRAGE DE  1197. Ú 67-76, Cpl used Tercentenary set to
         circa 1912 depicting KGV & QUEEN MARY. F  AIR LINER along with inset portrait of Capt  LA RUSSIE” (shipwreck from Russia). VG+,  5 Shilling, F-VF, neat cancels...... 363.50
         ........................... Est 65.00+  Earl Fielden. For National Aviation Day Cam-  some file folds, edge wear. Scarce cover ...  1198. Û 77, DIAGONAL LINE BY TURRET
        1122. Ö Unused b/w real photo postcard circa  paign promoting civil aviation & has printed  .......................... Est 100.00+  variety. F. (SG #91f-£100)...... Est 65.00+
         1912 depicting 19 diff portraits of RULING  note from Sir Alan Cobham. VF . Est 70.00+  1175. Ö Interesting lot of 18 diff unused post-  1199. Û 84-95, F-VF ............... 71.30
         MONARCHS OF THE WORLD. Has KGV at  1145. Ö Unused glossy coloured postcard for  cards circa 1910’s-30’s. Has view of Algiers,
         the centre surrounded by monarchs from Eu-  the 1935 SILVER JUBILEE. Depicts KGV,  street scenes, oasis, rural areas, etc. F-VF .  1220. Ö Stampless folded ship cover with red
         rope, Scandinavia, Japan, Siam, Turkey, etc.  Queen Mary, crown, Buckingham Palace, etc.  ........................... Est 40.00+  crown illustrated oval “PAID SHIP LETTER /
         VF. Scarce.................. Est 75.00+  Has fancy embossed border. F . . Est 75.00+  ANDORRA (FR.):              SYDNEY / 31 May 1841 strike to London
        1123. Ö Unused Tuck’s multi-coloured patriotic  1146. Ö Unused multi-colour CORONATION  1176. Ö 154, Tied by 29 Sept 1962 FD cancel  (Oct 1841 b/s). Carried aboard the ”Sarah
         postcard circa 1912 for the Coronation. De-  DAY postcard 12 May, 1937. Has portraits  on gorgeous Gerhard Zucker signed ROCKET  Charlotte" with red “SHIP LETTER” b/s. The
         picts KGV, Queen Mary, draped flags, names  of KGVI, QUEEN ELIZABETH, inscription,  FLIGHT cover. Has large multi-colour Map  ship ran aground in 1860. F-VFEst 200.00+
         of Dominions, quote from Tennyson, etc. VF  names of the Dominions, flag, etc. F, a few  illustrated Rocket label tied by 2 diff related
         ........................... Est 65.00+  stains on reverse............. Est 75.00+  h/s’s. VF.................... Est 65.00+  1221. Ú 6-8, F-VF ................ 120.00
        1124. Ö Unused b/w memorial postcard circa  1147. Ö Unused glossy b/w CORONATION  1177. Û C2-4, Fresh, VF, LH........ 168.50  1222. Û 7, Kangaroo, F-VF ......... 135.00
         1912 depicting CAPTAIN ROBERT SCOTT.  DAY postcard 12 May, 1937. Has portraits of  1178. ÕÛ J42-5, Blocks. VF, NH .... 192.00  1223. Ö 21, 30, Tied by Sydney 22 July,
         He famously led two expeditions to the Ant-  KGVI & QUEEN ELIZABETH, Crown, West-                                 1925 machine cancel on airmail cover to Mel-
         arctic. He was the first British explorer to  minster Abbey, inscription, etc. VF Est 65.00+  ANDORRA (SP.):      bourne. Has scarce AUSTRALIAN AERIAL
         reach the South Pole. He tragically perished in  1148. Ö Unused Valentine’s b/w glossy real  1200. Ú 84-95, F-VF .............. 139.00  SERVICES “ANGEL” VIGNETTE affixed
         Antarctic on 29 March, 1912. F, small corner  photo postcard from 1937 depicting KGVI in  1201. Ö 98-9, KGVI Silver Wedding set tied by  (not tied). F ................ Est 125.00+
         crease ..................... Est 80.00+  Scottish uniform. VF .......... Est 40.00+  St. John’s 3 Jan 1949 cancels on FDC. F-VF  1224. Û 33-4, F ................... 92.50
        1125. Ö Unused b/w real photo postcard circa  1149. Ö Unused b/w postcard from 1937 de-  ........................... Est 25.00+
         1912 depicting the ill-fated TITANIC passen-  picting KING EDWARD VIII. On the reverse  1202. Û 107-21, F-VF .............. 77.95
         ger liner. The ship sank on her maiden voyage  has printed list of the other British King Ed-  1203. Ö 116-21, QE High Values up to $4.80
         with a loss of over 2,200 lives. F Est 120.00+  wards & their years of reign. VF . Est 65.00+  neatly tied by St. John’s 2 Nov 1953 CDS’s
                                     1150. Ö Unused b/w real photo postcard 1937              on local Reg’d FDC. VF........ Est 75.00+
                                      depicting KING EDWARD VIII in top hat &                1204. Ö Unused 2-panel b/w Antigua postcard
                                      dress coat with a cigar in his hand. VF. Scarce         circa 1910 with a panoramic view of Falmouth,
                                      ........................... Est 65.00+                  English Harbour & Clarence House. VF ....
                                     1151. Ö Lovely b/w real photo Valentine’s                ........................... Est 50.00+
                                      postcard circa 1938 depicting KGVI. This is  1179. Û 2b, Scarce 5¢ with perf 14, F 575.00
                                      the Bertram Park portrait. VF . . . Est 65.00+                   ARGENTINA:
                                     1152. Ö Scarce b/w souvenir naval postcard              1205. Ö Stampless folded Trans-Atlantic letter
                                      pre WWII for the VISIT OF THE FIRST                     date-lined Buenos Aires 20 Dec 1845 to Lon-
                                      BATTLE SQUADRON. Depicts 8 diff named                   don. Has “Peterel Packet” m/s (HMS Peterel),
                                      naval ships. Has 1938 cancel from Brighton &            Rio de Janeiro transit; 2Sh 9d m/s rate & 17
                                      Hove Sussex but not mailed. F, corner crease            Mar receiver. F, flaws. Scarce. . . Est 75.00+
                                      ........................... Est 75.00+                 1206. Ö Stampless folded letter (written in
                                     1153. Ö Stampless WWII Green Cross Military              French) dated Buenos Aires Nov 1866 to
         1126. Ö Unused multi-coloured postcard                                               Paris. Has BPO Buenos Ayres 24 Nov 1866
          circa 1912 depicting the RMS TITANIC  Censored cover with RAF #186 censor h/s       b/s; red “8" m/s rate, London ”PAID" & “PD” in
                                      (2829 Squadron Royal Air Force m/s on
          which sank on 15 April 1912 with the loss  flap) to Miss GEORGIA CARROL c/o KAY     circle & Angl / Calais 1 Jan 1867 transit. Con-
          of over 1,600 lives. F, minor edge wear ...                                         tents refer to the PARAGUAYAN WAR. F-VF.  1225. Ú 45, Two Pence Kangaroo with
          ......................... Est 150.00+  KYSER’S BAND, Hollywood, Ca. Georgia         Historic.................... Est 200.00+  INVERTED WATERMARK variety. F-VF,
                                      was an American singer, model & actress,                                             some slightly trimmed perfs. Has 2019 Dr.
        1127. Ö Unused b/w mourning postcard  best known for her work in Kyser’s band. F,  1180. Û 11a, Scarce 5P with perf 14. F-VF .  1207. Û 126/138, Nine diff IMPERF Proof Pairs  Scott Starling Certificate. SG #35daw, Cat
         circa 1912 for the SINKING OF THE RMS  edge flaws. Interesting fan mail. . Est 45.00+  ............................. 375.00  on India Paper with large margins. Some values  £10,000 or $17,100 Cdn. An attractive ex-
         TITANIC. Depicts a picture of the ship along  1154. Ö Stampless free franked WWII cover  have more than one colour. XF Est 100.00+  ample of ths very rare varietyEst 4,500.00+
         with musical notes & verses of the hymn  with FPO 30 Mar 1941 cancel & blue Arms    1208. Ö 1338, Malvinas overprint tied by Bue-
         “NEARER MY GOD TO THEE” (in both  of St. Andrew “CHURCH / OF / SCOTLAND /            nos Aireas 15 June 1882 cancel on map illus-  1226. Ú 50, Watermark INVERTED. VF.
         English & French). This hymn was played  HUTS” illustrated corner card to PALESTINE  trated cach cover ARGENTINA FORCES IN  (SG Cat £100) ............... Est 65.00+
         by the ship’s bandsmen on deck as the ship  (Bene Beraq 2 Apr b/s). F ...... Est 40.00+  THE FALKLANDS SURRENDER TODAY. A  1227. Û 51, Watermark Sideways. F (SG
         sank. VF .................. Est 135.00+  1155. Ö Lot of 4 diff b/w real photo postcards  nice Falkland Is War cover. VF . . Est 50.00+  #40ba - £70) ................ Est 45.00+
                                      circa 1940’s-50’s depicting PRINCE CHARLES                       ASCENSION:         1228. Ú 51, Watermark INVERTED. F, short
                                      (now King Charles). Shows him with his                                               corner perf. (SG Cat £120) ..... Est 75.00+
                                      mother QE, after his Christening, & one with                                        1229. Ö 61, 66, 103, C1 (2), Tied on Mel-
                                      KGVI. VF (4) ................ Est 60.00+                                             bourne to Sydney & return FFC’s 1 June
                                     1156. Ö Two unused b/w photo Patriotic post-                                          1930. VF (2 covers)........... Est 50.00+
                                      cards depicting KGVI, Queen Elizabeth, Prin-                                        1230. Ö 68 (Pair), 103-4 (Pairs), 105, 111-2,
                                      cesses Elizabeth & Margaret at St. Paul’s                                            C1, Tied on cach Reg’d Melbourne to London
                                                                                                                           #10 FFC. Has Perth, Neboda, Colombo &
                                      Cathedral for the 1943 Thanksgiving Service  1181. Û 12b, Scarce 10 Peseta Perf 14, VF  Calcutta transits. F-VF......... Est 75.00+
                                      for the North Africa Victory. VF (2) Est 45.00+  ............................. 450.00
                                     1157. Ö Stampless WWII OHMS War                                                      1231. ÕÛ 95a, Kookaburra pane of 4. F-VF,
                                      ECONOMY envelope to Alexandria. Has 2  1182. Ú 23-4, High Values. F........ 250.00   OG, slight thin .................. 175.00
                                      diff ARMY / SIGNALS 11 Mar 1945 CDS’s,  ANTIGUA:                                    1232. Ö 96 (3), 111 (2), 112, Tied on Australia
                                                                                                                           to England Apr 1931 Experimental Flight cover,
                                      blue “B.S.O. Alexandria / R.H.N.” crown/an-
         1128. Ö Unused b/w real photo postcard of  chor illustrated h/s’s, Alexandria 12 Mar bilin-  1209. Û 10-21, Cpl KGV set to 3 Shilling,  addr to Ireland. F, some flaws.... Est 65.00+
          the Steamer “TITANIC” which sank on 15  gual receiver, “URGENT”, etc. F . Est 65.00+  F-VF ......................... 436.25  1233. Ö 111 (2), 112, C1, Tied on Melbourne
          April 1912 with loss of over 1,600 lives. F.  1158. Ö Two WWII PRISONER OF WAR                                   to Hobart & return May 1931 FFC’s. Each
          Scarce postcard type........ Est 150.00+  POST folded letter forms from a German                                 cover with nice map cachet. VF (2 covers) .
                                                                                                                           ........................... Est 75.00+
        1129. Ö Unused b/w patriotic postcard circa  POW still held in Alyth England in 1947.                             1234. Ö 113, 115, Affixed on ship cover with
         1914 depicting KGV (in military uniform) &  Both with violet ‘POW CAMP No. 63 GREAT                               Union Steamship Co. of New Zealand “R.M.S.
         QUEEN MARY. F ............ Est 60.00+  BRITAIN’ cancels & addr to Karlsruhe. Inter-                               Maunganui” imprint on back flap. Mailed from
        1130. Ö Unused b/w glossy patriotic postcard  esting items from a POW being held long after                        Wellington, NZ 26 Nov 1934 (without New
         circa 1914 depicting KGV, Admirals Fisher  the war ended. Mixed condition. . Est 75.00+                           Zealand franking) to Toronto. Has “T/20" in
         & Jellicoe & pictures of 4 diff British naval  1159. Ö Stampless Official cover with red                          circle & ”4 CENTS / DUE" h/s’s & Canada
         warships. VF ................ Est 75.00+  London F.S. Office Paid 21 Jan 1952 CDS &                               #J13 tied. Attractive & unusual. F Est 50.00+
        1131. Ö Unused b/w real photo postcard de-  violet oval “Foreign Office” h/s to Australia.                        1235. Ö 113, 115, C1 (2), Also New Guinea
         picting a pre WWI pioneer biplane “F.E.2B  Enclosures incl letter sheet with blue Coat  1183. Ö Stampless folded letter datelined  #’s 33, C37, Tied on double cach July 1934
         BEARDMORE”. VF ........... Est 65.00+  of Arms signed by Secretary to The Foreign  Antigua 5 March, 1809 addr to Sommershire,  Melbourne to Lae & return FFC. Addressed
        1132. Ö Unused sepia WWI postcard depicting  Secretary ANTHONY EDEN as well as a crest  England, rated “1/1" in with ”by the Packet"  1210. Ú 10-21, Cpl KGV set with neat CDS  to Broadmeadow, NSW. VF .... Est 75.00+
         a CAPTURED GERMAN FIGHTER PLANE  embossed piece signed by Eden (later Prime  in m/s. Has black brown “FALMOUTH  cancels (some lovely fully dated strikes  1236. Ú 127, Ten Shilling Kangaroo. F, CDS
         surrounded by British airmen. F . Est 60.00+  Minister in 1955-7. F-VF ....... Est 75.00+  PACKET” h/s. VF........... Est 225.00+  here). F-VF. A GREAT SET! ...... 712.00  cancels........................ 200.00
   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25