Page 18 - Vance-Sale-370-Part 1
P. 18

                          LOT 1025                                     LOT 1027                                     LOT 1028

           LOT 1054

                                                                                                                        LOT 1074

                                                     LOT 1063

        GR. BRITAIN COVERS Continued  1040. Ö 33 (2), 58, Tied by oval ‘198’ cancels  1055. Ö 89, Plus two 1d & 1Àd QV Postal  1071. Ö 143, Tied by 9 Aug 1908 Isle of Wight  1092. Ö 560; Also France #1214, Tied on
                                      on folded letter from Manchester 26 Jan 1876  Stationery cut squares, Tied by North Western  CDS on b/w real photo postcard showing  cach DOVER to BOULOGNE & return 1 Aug
         1028. Ö 5, F-VF tied by oval cancel  to PATRAS GREECE. Has oval company h/s.  District Office 2 July 1909 CDS’s (late usage)  sailors on top of the overturned naval ship  1968 HOVERCRAFT FFC’s. Each is PILOT
          on neat 1850 Trans-Atlantic cover to
                                                                                                                           SIGNED. VF, unaddr (2) ....... Est 50.00+
                                      F. Scarce destination......... Est 125.00+
          Wilmington Delaware with Liverpool b/s.  1041. Ö 34, Two diff single franking 1862 letter  on cover with London Reg’d oval. Addr to Rot-  “HMS GLADIATOR” which was rammed by an  1093. Ö 1723, Tied by special Royal Mail,
                                                                  terdam. F+. Very attractive cover Est 100.00+
          On face has red Boston Packet CDS,  sheets. One is from Leeds to Lille France,  1056. Ö 101 (2), Tied on a QV Registered Let-  American ship during a snowstorm off the Isle  London 27 May 1997 cancel on a illustrated
                                                                                              of Wight. F, minor toning. Scarce Est 80.00+
          ‘5 CENTS’ in arc, & large ‘24’. F. Cat  the other from Newcastle on Tyne to Lyons  ter Postal Stationery envelope with 2 Pence  1072. Ö 143, Tied by 22 Ap, 1911 CDS on b/w  Reunion cover for Victoria Cross & George
          $1,100. See photo above. . . Est 650.00+
                                      France. Nice markings. F, second cover has  imprint from London 20 Aug 1884 to Brussels  real photo postcard depicting KGV, QUEEN  Cross recipients. Autographed by G. Ghale,
        1029. Ö 7, 22 (Pair), With neat “560" grid oval  some flts .................. Est 100.00+  Belgium (rec b/s). F........... Est 65.00+  MARY & the PRINCE OF WALES (later be-  VICTORIA CROSS & C. Walker GEORGE
         cancels on Trans-Atlantic cover via Halifax to  1042. Ö 34c, Hairlines pair tied by “46" grid  1057. Ö 111, 116, Tied by 2 Aug 1898 CDS’s  came KEVIII). F.............. Est 65.00+  CROSS WWII recipients. VF.... Est 75.00+
         Montreal 31 Dec 1855 b/s. Mailed from New-  oval cancels on folded Trans-Atlantic cover  on pretty Reg’d cover to Hamilton Canada,  1073. Ö 143, Tied by Ulverston 8 July, 1911  1094. Ö MH60, Tied by special 1 Mar 1976
         port; 12 Dec blue split-ring b/s’s. Cover is  with boxed London 20 May 1865 b/s, addr to  redirected to Port Dover Ontario. F, crease at  CDS on b/w real photo postcard. Depicts an  cancel on cach cover for the BRITISH ARMY
         somewhat soiled with flts, #22 Pair faulty,  Quebec (2 June receiver). F, file fold. Scarce  left well away from stamps. AN ATTRACTIVE  enormous wooden pile being built for a bonfire  & ROYAL NEPALESE ARMY MOUNT
         #7 is F-VF. Interesting item .... Est 250.00+  .......................... Est 100.00+  COVER ................... Est 125.00+  for the 1911 Coronation of KGV. VF. A MOST  EVEREST EXPEDITION. Write-up accompa-
        1030. Ö 26 (wing margin single), Tied by  1043. Ö 49, Tied by rectangular “280" numeral  1058. Ö 112, Private Perfin tied by London  UNUSUAL POSTCARD! ....... Est 75.00+  nies noting that 2 members of the team
         Leeds 1 May 1861 duplex cancel on folded  cancel on blue cover with Perth 27 Apr 1870  18 Oct 1897 duplex cancels on illustrated QV  1074. Ö 151 (2), Tied on FIRST UNITED  reached the summit & one member of the
         entire to Lille 2 May. Has London & Calais  CDS to Wisconsin. F+, slightly reduced ....  1d postal stat advertising envelope for Anglo-  KINGDOM AERIAL POST postcard from  expedition was killed on the way up after
         2 May transits. VF ........... Est 125.00+  ........................... Est 45.00+  Swiss Condensed Milk Co. Addr to Amster-  falling into a crevasse. VF ...... Est 60.00+
        1031. Ö 26 (wing margin), Tied by Leeds 23  1044. Ö 49 (Pl 8), Tied by Manchester 4 Dec  dam. F. Attractive ........... Est 100.00+  London 9 Sept, 1911 with olive green ca-  1095. Ö U1, Unused One Penny Mulready en-
                                                                                               chet. The cancel has Hammer #5 indicia.
         Aug 1861 duplex on folded entire to France.  1872 duplex cancel on Trans-Atlantic cover  1059. Ö 115, Tied by Ipswich 12 Dec 1892  VF. See photo above ......Est 100.00+  velope (#A176). F, some soiling Est 175.00+
         Has red London 24 Aug & Calais 24 Aug tran-  to Montreal (20 Dec b/s). F+ .... Est 50.00+  Reg’d oval cancel on QV private order 1Àd  1096. Ö U1, Unused One Penny Mulready
         sits & Lille 24 Aug receiver. F. . . Est 100.00+  1045. Ö 51 (Pl 8), Tied by London 13 Jan 1871  Postal Stationery envelope with London  1075. Ö 151, Tied on FIRST UNITED KING-
        1032. Ö 27, Tied by Bodman dated 1 Jan  duplex on cover to GENOVA ITALY (rec b/s  Reg’d hooded cancel. Addr to Amsterdam. F.  DOM AERIAL POST postcard from London 9  envelope (#A139). F, some typical light
                                                                                                                            wrinkling. Cat $360 US. See photo on
         1861 “88" grid oval cancel on UNDERPAID  17 Jan ‘71). F, file fold........ Est 100.00+  Attractive ................... Est 75.00+  Sept, 1911 with olive green cachet. The can-  Page 20 ................ Est 200.00+
         Trans-Atlantic cover to Smithville, CW. Car-  1046. Ö 54, Tied by bold London 1 Dec 1871  1060. Ö 128, Tied by indistinct cancel on un-  cel has hammer #2 indicia. VF . Est 100.00+
         ried via closed bag to Hamilton, CW. Has red  duplex ‘106’ cancel on folded commercial  derpaid cover from Belfast to Paris, redirected  1076. Ö 152, Tied by Fulham 26 June 1911
         ”INSUFFICIENTLY / STAMPED" h/s. “2" m/s  letter to GUATEMALA. Has ‘2’ h/s & blue  to Vienna. Has multiple postage due markings  machine cancel on glossy b/w photo postcard  1097. Ö U3, One Penny Mulready letter
         rate & ”UNPAID 5" h/s. Contains lengthy en-  company h/s. F ............. Est 200.00+  & France #J34 on the front side & Austria  for the 1911 CORONATION. Has central por-  sheet (#A19) addr to London cancelled
         closure. F, bit soiled. Interesting Est 225.00+  1047. Ö 54, Pl 7 pair tied by numeral “498" grid  #J38 (3) on the reverse. F, missing back flap  trait of KGV & QUEEN MARY, portraits of all  by red MC. On reverse has red MAN-
        1033. Ö 27a, Deep violet tied by Cardiff 5 Sp  cancels on folded cover to MONTEVIDEO  ........................... Est 60.00+  their children, Buckingham Palace, etc. F...  CHESTER 11 May, 1840 CDS & a same
         1862 duplex on cover to GENOA ITALY. Has  URUGUAY. Has Manchester 19 Feb 1873  1061. Ö 128, Tied by London 14 Aug 1902  ........................... Est 60.00+  date transit date stamp alongside. F,
         b/s’s of Bute Docks, London & Genoa. F-VF.  cancel on front & Liverpool transit on reverse.  CDS on colour illustrated embossed Patriotic  1077. Ö 185-6, 190, Tied by Walthamstow 1  small red edge stain, some sensible rein-
         Cat $300 .................. Est 125.00+  Has a Manchester company h/s. F, slight  postcard commemorating the Coronation of  May 1924 CDS’s on Airmail cover to St. Ouen,  forcement, some flaws. A VERY
        1034. Ö 28, Tied by oval London 11 Oct 1860  soiling .................... Est 200.00+  KE & Queen Alexandra. Depicts the King &  France. F, edge flaw .......... Est 40.00+  SCARCE FIRST WEEK OF USAGE. See
         duplex on Trans-Atlantic cover to Philadelphia  1048. Ö 60, 61 (Pl 11), Tied by London 12  Queen, flags, crests of The Cape, Australia,  1078. Ö 187, 189, Tied by Belfast 1 My 1924  photo on Page 20.........Est 650.00+
         (red rec cancel). Has m/s “Per Steamer from  Nov 1873 duplex cancel on cover to Paris  Canada, India & New Zealand. Addr to Ger-  CDS’s on cach small size FFC for BELFAST
         Liverpool Oct 13". VG-F, minor aging. Cat  France (rec b/s). VF (Cat $470 US on cover)  many. F-VF ................. Est 50.00+  TO LIVERPOOL flight. F ....... Est 65.00+  1098. Ö U3, One Penny Mulready letter
         $425...................... Est 125.00+  .......................... Est 140.00+  1062. Ö 131, Tied by London 21 Aug 1905  1079. Ö 187; Also Australia #114, Tied on  sheet (#A30) with Red M/C cancel from
        1035. Ö 32, 33 (Pl 185), Scarce mixed franking  1049. Ö 61 (Pair, Pl 17), Tied by Paddington  CDS on illustrated advertising cover for Hotel  cach Mac Robertson England to Australia AIR  Reading 15 Sept, 1840. Addr to Bristol
         tied by Manchester 23 June 1876 duplex ‘498’  4 My 1877 duplex on cover to SINGAPORE,  Victoria UNDERPAID to Worcester, Mass; re-  RACE cover 20 Oct 1934. Flown on Boeing  with 16 Sept, 1840 b/s. F. Cat $600. See
         cancels on cover to Paris (rec b/s). The #32  STRAITS SETTLEMENT (rec b/s). Has m/s  directed to Nantasket, Mass. Has 2 diff Post-  247-D. F-VF (Eustis #434) ..... Est 75.00+  photo on Page 20.........Est 375.00+
         Cat $315 US on cover by itself. VF Est 135.00+  “Via Marseilles”. F. SCARCE DESTINATION  age Due h/s’s & USA #J48 tied by oval strike.  1080. Ö 187-8, Tied by Belfast Ireland 1 My
                                      .......................... Est 200.00+  F ......................... Est 75.00+  1924 CDS on cach small size FFC BELFAST
         1036. Ö 33, Cancelled by “276" grid on  1050. Ö 62, 64, Tied by Exchange Liverpool 16  TO LIVERPOOL FLIGHT. F .... Est 60.00+
          HAND DRAWN illustrated cover depicting  Oct 1875 duplex ‘466’ cancels on folded letter  1063. Ö 131, Tied by Spilspy 1907  1081. Ö 188, 195, Tied on cach Imperial Air-
          a two singing black men, one of which is  to CALLAO PERU. F, some paper adherence  Squared Circle on cover addr to a person
          playing a banjo. Used from Ely 19 Sept,  on reverse ................. Est 150.00+  aboard the ship SS Coniston in Savan-  ways FFC London to Mwanza Kenya 27 Feb
          1876 to Tamworth. F, small corner  1051. Ö 66a (Pl 1), Bluish paper tied by Man-  nah Georgia. Has multiple redirections /  1931. Has RETURNED TO SENDER, NOT
                                                                                              KNOWN, markings. F-VF ..... Est 100.00+
          crease. See photo below . . . Est 325.00+                handstamps, then sent to British Consul-
                                      chester 6 My, 1876 duplex cancels on cover  ate & eventually to Dead Letter Office  1082. Ö 191, Tied on Belfast to Liverpool Fly-
                                      to Paris (rec b/s). Has Calais entry cancel. VF.        ing Boat (Calcutta) experimental flight cover
         1037. Ö 33 (Pl 74), Tied by Woking 26 Sp  Cat $225 ................... Est 85.00+  & returned. The Coniston was a British  29 Sept 1928. Addr to Surrey. VFEst 50.00+
          1865 duplex on HAND DRAWN ILLUS-                         Cargo ship 1908-17. F. A FASCINATING  1083. Ö 193, Tied on England to Egypt 29
          TRATED cover to Bromyard (rec b/s). VF.                  COVER. See photo above . . Est 100.00+  Mar 1929 FFC cover to Cairo via Alexandria
          See photo below .........Est 225.00+                   1064. Ö 131, Tied by London 9 July 1908  (b/s’s). Has very attractive violet triangular
                                                                  CDS on illustrated advertising cover for the  airmail etiquette depicting plane over Statue
         1038. Ö 33 (Pl 81), Tied by Bath 22 Mr                   AMERICAN SHIP LINE. Addr to a Major  of Liberty. VF................ Est 75.00+  1099. Ö Unused 1840 J.W. SOUTHGATE
          1865 duplex on HAND ILLUSTRATED                         Chas. E Cabell in Virginia USA. Depicts liner.  1084. Ö 211 (Strip of 3), Tied by Belfast 27  CARICATURE envelope #3. Has satirical
          cover to Taunton (rec b/s). F-VF. Very                  F, couple edge tears, slight soiling. Attractive  Dec 1935 CDS’s on large size Official Reg’d  Mulready imitated design “PEG-LEG
                                                                                                                           SAILOR”. Rejected design / for the / post-
          attractive! See photo below . Est 350.00+               ........................... Est 75.00+  cover to Major J. Calhoun, M.C. / The Senti-  age envelope. VF........... Est 325.00+
                                                                 1065. Ö 143, Tied by an unusual black  nel, Londonderry. Has The Prime Minister of
                                                                  INTAGLIO MAIL SEAL on coloured postcard  Northern Ireland h/s, embossed sealed & red  1100. Ö QV Àd Postal Stationery card used
                                                                  circa 1905 depicting Adel Church. Addr to  wax seal. F-VF .............. Est 45.00+  from Windermere 3 Oct, 1870 to Leamington.
                                                                  Bramham. F, corner crease.... Est 100.00+  1085. Ö 211-2, Each tied on 2 diff QUEEN  Postal cards were introduced by the P.O.
                                                                 1066. Ö 143, Tied by Portsmouth 8 Sept 1906  MARY MAIDEN VOYAGE covers to New York  on 1 Oct 1870 so this example is a 3RD DAY
                                                                  CDS on coloured postcard depicting the wreck  27 May 1936. Each with gorgeous cachet. F  CANCEL. F, small edge tear.... Est 40.00+
                                                                  of the HMS MONTAGU RUN AGROUND AT  ........................... Est 65.00+  1101. Ö QV Àd brown Postal Stationery card
                                                                  LUNDY ISLAND. The Montagu was a pre-  1086. Ö 228, Tied by New York PAQUEBOT  with a perfect strike of the fancy crowned
                                                                  dreadnought battleship. She was one of the  11 June 1939 cancel on colour postcard to  PENNY POSTAGE JUBILEE GUILDHALL
                                                                  fastest warships at the time. During wireless  Toronto. Depicts “RMS Berengaria” (formerly  16 May, 1890 cancel. F........ Est 35.00+
                                                                  experiments in 1906 she ran aground & re-  German Liner SS Imperator) largest passen-  1102. Ö Two diff unused colour photo bas re-
                                                                  peated attempts to refloat the ship failed. F .  ger ship in the world at time of launching. The  lief glitter postcards circa 1901. Depict KE &
                                                                  ........................... Est 65.00+  ship was taken by the USA as War Repara-  Queen Alexandra. F-VF (2)..... Est 75.00+
                                                                 1067. Ö 143, Tied by Banbury 8 Ju, 1907 CDS  tions & used as a troop ship then handed  1103. Ö QV Àd red postal stat envelope used
                                                                  on multi-coloured patriotic postcard depicting  over to Cunard Lines. VF ...... Est 45.00+  from Leeds 17 Sp 1901 to Whitby, then been
                                                                  the PRINCE & PRINCESS OF WALES (later  1087. Ö 238, 243, Tied by London CDS &  returned with large violet boxed “POSTAGE
                                                                  KGV & Queen Mary). VF....... Est 65.00+  violet “POSTAGE REFUNDED” h/s on 1942  DUE FOR RETURN TO SENDER Àd”, nu-
                                                                 1068. Ö 143 (Pair), Plus KE 6d Postal Statio-  WWII Censored Reg’d Airmail cover. Has  merous cancels/notations. Has Yorkshire Nat-
                                     1052. Ö 89, Tied by London 1888 cancel                   large green & white label covering addr (prob-  uralists Union corner card. F . . . Est 100.00+
                                      on HAND PAINTED ILLUSTRATED cover,  nery cut square tied by Manor Park & Sandr.  ably Poland) “RETURNED TO SENDER / BY  1104. Ö Patriotic postcard 1902 issued for
                                      to London. Depicts a gentleman sitting at a  Park 21 Aug 1907 CDS’s on Reg’d cover to  THE CENSOR” etc. F. Interesting WWII cover  the Coronation of KE. Depicts portraits of KE
                                                                  ALGERIA. F. Nice foreign destination cover
                                      desk writing a letter with a lady peeking  with unusual franking.......... Est 65.00+  ........................... Est 50.00+  & Queen Alexandra along with Union Jack,
                                      through the window. F, some soiling on                 1088. Ö 313-4, Tied by 3 June 1953 Corona-
                                      reverse................... Est 350.00+  1069. Ö 143, Tied by Ryde Isle of Wight 2 My  Red Cross & musical notes of “God Save
                                                                  1908 CDS on scarce b/w real photo postcard  tion slogan cancel on QANTAS cach FD Air  The King”. Used in France. F . . . Est 65.00+
                                     1053. Ö 89, Tied by Reg’d oval “W.D.O.” 20  of the capsized wreck of the naval ship “HMS  Letter to Norfolk Is. VF (Booth £60) Est 40.00+  1105. Ö Unused b/w real photo postcard circa
                                      Apr 1893 cancels on QV 1/2d & 3d private or-  GLADIATOR”. The ship was wrecked follow-  1089. Ö 317c-22d, Graphite Lines set tied by  1902 depicting FOUR GENERATIONS OF
                                      der Postal Stationery envelope with Eaker  ing a collision in a snowstorm 25 Apr 1908 off  Southampton 19 Nov 1957 CDS’s on cach  THE ROYAL FAMILY. Incl QV, KE, The
                                      Street #66 20 Apr 1893 CDS to Amsterdam. F  Yarmouth Isle of Wight. F ...... Est 75.00+  local FDC. VF (Booth £95) ..... Est 65.00+  Prince of Wales (later KGV) & Prince Edward
                                      .......................... Est 100.00+  1070. Ö 143, Tied by Yarmouth, Isle of Wight  1090. Ö 387p-9p, Phosphor National Produc-  (later KEVII). F, minor wrinkle . . . Est 60.00+
                                                                  4 Aug 1908 CDS on b/w real photo postcard  tivity set tied on cach FDC, to Canada. Booth  1106. Ö Unused b/w mourning postcard circa
         1039. Ö 33 (Pl 119), Tied by Bristol 21 Sept  1054. Ö 89, Tied by Weston Super Mare 7  showing recovery of sailors from the “HMS  Cat £78. F-VF ............... Est 50.00+  1902 (printed in Monaco) depicting QUEEN
          1871 “134" duplex cancel on gorgeous  Oc, 1893 CDS on lovely hand illustrated  GLADIATOR” after a ship collision at the Isle  1091. Ö 444, Scotland Regional #1, Tied  VICTORIA. VF............... Est 75.00+
          HAND DRAWN illustrated cover depicting  art cover depicting a forest & pond. Addr  of Wight. Shows the sailors on top of the over-  by Paisly 1965-66 cancel on 2 diff 30th  1107. Ö Patriotic postcard depicting KIND
          a JUDGE & COURTROOM. Addr to  to Bath with same day rec b/s. On re-  turned boat after the Gladiator was rammed  Anniversary ROCKET FLIGHT related covers.  EDWARD & QUEEN ALEXANDRA with Union
          Waterford (rec b/s). VF. A BEAUTIFUL  verse has “H.E. Me” initials on an art  by an American ship in a snowstorm. F.  One signed by J. Stewart. VF, unaddr (2)...  Jack flag behind them. Printed & used in
          COVER IN TOP CONDITION!. Est 350.00+  board. F. See photo above. . Est 300.00+  Scarce ..................... Est 80.00+  ........................... Est 40.00+  France in 1903. F ............ Est 60.00+
                                                                                                                                        LOT 1038
                        LOT 1036                                        LOT 1037
   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23