Page 13 - Vance-Sale-370-Part 1
P. 13

MOTHER TERESA TOPICALS:                                                          13
                                     OLDER WORLD COLLECTION
                                     WITH 7,900 DIFFERENT:       748. SSÚÛ Coll of 29 diff modern souvenir /              774. Ú 2 (Pl 2), F-VF, three large margins,
           4. WORLDWIDE:             732. ÚÛ Two binders with a mounted coll of  miniature sheets all depicting MOTHER     neat red M/C cancel, small expertly repaired
                                      7,900 diff world stamps. Has a wide range  TERESA. Has various countries incl one    spot. Cat $1,450 ............ Est 225.00+
                                      of countries & issues from A-Z. The stamps  hat Cat $14. VF, most are CTO used ......
        STOCKBOOK FULL OF REVENUE STAMPS:  run from 19th Century up to 1950’s. Has Eu-  ........................... Est 50.00+
        717. ÚÛ Lighthouse stockbook full with an  rope, Br. Commonwealth, Asia, Latin Amer-  FLOWER TOPICALS:
         unsorted coll / accum of Revenues, Fiscal  ica, Scandinavia, Africa, etc. No rarities but  749. SSÚÛ Colourful coll of 44 diff souvenir/
         Stamps, Tax Stamps, etc. Has a wide array  we spotted stamps up to $25 & $50 each.  miniature sheets all depicting flowers. Has
         of countries & issues with all kinds of designs,  Majority are used. VG-VF . . . Est 1,000.00+  a variety of countries showing all kinds of
         values, sizes, types, colours, overprints, etc.          beautiful plant types. Incl better sets up to
         VG-VF (Over 800) ........... Est 325.00+  ABRAHAM LINCOLN TOPICALS:  $24 & $26. VF, mint are NH, used are CTO .
        WALT DISNEY TOPICALS:        733. ÚÛ Small coll of Abraham Lincoln  .......................... Est 100.00+  763. Ú 1 (Pl 6), Lovely black MC cancel,
        718. SSÛ Beautiful coll of 43 diff modern sou-  topicals on pages from a variety of countries.  HALLEY’S COMET TOPICALS:  four large / huge margins, XF. Init P-A ....
         venir / miniature sheets all depicting famous  F-VF....................... Est 30.00+  750. Û Coll of world sets from the 1980’s  ......................... Est 450.00+
         Disney characters incl Mickey Mouse, Donald  WORLD “R” TO “S” COUNTRIES  issued for Halley’s Comet. F-VF, NH (60
         Duck, Lion King, Hercules, Snow White, Peter  WITH 5,800 DIFFERENT STAMPS:  stamps, 1 SS’s) .............. Est 45.00+
         Pan, etc. Incl a set of Donald Duck Movie  734. ÚÛ World coll neatly mounted on pages  REVENUES & FISCALS:
         Posters (Cat $52), Fairy Tales set (Cat $25) &  of R to S countries, older to modern. Stronger  751. ÚÛ Unsorted world accum of approx 400
         Animal Stories (Cat $24). VF, NH Est 125.00+  areas are Rhodesia, Romania, Russia, St. Hel-  older Revenues, Fiscals & Tax Stamps. Has a
         PRE 1951 WORLD COLLECTION    ena, St. Kitts, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Samoa,  variety of countries, types, sizes, values, etc.
         WITH OVER 3,500 DIFFERENT STAMPS:  Sierra Leone, Singapore, Slovakia, South Af-  VG-VF .................... Est 100.00+  775. Ú 2 (Pl 2), Four full to large margins,
         719. ÚÛ Scott ‘Modern’ album with a  rica, SWA, Spain & Cols, Sri Lanka, Surinam,                                 rich colour, black MC cancel. VF . 1,150.00
          mounted world coll of over 3,500 diff stamps,  Sweden, Switzerland, etc. Has a wide array                       777. Û 3, VG-F, OG............... 625.00
          primarily used. The stamps range from 19th  of commems, pictorials, defins, etc. Incl some                      778. Û 3, F, part OG .............. 625.00
          Century up to about 1950. Mainly Europe,  better like a page of Somaliland which Cat  Great Britain             779. Ú 3, WATERMARK INVERTED variety.
          European Colonies & Br. Empire. The Can-  $165. Mainly F-VF (5,800 diff) . . Est 800.00+                         VG-F. (SG £300) ............ Est 125.00+
          ada has a decent section incl mint 6¢ Jubilee  WORLD SOUVENIR SHEETS:               764. Ú 1 (Pl 7), Lovely SON red MC cancel,  780. Ú 3, WATERMARK INVERTED with “11"
          (Cat $150), 20¢ Jubilee (Cat $150), cpl KGV  735. SSÛ Attractive asst of souvenir sheets  four margins, VF. Init R-J ......... 475.00  Chelsea / London SON numeral cancel. VG-F
          Arch set mint up to $1 Cavell (Cat $613);  from a wide variety of mostly Foreign coun-                           (SG - £300) ................ Est 135.00+
          used 50¢ Bluenose (Cat $50); etc. VG-VF.  tries, mainly 1960’s-80’s. Many attractive de-
          An interesting old-time lot..... Est 850.00+                                                                    781. Ú 3, Two singles with SON Maltese Cross
                                      signs & popular topicals. F-VF, primarily NH.                                        numerals1&8. Exceptional strikes, F-VF ..
        UNITED NATIONS RELATED TOPICALS:  2024 Scott $635 (96)......... Est 175.00+                                        .............................. 350.00
        720. ÚÛ Stack of stockcards with a coll /  TWO-VOLUME COLLECTION                                                  782. Ú 3, Maltese Cross with numeral ‘3’ can-
         accum of stamps from many diff countries  OF RELIGIOUS TOPICALS:                                                  cel. F ......................... 235.00
         around the globe. All are topicals related to  736. ÚÛ Two-volume coll containing religious                      783. Ú 3, SON numeral ‘4’ in Maltese Cross
         the United Nations, UN agencies & programs,  topicals neatly arranged on illustrated pages.                       cancel. VG-F, thin. A great cancel & would
         anti malaria, WHO, Refuges, Inter. Coopera-  These depict biblical themes, Easter topicals,                       be difficult to find a better strike! Cat $625 ..
         tion, Health, Freedom From Hunger, & so  Jesus Christ, other Bible people, crucifixion,                           .......................... Est 160.00+
         on. Tremendous range of countries & issues.  etc. Primarily 1950’s-80’s with singles, sets,                      784. Ú 3, Numeral ‘7’ & ‘8’ MC cancels. VG+
         F-VF (Many 100’s)........... Est 100.00+                                                                          (2)............................ 330.00
                                      souvenir sheets, cach FDC’s, etc. Has over
                                      75 diff countries represented. F-VF (700                765. Ú 1 (Pl 8), Red MC cancel. F. Init R-K .  785. Ú 3, Maltese Cross with numeral ‘10’
                                      stamps, 50 SS’s, 93 covers) . . . Est 275.00+            ............................. 600.00  cancel. A nice strike. F............ 325.00
                                                                                             766. Ú 1 (Pl 9), Lovely SON black M/C cancel.  786. Ú 3, Specialty coll of 10 Imperf Pairs.
                                                                  752. Û 1 (Pl 1a), Rare unused Penny Black  VG+. Init K-E ................... 725.00  Incl 2 vert pairs with Ivory Head images on
                                                                                                                           the reverse. VG-F+ .............. 675.00
                                                                   with four margins (clear at UR), strong col-
                                                                   our, excellent impression, F-VF. Has 1981
                                                                   APS Certificate which states NG but the
                                                                   stamp actually has some OG . . . 21,275.00
                                                                 753. Ú 1 (Pl 1a), Crisp red M/C cancel. F....
                                                                  .............................. 475.00
         721. SSÚÛ Coll of 112 diff modern souvenir /  737. Ö Amazing coll of 48 diff British Airways
          miniature sheets depicting nudes, partially  Concorde Jet First Flight Covers from  767. Ú 1 (Pl 9), Neat black M/C cancel, four  787. Ú 3, Lot of 16 stamps all with MALTESE
          nude paintings by famous artists, pin ups,  1985-6. All have beautiful colour illustrated  margins, VF. Init T-G ............ 725.00  CROSS cancels. Some very nice strikes
          etc. Has a variety of countries. VF, mint are  cachets & contains to/from England to many                        here. F-VF..................... 920.00
          NH, used CTO ............. Est 225.00+
                                      diff destinations around the globe. These                                           788. Ú 4, Horiz strip of 4 with London “17"
        STOCKBOOK OF WORLD:           have British & Foreign stamp frankings with                                          diamond oval cancels. VG+ ........ 650.00
        722. ÚÛ Stockbook with an asst from over 30  nice postmarks & special handstamps. VF.                             789. Ú 4, Horiz pair. F ............. 325.00
         diff countries, older to modern. Has European,  A SCARCE CONDITION .... Est 500.00+  754. Ú 1 (Pl 1a), Four margins, red MC  790. Ú 4, Horiz Pair (Pl 3), Vertical Pair (Pl 4),
         Latin America, Br. Commonwealth, etc. Many  COLLECTION OF  cancel. VF. Init D-D ............. 425.00              VF (2 pairs) .................... 650.00
         attractive commems & defins here. Also has              755. Ú 1 (Pl 1b), Red M/C cancel, VG+. Init
         some nice mint souvenir sheets incl Honduras  INTERESTING CANCELS ON COVERS:  P-B ........................... 475.00
         mint NH C344a (Perf & Imperf Cat $90).  738. Ö Fascinating coll of covers with odd /
         VG-VF (Over 950) ........... Est 150.00+  unusual town names, primarily 1960’s-70’s but
                                      does have some earlier. Majority are from
        TOPICALS DEPICTING BATS:      USA; others from Canada, Australia, Gr. Brit-
        723. SSÚÛ Coll of 19 diff modern souvenir /  ain & a few other countries. Neatly written up
         miniature sheets depicting Bats. Has a variety  on pages; some with history of origin of name
         of countries incl several better that Cat $15 &  of the town or city. We saw D after, Mich,
         $17 ea. Also one cach FDC with 7 diff stamps.  Currency Creek & Iron Knob Australia. Buried  768. Ú 1 (Pl 11), Neatly tied on piece with
         VF, mint are NH, used CTO .... Est 50.00+  Village, NZ; Dynamite Factory, So. Africa;  black MC cancel & neat Taunton 30 Jy,
        STAMP ON STAMP TOPICALS:      Evening Shade Ark; Dutch John, Utah; Beer                1841 datestamp alongside. F+. Has 2014
        724. SSÚÛ Colourful coll of 56 diff modern  England; Hells Half Acre, Wyoming; etc. Most  Royal Philatelic Society Certificate. A NICE
         souvenir sheets depicting Stamp on Stamp  addr to No. Ireland. F-VF (190) . Est 250.00+  CERTIFIED EXAMPLE OF THIS SCARCE
         topicals. Primarily mint NH with a wide range                                         PLATE...................... 5,750.00
         of countries showing stamps from early clas-  WORLD COVER COLLECTION:               769. Û 1, Set of 5 imperf Reprints in all diff
         sics up to recent types (some also show  739. Ö Interesting coll of approx 350 covers  756. Ú 1 (Pl 1b), Tied by red MC cancel on  colours. F-VF. Attractive addition to a Penny
         Rowland Hill). Has better items incl one from  & postcards, mainly 1940’s-50’s. Has items  piece. Four margins, VF. Init M-D. . 475.00+  Black collection .............. Est 40.00+
         Macedonia that Cat $50 & 2 diff Europa types  from 39 diff countries which are mostly addr
         from Montenegro that cat $86. Also 3 diff  to Canada & USA. Contains a great variety  757. Ú 1 (Pl 2), Neat red M/C cancel. F. Init
         stamp exhibition sheets. VF . . . Est 150.00+  of single & multiple frankings, rates, cancels,  N-G........................... 475.00
                                      14 Reg’d items, etc. Some flts but most
                                      VG-VF .................... Est 225.00+
                                     LARGE CARTON FULL WITH 1,000’s:
                                     740. ÚÛ Large carton full with a mass of un-                                         791. ÕÚ 4, Scarce used block with full mar-
                                      sorted world material, older to modern. Has                                          gins at top & bottom. F, light centre margin
                                      stamps in envelopes, on stockcards, in glass-                                        crease. A rarely seen multiple. Cat $1,750
                                      ines, on pages, in boxes, loose, etc. Lots of                                        US ...................... Est 450.00+
                                      stamps here to search & sort through (Many
                                      1,000’s) ................... Est 300.00+                                            792. Ú 5, SON “37" (Brompton) numeral post-
                                                                                                                           mark. F, small tear ............. 1,000.00
                                     SHOEBOX FULL OF LOOSE STAMPS:
                                     741. ÚÛ Shoebox with a loose unsorted
                                      accum of duplicated world stamps, older to
                                      modern. Primarily large size commems & pic-  758. Ú 1 (Pl 3), Bold red MC cancel, four
                                                                  large / huge margins, XF. Init O-D . . 575.00
                                      torials with strength in Bermuda. Mainly used,
                                      VG-VF (1,000’s) ............ Est 200.00+
         725. SSÛ All mint NH coll of 62 diff modern  BOX FULL OF UNSORTED WORLD:             770. Û 2 (Pl 1), Attractive unused example
                                                                                               with three margins, rich colour, crisp im-
          souvenir/miniature sheets. All depicting  742. ÚÛ Box crammed full of unsorted world  pression. F, traces of gum. Has 2018 APS
          Airplanes, Famous Pilots & Aviation from pio-  with stamps in ‘102’ cards, in glassines, on  Certificate. A VERY SCARCE CLASSIC
          neer type to modern jets. Has a variety of  stockcards, loose, etc. No rarities here but a
          countries incl better singles/sets that Cat $15,  terrific range of countries & issues here from  STAMP .................... 43,500.00
          $18, $22, $29 & $32. VF, NH . . Est 160.00+  older to modern. VG-VF (1,000’s) Est 225.00+  771. Ú 2 (Pl 1), Gorgeous red M/C cancel. VG+
        CHESS TOPICALS:              CARTON WITH UNSORTED ACCUMULATION                         ............................ 1,450.00
        726. ÚÛ Lighthouse stockbook with a coll  STRONG IN BR. COMMONWEALTH:                                             793. Ú 5, One Shilling Embossed, F-VF ....
         of Chess topicals, primarily mint. Has a wide  743. ÚÛ Carton from one estate with a mass                         ............................ 1,000.00
         range of sets, singles & souvenir sheets from  of unsorted material on pages, on stockcards,
         various countries. F-VF (100) . . . Est 50.00+  in glassines, etc. Has older to modern with  759. Ú 1 (Pl 4), Neat red MC cancel, F-VF.
        UNITED NATIONS RELATED TOPICALS:  strength in Br. Commonwealth. Does not  Init E-I ........................ 475.00
        727. ÚÛ Fifteen stockcards full with an accum  appear to have any rarities here but a large
         of stamps related to United Nations agencies  quantity of stamps to sort & search through
         & programs, world health, Unesco, etc. Has  (1,000’s)................... Est 275.00+
         a wide range of countries & issues. Most are  CARTON FULL OF WORLD:
         mint, F-VF (Several 100’s) ..... Est 85.00+  744. ÚÛ Carton with an unsorted accum
        SUPERHEROES ON STAMPS:        of older to modern stamps. Has stamps in
        728. ÚÛ Primarily mint coll of souv sheets  books, small boxes, on stockcards, in glass-  772. Ú 2 (Pl 1), SON black MC cancel, F-VF,
         from 5 diff countries, 1995-2003. We saw  ines, loose, etc. Incl box of mint Booklets;  notation on reverse ............ 1,100.00
         Superman, X-men, Spider Man, etc. VF, NH  stockbook of Austria; Switzerland & Germany;
         (13 SS’s, 1 booklet, 1 cover) .... Est 50.00+  2 Macedonia mint NH sheets Cat $100; some
                                      USA on stockcards; several Canada P.O.
        JOHN F. KENNEDY TOPICALS:                                                                                         794. Ú 5, Scarce One Shilling QV embossed.
        729. ÚÛ Topical coll from 1960’s honouring  Annual colls; & more (1,000’s) . Est 450.00+                           VF, tiny pinhole does not detract from this
         John F. Kennedy. Has many covers / cards,  MUSIC TOPICALS COLLECTION:  760. Ú 1 (Pl 5), Lovely SON black MC cancel,  pretty stamp.................. 1,000.00
                                                                  four margins, VF. Init L-I.......... 425.00
         plus stamps, souvenir sheets, etc. Has items  745. ÚÛ Attractive coll of MUSIC topicals. De-
         from many diff countries. Some also depict  picts a wide range of instruments, musicians,
         Jackie Kennedy & other world leaders. F-VF  composers, Elvis, John Lennon & The Beatles,
         (Few 100) ................. Est 135.00+  etc. F-VF (110 stamps, 3 covers, 12 SS’s, etc)
                                      ........................... Est 40.00+
                                     REVENUES & FISCALS:
                                     746. ÚÛ Unsorted world accum of approx 600
                                      older Revenues, Fiscals & Tax Stamps. Has
                                      a variety of countries, types, sizes, values,
                                      etc. VG-VF................. Est 150.00+
                                                                 761. Ú 1 (Pl 5), Four margins, black MC
                                                                  cancel, VF. Init R-J .............. 425.00  773. Ú 2 (Pl 1), Four full margins, neat black
                                                                                               MC cancel, rich colour. VF. A CHOICE  795. Ú 6, Ten Pence Embossed, F+ ......
                                                                 762. Ú 1 (Pl 6), Red cancel, crisp colour, F ..
                                                                  .............................. 425.00  EXAMPLE.................. 1,100.00+  ............................ 1,500.00
           TOPICAL COLLECTION 1976-1977:
         730. ÚÛ Extensive topical coll from a terrific
          range of world countries neatly displayed on
          specialty pages. Has lovely mint sets, mint
          gutter pairs, over 50 mint souvenir sheets &
          about 50 nice cach FDC’s. Clean lot, F-VF,  TRAINS & LOCOMOTIVE TOPICALS:
          mint appear NH (100’s) ...... Est 250.00+
                                     747. SSÛ Beautiful all mint topical coll of 117
        COVERS WITH SHIP CANCELS:     diff modern world souvenir/miniature sheets
        731. Ö Coll of 16 diff covers with ship cancels,  depicting Trains, Locomotives & Railways.
         from 1933 to 2003. Cards & covers from 6  Has a terrific variety of types from early vin-
         diff countries. We noted 4 diff SS Segwun,  tage trains up to modern high speed trains.  776. Ú 2b, Deep full Blue horiz strip of 6 with light red M/C cancels. F, slight crease in one stamp. AN IMPRESSIVE LARGE MULTIPLE & RARELY
         Muskoka; 3 Russian Arctic Voyages, 2 Israeli  Has many higher catalogue singles & sets  SEEN LIKE THIS. Cat $8,250+ US ............................................................................Est 2,000.00+
         covers 1954-7, etc. F-VF....... Est 45.00+  n the $10-$32 range. VF, NH. . Est 300.00+
   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18