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        576. Ö M8, Interesting coll of 6 covers from  OFFICIAL ANNUAL COLLECTION:  600. Ú Large accum/stock of used Sweden with  613. Û 2309-72, 2375-437, Close to cpl run  629. ÚÛ Has older to modern on stockcards,
         1936 all franked on reverse by British Military  588. Û 1366/1877, B594/B774, Group 6 diff  stamps from earlier issues up to about 2008.  of singles & sets, from 1982-4. VF, NH (125)  in a stockbook, on pages, in ‘102’ cards, etc.
         1 Piastre Stamps. Has various cancels, pre-  annual colls from 1982-3, 1985, 1987-8 &  Organized by Scott number on stockcards.  .................... 2024 Scott 231.00  Has a wide range of commems, defins, some
         paid crown numeral h/s’s, etc. F, one roughly  1994. VF, NH ......... 2024 Scott 290.00  Tremendous variety of commems, pictorials,  se-tenants, Germanias, early airmails, some
         opened.................... Est 125.00+                   defins, coils, incl pairs, etc. Useful duplication.      Saar, etc. VG-VF (100’s)...... Est 300.00+
        JAPAN MINT COLLECTION:                                    Also some unsorted on stockcards & several              GERMANY & BERLIN ETB COLLECTION
        577. Û 325/1249, Coll of singles, sets, blocks            pages of mint Booklets (which the previous              IN 7 ALBUMS:
         & se-tenant pairs, from 1942-76. F-VF (84) .             owner had priced up to over $225). A good lot           630. Ö Attractive coll of Germany & Berlin “ETB”
          .................... 2024 Scott 154.00                  for dealer or future dealer wanting some clean           First Day Cards, from 1975-87. Has beautiful
                                                                  stock of this popular Scandinavian country.              commems, pictorials & semi-postals. Topicals
                                                                  Mostly VG-VF (1,000’s)....... Est 350.00+                abound. VF (Approx 400) ...... Est 175.00+
                                                                 ISRAEL COLLECTION:                                       ESTATE BOX FULL OF UNSORTED
                                                                 601. ÚÛ Large binder with a coll of primarily            EUROPE WITH 1,000’s OF STAMPS:
                                                                  mint from 1948-90. Contains a tremendous                631. ÚÛ Box with a mass of unsorted European
                                                                  variety of issues with singles, many nice sets,          material, early to modern. Stamps in glassines,
                                                                  tabs, souvenir / mini-sheets, & more. Gener-  LIECHTENSTEIN MINT COLLECTION:  on stockcards, on pages, coll balances, etc.
                                                                  ally F-VF, many mints are NH (Approx 1,600)  614. Û 5/984, B18/O75, Nice coll of all diff  Largely unchecked by us but we did notice use-
                                                                  .......................... Est 275.00+  singles, sets & SS’s from 1917-92. Incl  ful Germany, Austria, Scandinavia, other West-
                                                                                               270-3 ($37), 284-6 ($37), 293-300 ($42),  ern Europe, etc. Much to sort through & should
                                                                                               356 ($55), B18-21 ($65), etc. Also others  prove rewarding. VG-VF (1,000’s) Est 250.00+
                                                                                               in the $1-$22 Cat range. F-VF, many NH  CARTON WITH
                                                                                               (148 stamps, 9 SS’s) . . . 2024 Scott 476.00
         OLDER RUSSIA COLLECTION 1858-1958:                                                                               POLAND USED ACCUMULATION:
         578. ÚÛ 5/2030, Plus BOB, Album with an  GUATEMALA COLLECTION 1871-1955:                                         632. Ú Carton with a huge accum of duplicated
          extensive coll of older issues. Has a wide  589. ÚÛ 1/359, B2/RA22, Coll of all diff singles                     used Poland, semi-sorted in envelopes. The
          array of commems, pictorials, defins, etc.  & sets in mounts on pages. Incl mint C43                             stamps range from 1950’s-2010’s with a broad
          with most being used. Lots of cpl sets  ($40), C188-96 ($35), CB5-10 ($38), etc. Has                             range of commems, pictorials, defins & BOB.
          throughout & better items to be found.  defins, commems & nice topicals like sports,                             A great source for varieties & cancels. Would
          Mostly VG-VF. Previous owner’s Cat $6,000  birds, flags, trains, maps, etc. Mostly F-VF.                         make a good lot for a packet maker. VG-VF
          (Approx 1,700) ........... Est 1,500.00+  2024 Scott $554 (463)........ Est 185.00+                              (Many 1,000’s).............. Est 200.00+
        HUNGARY MINT COLLECTION 1900-2000:
        579. Û Five double-sided stockcards with an               NETHERLANDS & COLONIES AIRMAIL
         extensive all diff coll in order, mostly in cpl         COVERS WITH KLM ITEMS, FLIGHTS, ETC:
         sets. Has a good range of issues with lots of           602. Ö Album with an interesting coll of cov-
         attractive issues plus souvenir sheets. F-VF,            ers/postcards from 1930’s-60’s. Incl Nether-
         much is NH (Over 800 stamps, plus 90 SS’s)               lands & Colonies airmail covers, first flights,
         .......................... Est 250.00+                   special flights, postcards depicting Dutch
                                                                  planes, Foreign frankings, specialty items,
                                                                  etc. Also has some loose items, clippings,
                                                                  etc. A great lot for a collector or will price up
                                                                  well for a dealer. F-VF (147) . . Est 350.00+
                                                                 SYRIA COLLECTION 1919-1938:                                  NETHERLANDS COLLECTION
                                                                 603. ÚÛ 5/268, BOB, Attractive early coll                       IN SCOTT ALBUM:
                                                                  neatly arranged on stockcards. Many col-                633. ÚÛ 1/1818, B1/C15, etc. Extensive coll
                                                                  lected both as mint & used. Majority VG-VF,  NORTH VIET NAM COLLECTION:  with thousands of stamps from 1852-1992,
                                                                  some NH (188) ........ 2024 Scott 306.00
                                                                                              615. ÚÛ 6/1814, C1/O32, Primarily mint coll  in a Scott 2-post album. Has a tremendous
                                                                 DUBAI KENNEDY IMPERF SHEET:   of all diff on black stockcards from 1954-87.  variety of commems, pictorials, defins, semi-
                                                                 604. Û (C25), Kennedy Memorial issue  Incl mint 6-7 ($50), 126-30 ($32), O1-4  postals, dues, officials, etc. Lots of nice sets
                                                                  IMPERF 75np sheet of 50 (similar in design to  ($44), etc. Also others in the $2 - $16 Cat  & singles to be found. Also has various
              FRANCE AIRMAIL SHEET:                               #C25) with red “22 / NOVEMBER” overprint.
         580. Û C32, Cpl sheet of 25 of the 1,000                 VF, NH, trivial corner flaws. Scott unlisted ..  range. F-VF (198) ..... 2023 Scott 518.00  Dutch Colonials with Netherlands Antilles,
          Fr Provence Airmail. Shows lathework in  OLD AUSTRIA    ........................... Est 50.00+  FRENCH POLYNESIA BOOKLET PANES:  Netherlands Indies, Surinam & some Dutch
                                                                                                                           New Guinea. A good lot with many better
          selvedge at each end, plate number & dated  POSTMARK ACCUMULATION:                 616. Û 983/1084, Lot of 6 diff Booklet panes
          corner. Fresh, VF, NH. A VERY SCARCE  590. Ú Interesting accum of 19th & early 20th  from 2008-12. VF, NH. . . 2024 Scott 148.00  singles & sets in the $10-$190 Cat value
          SHEET ............ 2024 Scott 2,375.00  Century stamps all selected for their can-  NAZI GERMANY MINT NH:        range. Mainly VG-VF. Previous owner says
                                                                                                                           Cat approx $5,000 (1,000’s) . Est 1,200.00+
                                      cels. Has a wide range of stamp issues with
        STOCKBOOK OF                                                                         617. Û B186/B269, Pristine coll of Third Reich  BULGARIA COLLECTION 1892-1976:
        GERMANY & SWITZERLAND:        cancels from the Austrian Empire in Europe              mint NH semi-postal singles & sets, from
        581. ÚÛ “GOLD” Lighthouse stockbook with  & Offices Abroad. Contains a tremendous     1940-4. Also B192 UR imprint block. F-VF,  634. ÚÛ Heavy Schaubek album in good
         a primarily used accum from the early 1900’s  array of town cancels plus other & types.  NH (40) .............. 2024 Scott 158.00  condition with a mainly used coll on printed
                                                                                                                           pages. Good base to build on. VG-VF (Many
         up to 2016. Has a wide variety of issues with  This was acquired over many years by the  PALESTINE MINT STAMPS:   100’s)..................... Est 100.00+
         Germany incl used C36-7 Zeppelins ($84),  previous owner. VG-VF (396) . Est 750.00+  618. Û 2/84, Lot of all diff on a stockcard from
         C46-56 ($76), nice group of Switzerland incl  INDONESIA SOUVENIR SHEETS MINT NH:     1918-42. Mostly F-VF (29) 2024 Scott 133.00
         used 301 ($95), 303 ($70), & more. Generally  591. SSÛ 998a/B231b, Nice lot of 10 diff  FRENCH POLYNESIA SOUVENIR SHEETS:
         F-VF (Many 100’s)........... Est 225.00+  souvenir sheets from 1960’s-80’s. VF, NH ..  619. SSÛ C47a/C136a, Three diff souvenir
        ALAOUITES COLLECTION 1925-1928:  .................... 2024 Scott 190.00               sheets from 1968-76. Incl C47a ($160),
        582. ÚÛ 26/48, BOB, Attractive coll neatly  GRAF ZEPPELIN COVERS 1932:                C77a ($190), & C136a ($90). F-VF, NH (3) .
         arranged on a stockcard. Nice range of  592. Ö Three GRAF ZEPPELIN Apr 1932           .................... 2024 Scott 440.00
         regular & airmail issues. We noted C21 mint  Second South America Flight cards & cover,
         NH ($90), etc. F-VF, many NH (26) .......  Recife to Friedrichshafen leg from Argentina,
          .................... 2024 Scott 269.00  Bolivia & Brazil. Attractive cachets, multi-
                                      frankings & postmarks. F...... Est 150.00+  COLOMBIA SPECIMEN SPECIALTY LOT:
                                                                 605. Û Exceptional coll of American Bank
                                                                  Note Co. 19th Century Condor / Crest de-                     WWI PRISONER OF WAR
                                                                  sign Revenues with various red or black
                                                                  “SPECIMEN” overprints. Most are in Gutter                      CORRESPONDENCE:
                                                                  Pairs. Nice range of printings from 1¢ to               635. Ö Very interesting correspondence from
                                                                                                                           an Austro-Hungarian POW held in Italy
                                                                  2 Pesos. F-VF, NH. Usual printer’s punch                 1917-19. Has mail to him & back to his fam-
                                                                  holes. Ex Bileski estate priced at $700 (115)
                                                                   ......................... Est 350.00+                   ily in Budapest. Various handstamps, mark-
                                                                                                  REUNION MINT COLLECTION:  ings, dates, etc. Also 4 Telegrams to him. A
                                                                 MONTENEGRO POSTCARDS:        620. Û 108/317, BOB, Fresh mint coll neatly  good research lot. F (72 items) Est 400.00+
                                                                 606. Ö 68 (3), 69 (5), Interesting coll of 8 diff  arranged on a stockcard, from 1922-55. We
                                                                  b/w & colour postcards all used from Cetinje  noted B5-9 & CB1 ($87), C40 NH ($55), etc.  BAVARIA ACCUMULATION:
                                                                  1905-06. Addr to England & various European  F-VF, some NH (69 diff) 2024 Scott 340.00  636. ÚÛ Accum on ‘102’ cards & stockcards
                                                                                                                           with a range of 19th & early 20th Century
                                                                  countries. Scenes incl Russian Embassy,
                                         PARIS FRANCE 1910 FLOOD:                                                          issues, mainly mint. Has some better items.
                                     593. Ö All diff coll of b/w postcards depicting  Monastery, Market, boat on Lake Scutari,  GERMANY BERLIN MINT STOCK:  Also has some Upper Silesia. Mostly VG-VF
                                      scenes of the GREAT FLOOD OF PARIS in  soldiers at Cetinje Turret, women in native  621. Û 9N120/9N470, Pristine mint NH stock  (Over 200) ................. Est 100.00+
                                      1910. This catastrophe was caused by the  costumes, etc. VG-VF ........ Est 100.00+  neatly arranged & identified in glassines,  SPANISH SAHARA MINT COLLECTION:
                                      Seine River which was carrying winter rains  LIECHTENSTEIN MINT NH AIRMAILS:  from 1957-81. Has about 280 diff from 6 to  637. Û 62/237, Attractive mint coll neatly ar-
                                      from its tributaries. The water pushed up-  607. Û C9-16, Attractive lot with Bird set,  30 of a kind (mostly 24 of each). VF, NH  ranged on pages, from 1951-75. Appears
                                      wards from overflowing sewers & subway  Zeppelin set & surcharge. Fresh, VF, NH,  (Must be 6,000+ stamps)..... Est 600.00+  close to cpl for much of period. Beautiful
                                      tunnels. Postcards show the terrible flood-  2023 Scott $590 ............ Est 350.00+  COLOMBIA ACCUMULATION:  topicals throughout. We noted C17-8 ($55),
                                      ing, rescue boats with fancy people & poor  PALAU COVERS LOADED WITH TOPICALS:  622. ÚÛ Chocolate box with a loose unsorted  etc. F-VF, most NH (190) 2024 Scott 191.00
           GREENLAND MINT PLATE BLOCKS  people, etc. Also one Flood postcard from  608. Ö Gorgeous coll of approx 60 diff cach  accum form the early 1900’s-80’s. Lots to
             SPECIALIZED COLLECTION:  1924. F-VF, most unused (15). Est 175.00+  unaddr FDC’s/FD Cards from the 1980’s-90’s.  sort through with commems, defins, airmails  DENMARK MINT NH:
         583. ÕÛ 49/445, B8/B30, Specialized coll                 Loaded with all kinds of topicals incl Japanese  & other BOB, a few SS’s & more. Generally  638. Û Stockbook full with an immaculate coll
          of various issues in mint Plate Number  FRENCH WEST AFRICA  Artwork, ships, sports, flowers, planes, etc.  VG-VF (Many 100’s) ......... Est 100.00+  of mints from the 1970’s-90’s. Has commems,
          Corner Blocks of 4. Has been arranged in  COUNTRY COMPLETE:  Has many lovely se-tenants, souvenir sheets,  SHOEBOX FULL OF AUSTRIA:  pictorials, defins, nice sets, plus many book-
          Plate Number order from #G001 to G342.  594. ÚÛ 1-86, B1-3, C1-28, J1-10, O1-12,  etc. Many are large size. VF . . . Est 100.00+  623. ÚÛ Shoebox filled with a loose unsorted  lets, SS’s, etc. Fresh, VF, NH (Approx 550
          VERY NEAR COMPLETE FOR THESE  COMPLETE COUNTRY COLLECTION from                                                   diff) ................ 2024 Scott 1,349.00
          NUMBERS. Incl better singles & sets in the  1943-59. F-VF (139) .... 2024 Scott 227.00  hoard from the 19th Century to the 1990’s.
                                                                                              Loaded with many nice commems, pictorials,
          $20-$70 Cat value range. Also one block  MIDDLE EAST IN STOCKBOOK:                  defins, semi-postals, other BOB, & more.
          that Cat $140. F-VF, NH. A RARELY SEEN  595. ÚÛ Eight page stockbook (16 sides) with  Great lot to sort through! Generally VG-VF
          COLLECTION. 2024 Scott $3,520 (344  a duplicated accum of mainly 1960’s-70’s is-    (1,000’s)................... Est 200.00+
          Blocks) ................. Est 1,200.00+  sues. Starts out with various mint Israel in or-
                                      der; & is followed by various used Arab States         SHOEBOX OF INDONESIA:
        GERMANY ZEPPELIN COVER:       which are loaded with popular topicals. F-VF           624. ÚÛ Shoebox with an unsorted hoard from
        584. Ö C37, Tied on cach GRAF ZEPPELIN  (100’s) ..................... Est 80.00+      the 1940’s-2000’s. Has a tremendous variety
         America Flight cover 11 Oct 1928 to New                                              of issues with commems, pictorials, defins,
         York. F, some edge wear ..... Est 100.00+                                            singles, sets, BOB, & more. Generally F-VF
        POLAND                                                                                (Few 1,000) ................ Est 150.00+
        585. ÚÛ Interesting collection of Municipal
         Government Locals, from 1914-8. We noted
         Przedborg (3), Warsaw (5), Zarki (5), mint                 FRANCE COLLECTION 1852-1959:                             JORDAN COLLECTION 1922-2018:
         Poland #’s 65-8 with “Porto” overprints (5 diff).       609. ÚÛ Attractive coll on hingeless pages               639. ÚÛ 13/2385, B4/RA21, Large Light-
         Also 2 WWI Polish Legion issues. F-VF (20                with a wide range of commems, pictorials,                house stockbook with a comprehensive coll
         diff items)................... Est 75.00+                defins, semi-postals, plus airmails, etc. Ma-            nearing completion for many sections of this
                                                                  jority are mint after the 1920’s with lots of            period. Primarily mint with a terrific range
        SWITZERLAND OFFICIALS 1938-1950:
        586. ÚÛ O1/O47, Primarily used coll of all diff           cpl sets & attractive singles. Incl better sin-          of commems, pictorials, defins, souvenir
                                                                  gles up to $50 each & mint sets like B285-
         on pages. Incl used O19-47 ($102), etc. F-VF             90 ($137), B294-9 ($111). VG-VF. Previous                sheets, plus BOB. Incl better items through-
         (51) ................. 2024 Scott 138.00  COMPLETE FRENCH COLONIES 1949:                                          out. F-VF, most mints are NH. 2024 Scott
                                     596. Û Cpl omnibus set of French Colonies  owner said Cat approx $2,600 (835)......   $4,745 (Many 100’s) ....... Est 1,500.00+
                                      1949 UPU issues. VF, LH (12 diff) .......  ......................... Est 700.00+
                                      .................... 2024 Scott 137.25  HATAY COLLECTION 1939:                      GREECE COLLECTION 1875-1986:
                                                                                                                          640. ÚÛ 43a/1569, BOB, Interesting coll of pri-
                                     TIBET RATION COUPONS:       610. Û 1-13, 25-37, Mint coll neatly arranged             marily used, neatly displayed on pages. Ranges
                                     597. Û Interesting accum of Tibet Ration Cou-  on pages. F-VF (26) .... 2024 Scott 133.00  from imperf Hermes Heads up to modern topical
                                      pons circa 1960’s-80’s, used for shortages                                           commems & pictorials. VG-VF (712) Est 90.00+
                                      of food, fuel & clothing. Has various types,                                        LATIN AMERICA COVER COLLECTION:
                                      designs, sizes, etc. F-VF (86) . . Est 100.00+           GERMANY DEALER’S STOCK 1952-2001  641. Ö Attractive coll of 99 diff covers/postcards
                                     CUBA MINT NH COLLECTION:                                     IN GLASSINES IN 2 BOXES:  from WWII era to early 1950’s. Strength in Ar-
                                     598. Û 746a/1988, Lovely mint NH coll neatly             625. ÚÛ Extensive stock neatly identified in  gentina, Mexico & Venezuela. Primarily airmail
                                      arranged on stockcards, from 1962-75. Has a              glassines in 2 black dealer’s boxes. Attrac-  covers to Canada & USA with a variety of single
                                      broad range of beautiful topical singles, sets           tive range of West German commems &  & multiple frankings incl 9 Reg’d & 11 Censored
                                      & souvenir sheets. F-VF, NH (368 stamps,                 semi-postals (some in blocks). Hundreds of  items. Majority VG-VF, some flts . . Est 75.00+
                                      8 SS’s)............... 2024 Scott 503.00                 diff topicals & thematics. Also some DDR up
                                                                                               to 1989. A very clean stock ready for retail.
                                                                                               F-VF, most mint are NH (Several 1,000)...
                                                                                               ......................... Est 650.00+
                                                                                             SHOEBOX OF AUSTRIA:
                                                                        REPUBLIC OF CHINA    626. ÚÛ Shoebox filled with a completely un-
                                                                       MINT NH COLLECTION:    sorted hoard from the 19th Century - 1990’s,
                                                                 611. Û 1232/2300, BOB, Pristine mint NH coll  primarily used. Has a wide variety to sort
                                                                  neatly arranged on stockcards, from 1959-  through incl commems, defins, BOB, & more.
                                                                  81. Many cpl runs here; with an amazing  Generally VG-VF (Few 1,000). . Est 125.00+
               FRENCH COLONIES
              FORGERY COLLECTION:                                 range of cpl topical sets; plus souvenir  ISRAEL FIRST DAY COVERS:
                                                                  sheets. Some highlights are 1386-9 & 1408-
         587. ÚÛ Springback album with an extensive               11 ($67), 1429-32 & 1454-61 ($90), 1466-70  627. Ö Attractive coll of 245 diff cach FDC’s
          specialized coll of French Colonial forgeries.          & 1483-5 ($84), 1550-5 ($47), C73-86 ($64),  from 1948 up to 2016. We noted several early
          Primarily the Navigation & Commerce types                                           sets; plus a nice range of 80 diff recent from  HUNGARY
          circa 1890’s-1900’s by the famous forger  YUGOSLAVIA COLLECTION 1918-1959:  etc. F-VF, NH. 2024 Scott Approx $2,325  2013-6. Many colourful topicals here. F-VF,  POST WAR COLLECTION 1945-1963:
          Francois Fournier but also has a few others  599. ÚÛ 1L1/554, B1/1K4, Coll of all diff  (907 stamps, 14 SS’s) ....... Est 800.00+  unaddr .................... Est 150.00+  642. ÚÛ Binder with an extensive coll
          (no modern digital types). One page gives  singles & sets in mounts on pages. Incl mint  AUSTRIA MINT STOCK:  SWEDEN USED ACCUMULATION:  mounted on printed pages with lots of cpl
          important information on how to tell the dif-  2L24-7 ($42), 295-9 ($37), 305-15 ($55),  612. Û 124/1379, Useful dealer’s stock, all  628. Ú 342/2546, Box with an extensive clean  sets. Incl a wide range of commems, defins,
          ference on a Fournier forgery from the origi-  355-7 ($40), 411-4 ($41), 415-9 ($35), 424-  Scott numbered & priced in ‘102’ cards. Has  used accum identified in glassines, from 1943  airmails, semi-postals, postage dues, sou.
          nal. Has a wide array of colonies incl many  32 ($42), 497-505 ($33), C30-2 ($32); used  sets & singles with useful duplication & nothing  up to 2006. Approx 1,200 diff from 1 to 10+  sheets, etc. Has out of date pencil Cat val-
          from seldom seen smaller places. Nicely  269-72 ($30), etc. Also many others in the  excessive. Has lots of better items that Cat $5,  of each. A multitude of attractive engraved  ues on the pages from some years ago. We
          displayed & a splendid coll. Rarely offered  $1-$26 Cat range. VG-VF, some mint NH.  $10, $15, $20, $30+. F-VF, primarily all NH.  topicals here. Would make a good basis for a  estimate the Scott Cat value in the $1,500-
          material. VG-VF (330)...... Est 1,250.00+  2024 Scott $1,344 (782) ..... Est 450.00+  2024 Scott $1,125 (380 stamps) Est 350.00+  retail stock. F-VF (Several 1,000) Est 250.00+  $2,000 range. F-VF (100’s) . . . Est 450.00+
   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16